Gaijin why no official discussion/vote before neffing Rocket damage to base?

Using rocket to bomb bases has been a bombing method for a time. It gives more SL and research than average bomb(on the other hand rocket got more air resistance thus fly slower). For some aircraft,using rocket to bomb base has become an important and even primary playing method(like J35XS).

And all of sudden you guys just remove it without any discussion? Nerfing such gaming method is equal to nerfing aircraft’s revenue, eventually reduce the player’s SL/research income!

I’m really nervous that such significant changes didn’t get any prior notice/discussion. After all, player who switching to bombs will find their bombing-base income decrease by about 10% compared with using rocket, and I really don’t know how would J35XS player play their game when the plane is so broken,suit for nothing but bombing. This is a big problem Gaijin and don’t try to cover it. The community NEED a discussion.


Guys,This is not about bombing method,this is about revenue. Using rocket got HIGHER income than average bomb.Us the player find it and Gaijin try to stop us from getting it.

You can say you are a tornado player and don’t care about what rocket,but I say you won’t play the Tornado all your life. One day you will fly something like F4C or something similar eventually.

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I think this is it

Real attackers/bombers arriving at the front after the fast little fighters have miraculously cleaned up all bases with a handful of tiny rockets:

(Hopefully, a picture from the past)


You didn’t even read my point. My point is Rocket have higher income than bomb and we need discussion before neffing it. Let’s assume you are an A10 player, Those phantom will fly faster than you no matter they carry bomb or rocket,but using rocket could gave your more revenue if you have opportunity to bomb.

I think that this complaint of yours is momentary, when you don’t depend on bases for the grind you’ll realise that it’s irrelevant :)

Yeah you can say again to those J35XS player lol

Players who play j35XS have to grind with kills and not with bases


And THAT was the issue with this now corrected bug: Using rockets and profiting excessively from it (compared to use bombs) should not be a thing.


Grind with no RWR, no all aspects missile,no radar missile and less CM when other aircraft at same BR having these? That’s suffer,not grind.


It was a bug.


Imagine, the specific aeroplane we’re talking about, it’s extremely strong, you don’t need radar missiles, just use irst radar and abuse your missiles in rear aspect.

…just as the fast Base respawn timer was a bug.

My observation is that the community tends to take advantages we get from such bugs as granted and feel entitled to keep it. Or are outraged once it gets corrected and they lose that unintended advantage.

Unpopular view, I’m fully aware, but not necessarily untrue.


It is a bug fix, as already stated by other players in previous thread, there is no need to create new one on same topic.
Changelog is in preparation and will be published soon, sorry for delay.