Gaijin giving one aircraft to nation that inducted it later and in lesser numbers again!


First some context… In the '90s India was offered the su 27 ub with upgrades as a multirole aircraft… India wanted the aircraft but modernized with french israeli and indian components instead of russian ones… Initial 3 batches of the fighter were made in russia and shipped to india for assembly to fast track induction… these were increasingly more integrated with french, israeli and indian systems but were not the mki variant… These aircraft were later upgraded to the mki variant while in service by india…

India also signed another agreement for license manufacturing and modification of these aircraft within india by HAL (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited). These were the first complete mki variants… They started entering indian service in 2004… (SU 30 SM WAS ANNOUNCED IN 2011… MUCH MUCH LATER THAN INDIAN VARIANT EVEN ENTERED SERVICE)

To date India is the largest manufacturer and operator of the su 30 mki/sm family on the entire world!

In 2013, impressed by the performance of the MKI variant the Russia Inducted the su 30 sm, which is essentially a localized variant of the su 30 mki; into russian service.

TO ALL THE GUYS OUT THERE SAYING ooh it is a russian jet… It is produced by india and upgraded by india, was tested earlier in india… Entered service much earlier in india than russia… is indigenously upgraded and modified in india with different indian systems israeli radar and helmet systems indian and french missiles… french and south african avionics… India is the largest operator of this variant…

It is like if gaijin gave the gripen to south africa and hungary without giving it to the swedish…

WE HAVE so many other aircraft in game that have been just copy paste and have been given to nations bcoz they purchased the variant… The finnish getting a copy of f18 all the nations getting f16 is an example of copy paste…
SU 30 MKI is unique aircraft for any of the dumb brain dead bastards saying ooh britain should not get everything…

It is more comparable to the F14 IRIAF where they indigenously upgraded the F14… rather than being an exact copy paste


if HAL jet, why Sukhoi in the name?


Some other users claims the Su-30MKI would be worse than the Su-30SM, useless filler when Britain has the Eurofighter-2000.

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Worse? how so? MKI has more ordinance options in both air to air and air to ground… It can carry russian missiles french missiles and indian missiles while using israeli and south african avionics

Bcoz it is license manufactured in india and modification of the su30 so it comes in the su 30 family…

Future event or premium vehicle for the British tree. Doesn’t really fit in anywhere



but isnt a lot of it russian desiged? and most of the upgrades arent even indian

British main complains about Russia getting a Russian jet first lol


huh? wdym?

you said yourself, the avionics are israeli, french missiles, etc

hmmm that actually makes sense but I was hoping the snail would bring it in the tech tree as we only have copy paste indian vehicles in the tech tree… all the unique ones are already either event or premiums

It has indian astra bvr missile brahmos missile israeli derby missile… I think also the hmd is either indian or israeli… The aesa radar is russian (better than su 30 sm) and india is currently in the process of upgrading it with indian uttam aesa radar

the rwr is also indian developed… Tarang rwr

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They can add the Su-30MKI to an independent India tree, UK is in no need of one.

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There is not gonna be an independent indian/commonwealth tree… BVVD confirmed it…

And they also confirmed that being a subtree means UK will get some Indian vehicles, no guarantee of all of them.

There’s too many Indian vehicles to all go in the UK tree, meaning it will be cut up and placed in as needed. And the Su-30MKI is one of the furthest from needed.

That’s your point,many uk players i know is welcome to the su30mki

Wanting is not the same thing as needing.

A lot of UK players also hate having USSR/Russian vehicles thrown in under the guise of an Indian subtree.


When a new vehicle comes to Russia ,Britain mains:
