Gaijin must punish incorrect game more seriously

As I wrote in the title, Gaijin must give more severe punishments if people have anti -sporty behavior. I never made a Nuke, today I was about to do it, I was by plane and I was heading to the battlefield, we were losing the game, and thanks to my Nuke (the first in 12 years of play) we could have won. At a certain point I read “Evasion Missile” and a second after Esplodo. I’m going to see who killed me, and it was an ally aa. The player did not want me to do Nuke, to continue playing, thanks to him we lost and I lost my first Nuke, I also checked Raplay to check that maybe it had been a mistake, sometimes it happens, but instead it was intentional . It was obvious that it was intenizonal. Such people should not play WT, and I want Gaijin to have more severe punishments for players who will be reported for this type of incorrect game, because such a gesture is precisely wanting to ruin the The result of another player for pure malice.
In 13 years of play, and as a paying player, who has contributed to financing this game I do not accept that these things are allowed towards any player, because our time and commitment have a value, and the people who do not respect it He should not give him the opportunity to ruin the game to others.


Teamkilling has been an issue in War Thunder for ages. It got so bad they removed it for ground vehicles and yet players are still allowed to ruin the fun of others when it comes to air vehicles. I can’t wait for Gaijin to do absolutely nothing about this.


Ngl 1 nuke in 12 years is wild asf

But i agree such ppl need to get banned for a week or 2 and get -500k sl
With thos kind of punishment it no one would tk


That’s why aerial teamkill should be disabled entirely.

Also, missiles, save for the ones that are guided by hand (Tunguska?), can be unreliable and hit teammates.


Usually my game focuses on winning the game, they are not one of those solo players who aim for Nuke to show content to an audience, so I prefer to actively help the team perhaps sacrificing me if necessary, and then I am not a pro player and not I have more the reflections than when I started playing wt, join everything and that’s why I didn’t have a Nuke XD

In fact, I initially thought it was a mistake, but then looking at the Raplay I saw that the second missiles struck me while the first had avoided it in fact it had appeared on the screen “Evasion Missile”, so it was completely intentional

4 years*

Nuke was added in late 2020

Oh well still
I play year and a half and im on 22 i think

Tanks have friendly fire disabled, I don’t know why planes don’t have it too.

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Probably because it would be a large buff to cas

Which buff sorry? I don’t think Team Killing is a practice that should even exist, and above all to be an option for a player

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U want to keep the game realistic as possible without make in non fun
Juat punsih tk hard so it wont pay off(unless its trooper then give a reward)

Imagine a cap is contested. Pe8 can freely nuke it without worry as his team will be fine.

The issue with removing team damage is that it removes a way to push people to learn how to play/improve.

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There are plenty of other ways to motivate that - all of them much better and more common!

Could you provide some examples?

If realism was the reason they wouldn’t have disabled ground friendly fire

“as possible without make it non fun”

So basically everyone who has their fun ruined in air vehicles by spiteful teammates just has to deal with it? Or do you think they should bring teamkilling back for ground vehicles? That would be more realistic and will only spoil the fun for the few people who get shot by spiteful teammates, just like it is currently for air players.

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I think now its good for tanks and for air
Just for nuke give a big punishment so it wont pay off to tk
As example a week ban and -500k sl
If he keeps tk make it more

U have to be stupid to tk nuke even once no one wants ban and -500k sl

If they blanket punish anyone for doing it, even by accident, then I agree. Otherwise they will have to review every case and we all know they won’t do that properly.