Gaijin, what the hell were you thinking giving Russian 45mm Prop Aircraft APHE belts?

the only equivalent in its anti tank top down killing ability is the ME 262 with the 50mm canon. its insanely powerful


If you’re willing to speak on it, let’s test it shall we?

Planes vs tanks

another time dont see why not, its past midnight for me. I hammer the hell out of tanks with only ground belts on Hispano 20mms. Ive been one shot by Yak and 262 canons enough times to know they are absurd

And how exactly would that work?

Custom battle, someone spawns in a tank, @ULQ_LOVER can bring out all the mentioned planes, as I’m sure he has them all.

We will spectate and so on. Bringing the optimal anti ground load out to see which is the most effective.

I’m referring to Gajin’s devs being high.

I would say out of all the aircraft the me262 has the cake as it has 106mm pen for the same explosive mass as the 45mm.

With half the fire rate, and more ammo, I see why this is so commonly played. I think the fire rate is actually too quick for the Yak to be more effective with the lack of ammo, causing more to be wasted.

I just can’t see how any of these aren’t already set at a good br.

fast fire rates are a curse but learning how to burst fire remedies that quickly.

Aircraft need different BRs for GRB across the whole board not just at high tier, the 262 50mm and the Yaks are a good example for it as a semi decent player shreds with them


Yes, it is also a larger target and is at a significantly higher BR. “Look, this plane is balanced because a plane just as good at it exists in another tree (please do not mention that the one in the other tree is a higher BR fighting stronger opponents)”. I do not see how you can say one plane is equal to another, and then with a straight face deny that they should be the same battle rating.

To be clear, the Yak-9k should not be at the same battle rating as the 50mm Me 262, but the logic of your thesis doesn’t hold to the basest of scrutiny. Battle ratings, as a whole, should be decided on the basis of an individual vehicle, and the strength of that vehicle’s lineup should only be considered secondly. Thus, it would matter little if this was the sole CAS option for Russia (which is far from the case), it still would not be placed so low.


Powerful gun can’t replace the rockets and bombs, especially if there are tons of SPAA looking at you, dive and shoot is like kamikaze

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The Me262 isn’t massively bigger than the Yak.

Bombs are far more lethal and you chose to ignore that fact. You chose to ignore there are more dangerous lower br vehicles based on fire rate alone,
but the logic of your thesis doesn’t hold to the basest of scrutiny

Beyond the fact that you yourself have discounted fire rate as an advantage in the planes being discussed, I do not agree that bombs or rockets are more lethal.

Aside from a few exceptions, bombs are relatively easy to get kills with, but also limited to usually 1-4.

Rockets have higher potential to get several consecutive kills, and are especially good against SPAA, but also take a fair deal of skill to aim (and infact I have never mastered it; I could probably fire 20 HVARs at the same target without real damage).

Guns, with only a few exceptions, tend to fire in a straight line on a predictable trajectory. They are also far easier to snap shot.

As to the Me 262’s size, it is about 2 meters longer and 3 meters wider in wingspan (so around 25% longer and 50% wider), the fuselage is at least twice as large, and the engines are exposed on the wings. It may not be as large as some twin engine fighters, but it’s certainly enough of a difference compared to the Yak-9k to be a strong consideration. You also, again, neglect to mention that it is a much higher BR.


You didn’t even read what I said XD I said the fire rate being too quick is a downside more than a upside


The more you fire = more dispersion and also more chance to jam

Choose to fire more slowly? Unless your aim is truly terrible, it cannot pain you to fire 2-3 accurate shots and then pull off. With a high ROF on a semi-automatic weapon, you have the choice to fire quickly or slowly at your leisure. With a low ROF, you have one less of those two options.

It’s called trigger discipline.


So you agree single shots are more accurate

By comparing all this vehicles and saying that they are on proper B.R.

You don’t see the difference between a smaller, more mobile and faster airframe? Please, don’t make Yourself look as bad.

Like with that, You can’t be writing this and wanting me to take Your words seriously.

In 1vs1 situation that is not a battle, You are not able to determine which of them is the most effective.


One big thing the Yak APHE has over the ME262s:

It’s a propeller plane.

Propeller planes experience their fastest, best acceleration at low airspeeds.
Jets accelerate painfully slow at low airspeeds.

For a CAS aircraft that regularly slows down to avoid striking the ground and twists and turns all around to avoid SPAA fire… which acceleration type do you think is more favourable?

With the Yak 9, you can basically stall on top of the enemy, take your shot and then accelerate back to very maneuverable and capable speeds.

It’s a similar issue as the F4U-4s, except with even better stamina (F4U4 has to RTB at least after a few bomb drops and its cannon lacks explosive filler that can penetrate for the B variant)

Also, this whole thread proves the massive disparity APHE has. Wish that vote passed.


Either way you have your first shot. It is your choice, if you have the rate of fire, to continue shooting. If not, then single shots are all you have. Increased ROF is still absolutely an advantage because they give you an extra choice (not least for ranging shots, because accuracy penalties don’t usually set in until after a few shots anyways), and nowhere did I say or imply otherwise.

If the roles were reversed and it was, say, and American aircraft with the higher ROF and the Russian one had the lower, I have little doubt you’d be shouting to the hills about the overpowered American death cannon. It has become very clear, over the course of this topic, that you are twisting others’ words to suit you, and where you cannot do that you entirely fabricate something regardless of what was truly spoken, or else you interpret what others say in the poorest faith manner I have seen outside of deranged greentext posts.