Gaijin should separate 11.7&12.7 ground rb COMPLETELY!

I am playing in 11.7 for grinding both US and USSR techtree. It is very disgusting when my AV8B-NA or Su39 met a Typhoon, F15e or Rafale.
No way a Fox 2 can defeat a Fox 3 Carrier. MOST attack jets are only having Fox 2/Ir msls.


But how do you seperate them short of just banning those aircraft from GRB?

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I mean creat a 13.0-14.0 ground rb, and dont move 11.7, so can separate 11.7 jet completely with those fox 3 carrier

Would be ideal, but what tanks would you place at 13.0-14.0?

All now 12.7 keeps. Only moving jets to 13.0 and 14.0
Just like before, GRB highest to 11.7, buthere are 12.7 GRB beacause of su27/f16c

Expand the BRs so current top tier is at 14.0 but everything between 1.0 and 14.0 has been either stretched or stayed in the same place

It could work, but I could also see it basically changing nothing. The same tanks would still be at the top and things like the AV-8B(NA), Harrier Gr7 or Su-39 to use OPs example shouldnt be facing what would currently be 10.7/11.0 tanks if we consider them moving up.

Whilst I want a top tier ground decompression as much as anyone else. I dont think you could seperate Fox-3 slinging multiroles fully from the Fox-2 ground attack aircraft, they would still see each other

Hear is your team
M1a2 sep v2(12.0)/ m1a2 sep(12.0)/f16c(13.7)/f15e(14.0)
That will be 14.0
IF you remove f16c and f15e
It will be 12.0
If your team is
You will only meet 12.7’s tanks and jets with fox1, which is semi-active radar missiles. IF U are using 12.0 tanks, which is top tier, you should have 13.0-14.0 jets, which is top tier too

Below 13.0 there is non fox 3, so only thing is to move all jets with fox 3 to GRB 13.0+

Just like u r in a ARB, 12.0 may go up or down, but 11.7 ARB wont meet 13.0 fox 3 carriers

Do you mean like 12.0 is the highest tank tier, but adding the F-16C to your lineup makes your BR 13.7? If so, it could actually work decently well, just separate everything past 13.0 in air into a separate ground matchmaker

Yes, finally someone understan

IS SIMILAR TO BEFORE, gaijin definitely can do it

That is a far more reasoanble explanation of what you are on about than your intial (slightly ranty) post.

That could work. Though they would still see some, I’d argue that several 13.0 Fox-3 slingers should remain at 13.0 or maybe even be moved lower and have little reason to move up. Especially as some nations are highly dependent on them for fixed wing CAS.

For example Italy with the AV-8B+. Without access to that, its just the Tornado IDS (1995) which is rather underpowered compared to most other CAS aircraft and assuming ground BRs dont change, would put the Pantsir back to being the unkillable death sphere it was a few years ago before we started getting better CAS to compete.


Shrimple, raise Pantsir to 13.7, trust

I agree, remove cas.

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Yeah, that would work too, but then innevatably you would end up that the soviets would complain and then everyones SPAA would move up as well and you would find the ADATS at 13.0-13.3 for "reasons "

Tbf, Gaijin is experimenting with Multi-Chassis AAA systems so I don’t think the ADATS would find its way there

Strela 10m2 have a towing radar :)

With this proposed system, then yeah, the new stuff could move up, though its fiddly. Because I would argue we need the much stronger SPAA to defend against things like a Su-25SM3 with KH-38s