Gaijin still punishing snipers

I never had an issue with it,I found ways to get kills playing both sides.That is the key ,Im sure most good players ,those better than me do more than just complain about maps until Gaijin changes them.
You just keep playing them until you find the secrets.I just watch replays to find the spots good players use.You cant flatten them all can you ?

That was so funny xDD

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I haven’t seen this map since this discussion came on ,no way to prove it either way for me.The hill is always Key regardless and always would be as in reality and I could never understand why the battle didn’t focus on it more often.People dont understand tactic.The hill controls all around it as it would in reality.

What do we do just bow to the stupid and play on an Ice hockey pitch.
Look at the support the OP got.

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Ive never had a single problem, from 8.7 to top tier, playiny any nation. Its one of the few maps with interesting terrain, proper long range fights, and lots of variety.

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I never saw any part of that spot which allowed you to see anyone ‘leaving the spawn’. Both spawns are completely hidden, and the right spawn (I’m assuming this is the one you’re specifically talking about) features a berm alongside the road leading out to wards the A point that will only allow a shot at a player travelling said road until they’re almost all the way down the road. And even then, unless they’re travelling pretty slowly, the shot opportunity only lasted about 2 seconds. Woe is the person that calls shooting at players in an open, valid play area "spawncamping’.


Go play World of Artillery
And don’t pull the realistic card it doesn’t happen most tank engagement that happen in flat terrain aren’t hiding behind rock not today or WW2 , And Tanks Avoid open areas with fotified position all around it they don’t want to be killed by a hidden guy behind a rock with a rocket launcher and Tank often don’t go through mountain terrain

I’m not a fan of the campers, but what’s happened with some of the maps and scenario formats is that Gaijin has taken away manuever as part of armored warfare. Pacific Island is a good example with the loss of the rocky overlook on the west side of the map. Dominant and key terrain are factors in the real world, and sometimes there’s terrain that must be controlled in order to seize the objective. That’s why it’s called “key terrain.”

Other examples are the A and B point only scenarios on the Ardennes map–it’s “hey-diddle-diddle-right up the middle.” Leave the maps the full size for A/B point only scenarios. At least that leaves flanking movements as a possibility.

And it is puzzling that dominant terrain is removed, or scenario-based map changes that seem designed to force head-to-head only encounters are put in place while, for example, the Holland map allows one team to fire about 1/3 to 1/2 the map length into the one and only opposing spawn point.


Also japan:
Also italy:


Some minor nations, are more minor than others. :^)

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Gaijin also push ATGM launcher CQC with MBT, expecting the swingfire to CQC in city map lmao


I was just thinking about that today! The maps need to increase in area as we get to the higher BRs and the longer-range systems. For example, Frozen Pass is just one square kilometer! When you have systems at the higher BRs that can see, shoot, and kill at 3-4 times that distance you’ve once again simply forced a head-to-head battle. It’s like watching U.S. football where the only play that is allowed are runs “up the middle” or soccer/football where the ball is forced to come up the center channel of the field only. DULL DULL DULL

Of course they punish snipers, as posted by Pacifica in another post the company is tacitly implying if not actually stating tanks are meant to push and attack, but with all the unbalanced matchmaking, BR’s, cheating and general randomness in the game that is just a poor game with no skill.
Why bother with all the armored cars, SPAA and light tanks just have them removed from the game and everybody has a generically identical tank so the skill can shine through.
But the company prefers this style of play as it cycles players quickly to shorten queue times and increases frustration and annoyance leading to an increase to pay to remove that feeling, but it never works.

And that why top tier only Russian and Sweden have good times since they have armor to do so
Other? not so much

Their views do not represent the company. They are a volunteer mod with no relation to the devs.

Gaijin is awful at designing long range maps, which makes people dislike them.

hi Eddie hasn’t been here for a while, what happened?

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Good, snipers should be punished.

someone has been killed by a strv 103 one too many times lmao

I’d avoid being baited into this…

The screenshot was posted in another subjects thread, implying that it had something to apply it to in that other thread.

It was clear it was out of context, but it seems to be doing the rounds for these guys having issues with European Provinces map changes and misinformation regarding the boundaries of the maps.

Where it was always about removing someones sniper nest, and nothing more.

He’s been proclaiming they’ve been banned, but all they are being affected by is a GE bug, and they seem to not bother fixing it, and are just yapping on about how bad it is.