Gaijin must punish incorrect game more seriously

Why not
If it was by accident u sent a request to unban and in 1 or 2 days it should be done like in every other game

World of Tanks and World of Warships had TKing for a very long time and this very same argument was used in favor of keeping it in-game. They then removed TKing for tanks (guess what, it did nothing to change how people played) and they first introduced a harsh punishment system for WoWS before removing it entirely but keeping the punishment system in place. The Punishment system had damage reflected back at you and then your name would turn pink for several games although eventually they just removed it entirely IIRC. What WT should do is reflect 100% of damage back at the TKing mook and then turn his name a different colour for a few games so that people can see he is a TKer. Currently the game doesn’t punish TKing at all. -20k SL in AirRB? What does that serve to achieve against most AirRB players that have premiums and don’t even feel that -20k? No the best way to deal with this is to have 100% of damage reflected back at the TKer, so he gets sent back to the hangar while also suffering a -50k SL penalty and having his named turned a different colour for a few matches and also being put in a low priority queue for 10 matches. Currently TKing isn’t punished at all and that’s why its so rampant.



so you put arty on an enemy capture point, an overmotivaded fox or R3 drives in it while your arty is coming down and you die because he couldnt wait…

There is many accidental tk in arb it should not get changed maybe diffrent color if u tk 3 times in a week

Wonder how punishment would work for people that would get between you and the enemy on purpose. And for those that were on the other end. Would they have to report to get back the sl?

Best solution to teamkilling is to remove it completely like they did for ground vehicles. Otherwise figuring out what to do with those in the the gray area will give everyone gray hairs.

On One side i can understand the frustration that a nuke can bring by closing “earlyer” a game and how unrealistic Is
On the other hand volountary teamkill Need to be punished. As unpopular at Is It, removing friendly Fire Is the only permanent solution that i can think of

Aaaaand topic closed. Never fail to disappoint

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