I seriously cannot grasp how you thought this would be acceptable. You buffed some of the strongest aircraft at their BR and thought it would just be fine?!
I honestly have to give up on trusting your team to do balance with how blatantly absurd this change was. I just had to sit through a game where a guy ran a 4 aircraft lineup of JUST THE BUFFED AIRFRAMES and got 12 kills by one tapping my entire team. It doesn’t matter what you play. They kill you. You turned every Russian 45mm Prop into a better Polkisturer with bombs.
This is UNACCEPTABLE. Do something.
Germans, USA, etc have similar aircraft.
No, they don’t. Not at 4.0 where they can front penetrate every damn tank and kill them instantly.
How many small props with a potent APHE-slinger similar to the 9K that can also dogfight well does America have?
No aircraft in WT can “kill tanks instantly”, however
Some examples:
The 5.0 A-10:
An aircraft whose anti-air armament is barely on par with a 1.0 just with a better airframe does not make a meta dogfighter for the BR. Requires more skill than my A6M5, Spitfire, Soviet Hurricane, F6F, etc.
Mosquitos and the 410 Messerschmidts and PBJs are big, fat enormous planes that are very easy to shoot out of the sky with SPAA and even the worst shot can hit them even at a high aspect.
Also AP is not APHE. APHE will nuke the internals if it penetrates. AP might spall and kill, but might also do no damage.
There’s a difference between a large cannon being on a heavy fighter/light bomber, and a single seat, single engine fighter aircraft.
They’re as easy to shoot as a Yak, then again I took the months of practice with SPAA to get good enough with even bofors.
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I guess every single guy, including myself and the several Shermans he shot, were just not real because you claim the 45mm can’t one shot anything :/
Not what was said in either my post or the post my post responded to.
Yak is not new, it is not unique, and I’ve been doing gun runs in Me 410 B-6 especially for the last few years because of its high pen and ammo count.
I saw exactly 3 Yaks when playing over 2 dozen 4.x matches, and one of which shot me… 5 passes, and I myself was in a medium tank likely a Sherman.
You know that the P-400 / P-39 / P-63 was right there, to be used as a counter-example, not that it is a one to one with the -9K, due to needing to pick between HE and AP belts.
Ah, the average thread were Alvis makes bonkers claim and the rest of the community gets stuck in a 100 billion trillion replies to prove him false and yet he can’t seem to understand any of it
The APHE it got was. It made it much more effective against tanks than it was before. With AP it was balanced, but good APHE on a platform like that is a bit much.
That player must’ve had bad aim.
Aircraft guns have eh dispersion in general.
If I got into a Yak test flight, I’d expect its dispersion to be at best as-good as the Me 410 I fly, which doesn’t have an expert crew and even in that I’m liable to eat through a bit of ammo.
And yes, I fire semi-auto as semi-auto fire reduces dispersion to its “first fire” state whenever I can.
Yeah, Ivans don’t even need to bother with anything else in that BR range for CAS. Just bring a Yak-9K or whatever like the PE-8 and you profit.
As if their line-up in that BR range wasn’t enough of a hassle, now they dialed it up to 11. Was playing 4.3 the other day with a buddy and every match against Russia was a loss. Between lot of KV-1E’s, T-34E’s and then the 9K spam, it was not a good time.
9K’s have been needing an uptier for awhile now, so we’ll see if this finally clinches that.
Meanwhile, pretty much no USSR planes get bombs. (Primarily the fighters)
And most other nations get bombs with their fighters, it’s for balance more than anything.
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Bombs take a fair bit more effort to place, especially on moving targets than mouse aim gunfire on an agile fighter though. APHE mouse aim cannon you can just point and click towards any exposed roof and as long as it hits a crew compartment, it’s a dead tank.
U.S multiple 1 ton bombs are bollocks, this I’ll give. However, that would be balanced if runway took ~3 minutes of flying to reach rather than less than a minute it currently does.
Think it’s rather telling that since the APHE addition, you could witness players fairly regularly get 10-15 kills using TIS-MA and Yak-9k while other CAS rarely if ever reaches that scale. One soviet game I played, I was getting constant teamwork medals with no enemies to shoot because my squadmate was a yak-9k.
You’re definitely over blowing this issue, have you seen the USA 6.0-7.0 planes? My A-1H can carry 24~ ish 500 lb bombs, not to mention many other ordnance options. Now I play on controller, and am fairly decent with aiming planes guns on tanks, but with a bomb I can drop and fly away before I would even be in range to get hit by anything.
24 chances btw. And since the A-1H is usa, it is very unlikely you’ll see any .50cal anti air fire from tanks too.
But I could go crazy and get the 250 lb bombs out, or the 2000lbs, 1000s, etc.
I despise fighting america as Britain as the enemy team turns into planes when killed, but I’ve not seen american CAS ramp up 15 kills in 1 life so easily.
You’re lucky then. If I’m playing any nation vs USA or Germany, then forget it. 6-10 mins in there is 4-8 aircraft up bombing the hell out of my team.
My buddies I play with came up with code “2-88” for when we all j out to get in AAs
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