Gaijin, what the hell were you thinking giving Russian 45mm Prop Aircraft APHE belts?

Why are you so focused on fire rate? Should all 37mm and 30mm cannon planes go up in br as they can pen 40+mm and but fire faster?

Quoting is twisting now eh? That’s funny.
Oh look another high horse individual…

There are planes that have 1 Tap capabilities in USA with a cannon, I could care less, but you target only Russia, because you hate Russia. It’s okay, it’s a skill issue, no harm about that.
Had you said “all large cannon planes” I wouldn’t have cared, but often Russia is the target of low skill players who don’t know or don’t care to learn how to counter them.

Cannon planes that are highly maneuverable, have excellent low-speed acceleration and contain explosive APHE magic nuke filler.

The magical nuke is a pretty key part of this. Sphere of death makes a big difference to solid shot.


30mm and 37mm guns are firstly automatic (so you have less choice for single shot), secondly less accurate, and crucially fire solid shot, not APHE.

I won’t bother discussing anything else you said in the post: it’s too easily refutable by scrolling up to bother wasting the time.


The 45mm is automatic. That argument makes little sense as you said yourself “trigger discipline”

You’re able to fire single shots with it, right? You aren’t forced to fire more than one in a burst? With the 30mm and 37mm it takes conscious effort and timing to only fire one round.


Oh don’t get contradictory on me now

Totally agree - the guy sounds like a blind man talking about colours…


Calls about XA-38:


I don’t see sphere of death high pen APHE anywhere.





Off my head, only plane I can think of with APHE is the Bf109F4:

10 mm penetration at 0.5 km out, 7.8g TNT equivalent.

Let’s look at the Yak 9K


48mm pen at 500 meters, 29.26 gram TnT equivalent.

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The AP-T round on both the XA-38 and Hs 129 B-3 are the 75 mm M61 APCBC-HE and 75 mm Pzgr.39 APCBC-HE respectively. And the one on the Me 262 A-1/U4 is the 50 mm Pzgr.39 APC-HE.

The game just calls them AP-T in the belt selection but you can even see they have explosive filler. If you test them, they explode in a “sphere of death”.

They are APHE.


Isn’t that the plane that shook itself apart when using the gun? So it wasn’t really used?

If so, seems like it shouldn’t have been added at all.


The problem is less the gun and shell (tho high fire rate and accuracy) more where it is found, on the Yak 9K a fast and nimble Figher fitting the rolls of every plane, where other high caliber guns are on bad to ok twin engine planes.


No, they don’t. Not even close. Not only are those aircraft far fewer in numbers, they aren’t agile fast fighters that can out turn most energies.


Actually, why don’t we look at other single engine fighters with a big gun like the 9K?

USA: P-63A-10, quite a good plane for ground battles. Only one BR step below the Yak-9K, yet its gun is so much worse - 37mm of pen at point blank and no HE filler.
Of course you get bombs, but you can’t really fight other planes with them; the Yak-9K doesn’t have to jettison its 45mm gun to do so.

Germany: closest is the Fw 190 F-8 at 5.0. You get two horribly inaccurate gunpods with low ammo count (35rpg), no APHE, and mounted way far out under the wings so convergence becomes an issue. HVAP has terrible postpen. Flight performance is worse than the 9K in all accounts except top speed (when clean, with these HUGE draggy gunpods it might be slower), and acceleration is worse.

Britain: Tempest V Vickers P. Initially looks really good, but it handles like a boat and still uses solid shot, which at this caliber, with unimpressive fire rate and mounted far out in the wings is not great. There’s a reason even at 3.7 these are very rare.

Japan: ZERO true counterparts. No really, they never put a gun above 30mm (that has been added to WT) in a single engine plane. There’s plenty in twin engines but 99% of them suck anyway.
The closest you get is the premium J2M5, with a worse flightmodel than the tech tree one, that gets just two 30mm cannons - of course mounted far out in the wings - and 84rds split across them. 38mm of penetration is only good for light vehicles most of the time, though if you’re willing to spend half your ammo on one target you can sometimes sneak a shot through, say, a Skink’s armor and that will cripple them.
Against most tanks you will have to hit engine decks or just ignore them, and of course shooting planes is ill-advised now that you’re shooting APHE that won’t fuse on aircraft skin and requires you to hit something important. That is usually on the center of the plane. With your wing-mounted guns.

China: even less than Japan. Closest is the… P-38L, I guess? With its nose-mounted 20mm cannon. It’s not even incendiary AP…

Italy: Yak-9P can mount the N-37, same as russia’s Yak-9P. Better engine than the 9K obviously but the gun is quite a bit worse for ground attack, and its 5.0

I guess the EVENT VEHICLE 109 F-4 is also an option, but like others before - low accuracy gunpods, mounted far out in the wings. Ammo count is good (135rpg) but the 15mm cermet rounds deal very little damage to both planes and tanks.

France: P-63C-5 (identical to P-63A-10 above, slightly different engine), OR Hispano 20mms (identical to P-38L’s), OR a Yak-9T with a similar NS-37 to the italian pick but with much more penetration - still SOLID SHOT and unlike the N-37 this isn’t incendiary.

Sweden: 20mm cannons only, identical pen to Hispanos and likely just license-produced copies.

Israel: they don’t have a ground tree at a relevant BR.

As we can see, the Yak-9K is completely isolated and far superior to the other single engine fighter, gun CAS aircraft. Even those with “a lot” of bombs (usually up to 4 bombs big enough to be worth using, on very few fighters) are far more limited in kill potential than 29 rounds of 45mm; and of course, carrying those bombs makes you almost a free kill to enemy fighters that actually know how to do pilot stuff.


I like how you had to move the goalposts to defend your precious Soviet aircraft.
You also proved that USA and Britain have equivalents despite your movement of goalposts fallacy.

You also did a “No True Scotsman” fallacy when attempting Japan.
All in order to distort reality in a failed attempt that Soviets are somehow unique.

How did you come to that conclusion?

No other nation has a plane similar to the Yak-9K, they are all either larger twin engine planes, or they lack APHE. The closest thing is the Me-262 A-1/U4, but that’s 6.3 and on a relatively poor platform.

They are unique because only one nation has a somewhat comparable plane.


Germany, USA, Britain, etc aren’t “one nation”.
“Twin engine” is a movement of goalposts.

“Twin engine” has been part of the discussion from the beginning.


Apart from the Me-262, all other APHE capable tank busters are on larger twin engine aircraft.

All single engine fighter planes with that capability only have solid AP or HVAP.

The Yak has the best of both.

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I don’t think you understand how potent the Me410 is.
It’s quite literally more powerful than all the Yaks in the game because of its HVAP munition.