Gaijin still punishing snipers

So you are just one of those who uses every trick in the book to get kills ,have good stats .seal club,hide and snipe behind well known spots then turn into an angel on the forum …my guy.

“Yeah so glad the sniping spot has gone even though I used it myself for years”

Self righteous BS …My guy.

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The map changes have good and bad parts. The carpathians changes are nearly all good. Most changes aren’t even that bad.

People just need to relearn maps.


I think you are project my guy. Not at any point did i say any of those things or imply any of those things. You are grasping at straws to pick a fight for what ever reason, did i insult your boyfriend or something?

I hate the Carpathians map in general because which ever team grabs the hill typically wins because that shoots into everyone’s spawn then its literally a battle uphill to try and survive.

You apparently looked at my stats and you want to tell me that I seal club and hide and snipe at well known spots to pad my stats… Yea my stats dont reflect anything you are saying.

That is the last thing I want to do ,It took me long enough to get map knowledge as it was and as a console player it took me long enough to learn how to even survive against PC players.

I dont need the goalposts moving constantly and I dont want to play this game on a billiard table.

Map changes are bound to happen, a perfect map can’t be made first try.

What I would like, is if Gaijin had a proper way to submit high quality feedback. Currently, there is no easy way to submit feedback, and any feedback that is said on this forum is very surface level and not good.


I project your guy? Speak English please.

No I am just calling BS where I see it.What is this forum “perfect human being” BS I see on here? Every one so full of morals yet they are super sweaty and competitive in the game and chasing stats like their life depends on it.Spare me it .

What do you do in game? Fire a warning shot at every player before hitting them ? Drive over and offer them terms of surrender? lol please …my guy ,save it for the kids on here they may buy it.

I dont hate it,I learned to adapt to it an “git gud” .Like everybody else I found a good spot to snipe from
Just you did ,just like everybody else who has success on the does. Again ,spare the BS ,I have wasted far too many hours on that map

No I have no interest in your stats ,I just see you have 18000 games and I have watched hundreds of replays and I know how veterans play the game.You claim to be a one off.I dont buy it.

First thing any veteran does is sprint to their favorite spot on the map and hope a newbie or five will turn up.The difference is the new kids dont do that ,they dont know the spots yet.

Problem is they never will and they will never get the stats the old guys got because the maps are now featureless.

You know this is true ,I know this is true so spare me the self righteous horse poo…thats all I am saying.I dont mean any offence ,you and me are in the same racket lol ,any half decent player is.

Not at any point did say or do anything self righteous. You are the only one trying to be the internet white knight right now. So my opinion on how i dont like the map is now BS and invalid?? why because you like a sneaky sniper spot that was removed and i dislike the map for an entirely different reason so my opinion isnt valid ?

please just stop with your self righteous holier than thou attitude.

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says the guy who NEVER hid behind a spot!

Never at any point did i say i didnt hide behind any spot.

I know you do like everyone does. Abusing any advantage like everyone does.

Ok now i understand… you dont have the skills to get kills, so you needed that spot to farm kills now your upset your farm was closed… ok thats all you had to say instead of going off about nonsense to boost your ego.

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Yeah… like you never have ,what were you saying about not being self righteous ?

Never have what?? Please point out anyplace that i said i dont use sniper spots… You keep repeating the same BS with no proof just like a broken record. I know I know your upset that you favorite farm location was taken way.

Do you even know the definition of the words you are using?

Wow, how perfectly obtuse.

Well done!

Interesting. I could never see anywhere near the enemy spawn from there. Either of them.

Wow my guy you really are contradicting yourself.Celebrating the removal of sniping spots we all used ,except you pretend you never did .Cant make it much clearer.So it begs the question.Why the hell did Gaijin put them on the map in the place and leave them there for years?

Why change maps now when they have been the same for so long? Do Gaijin want to remove the advantage a veteran has to accommodate the new top tier premium boys so they can last twenty seconds longer? Nice to see you going along with it mate.Like a good boy : )

Again you say the same thing with no proof at all. I never said i didnt use sniper spots. You have no valid arguments and just keep implying things i never said over and over. Yes we get it you are bad at the game and want them to keep in spots that get you easy kills to accommodate your lack of skill and learning. Yes we understand you dont like when things change because it means you have to learn something new and learning isnt your strong point. Yes we get you have to compensate for your anger at having to adjust to changes so you make up random things that were never said so you can lash out at random people. We get it that if you cant get easy kills the vets are the ones to be angry at because vets never had to deal with any changes happening to the game at all, its been all the same right up to this point!! OMG the horror of the change its the end of the world for you i know!!! Its going to be ok little one, its going to be ok…

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A lot of waffle from a guy with 18000 games pretending he never used cover to get kills now celebrating all the cover being removed like he never used or abused it himself. I cant hammer the point home any simpler.

I agree with the OP its crap.Stop destroying the maps ,leave them alone and make new maps if keeping top tier premium newbies alive is what Gaijin want.

For the 10th time, no where did i say i didnt use sniper spots. You are implying something that was never said over and over again. Do you think if you lie enough it will come true or just repeating the same false statement makes you feel better about yourself? Again you have no valid points or arguments, you just want to attack someone who thinks different than you do about a change made to a game.

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I know you use sniper spots everybody does if they know where they are.
So leave the damn sniper spots alone.

I admit we all use what we can when we can.