Gaijin. Update Sim EC


Gaijin. To the development team for Air Simulator battles, I hope you guys see this. I was going to make a video on this and link it to this thread, but at this point. Why bother wasting my time with “update sim” content when it’s been neglected. The least you can do is update a few things for sim players at the respected BR rotations that we have been discussing on the simulator mode section of the forums for awhile now.

When are you going to re-work sim EC? You haven’t re-worked objectives, AI, added new EC maps, or even touched simulator battles in over a year. I’ve compiled a short list of things that would be a nice change or addition to sim EC. Bigger maps are NOT one of them because having bigger maps are not the problem. The problem is the eb and flow of sim EC because of the lack of updated AI, objectives, and airfield defense. If bigger maps were the problem, players would only fly the bigger 128km maps on EC. Yet, they (not all) still fly Tunisia and other smaller and flat maps on EC, then take it to other sim threads, etc. And complain (not all) about small maps and multi-pathing when they (not all) still choose these smaller, flatter maps.

So here we go.

  1. Add Pyrenees, Kamchatka, and Mysterious Valley maps to sim making an EC version. More sim maps to fly and more variety of them along with more that have terrain. This one is simple enough.

  2. Re-work the AI and objectives. The bombers objective, attacker objective, surveillance aircraft objective, the two airfield defense aircraft, etc.They are still 50’s - 60’s aircraft at 10.0 BR rotations and above. Replace them with updated AI aircraft. Something to look and shoot at besides MiG 15’s, MiG 17’s, Saber’s, F-104’s, Su-7’s above 10.0, etc. Sabre’s shouldnt be flying at Mach 1.4 either. Come on. So, depending on the EC map and what countries oppose each other, Replace bombers with F-111s for blue side and Su-24’s for red side, attacker’s with A-10’s on blue side and Su-25’s on red, surveillance aircraft with F4 Phantom on blue side and MiG 27 on red side, etc. Or something that’s in that BR rotation that can replace. And have surveillance aircraft be at an actual surveillance altitude of at least 30,000 ft (9,000 meters) or above. Objectives flying higher would help the eb and flow of higher BR because in order to complete objectives, players would need to climb some.

  3. There’s bases to bomb on EC maps. Add areas similar to the bases where there are anti-aircraft sites. Where players have to take out the sites for RP/SL. Also, if players fly too close, they will shoot. Usually, there are 5 or so bombing targets that spawn on the start of the EC game, and they spawn regularly after being destroyed. Do the same thing for these anti-aircraft sites. 5 or so spawn on the start of the EC game and spawn regularly after being destroyed. Roland’s, 2S6, ADATS, etc. And at higher BR above 12.3, where Fox 3’s are present, these sites can have Pantsir-S1 and the new tracked Rapier. Also, let the ground line be pushed back and forth again like it was years ago. And if the battlefield was destroyed it would be pushed back depending on what side took out who.

  4. Better airfield defense above 12.3 where Fox 3’s are present. Roland’s don’t cut it anymore above 12.3. Add Pantsir-S1 for red side airfield defense and tracked Rapier for blue side airfield defense. Also, simple enough.

Thank you for reading. o7!


THe sabres flying at mach 1.4 received this response:

I did as the bug report manager “suggested”, submitted a suggestion.
It was rejected without explanation, wordlessly.

Kind of makes playing the objective in a pure-fighter/interceptor at early jet/korean brackets nearly impossible since there’s no way a me262 or p80 will ever catch such a “bomber.” Even fellow f86s can’t do anything.


I’m not surprised at all.

I always wanted each airfield to be supplied by the forward operating bases. The forward operating bases would be maybe 2 grid squares away from the airfield.

In addition to that starting at Vietnam tier, it would be cool to have radar sites that protected the forward operating bases with SAM sites. The radar sites would notify you if an aircraft was in its map square. You would simply get a notification similar to an objective stating “air craft in G7.” That would be the only information given.

So attackers would have to destroy the Radar stations to then penetrate to the Forward operating base.

Doing so would slow down the rate at which the base could supply fuel, and weapons.

Convoys would only travel from the forward operating base to the airfield as a supply chain.

Base space bombing has to stop.

The fact we’ve had no new maps in 2.5 years is just appalling.


Yes. I like it

Yes preach

There is no reason ALL the small maps shouldn’t also have 5 minibases instead of 2. And the large maps could easily spawn 8 too.

In all respect the mini maps suck. If you can successfully get 2 forward operating bases on Tunisia without being shot at by the whole enemy team then I salute you.

I would just recommend playing larger maps.

Sounds like the job of a starfighter. Too bad they aren’t really in that BR bracket =)

you can’t do any type of gun run aswell in sb , the SPAA’s are impossible to fight without any long range ordnance including ships which are an even worse issue , even in low tiers where you might want to use a torpedo you can’t cuz the anti air will desintegrate your plane before you can even do anything, this is my biggest down side on the gamemode,

You’re forgetting that people play Tunisia with Rank 2 bombers… all maps need more objectives at all levels.

Three rank 2 bombers on Tunisia means a shitty time for everyone.


I do not think they will spend much effort on adding interesting and complicated objectives.
This game focuses on PvP battles only. It means we will always have symmetrical modes and maps.
They tried to introduce asymmetrical scenarios in World War mode. Not sure if they are planning to continue it.
Also it means that PvE objectives should not be too complicated, since they can be easily interrupted by enemy player.
For example, strike planes are nearly defenceless against fighter planes, so you should rely on your team to be able to focus on PvE objective. Hence, no complicated and interesting PvE objectives should be expected.

Agree, i think that Gaijin doesnt realise that small changes can make a BIG difference. They should upgrade the “quality of life” in the game and THEN add more content :)