su 30mki is not a russian vehicles,it is changed by western techiniques,can use not only the russian weapon,for example it use derby er instead of r77-1
Its variation of the Su-30, a russian plane.
I play a lot of UK, and the UK tree doesn’t need it. I’d rather see an independent India tree.
Sanest and most polite british main
А многие российские игроки не приветствуют и того, что уже получила Британия. Индия является свободной страной уже очень давно, она сама закупала технику разных стран и сама модернизировала как ей хотелось. Какое отношение имеет Британия к миг-21, Т-90 или вертолёту Миля? И не надо говорить, что Индия представлена подветкой Британии-это не так. В Британии представлена линия ЮАР и ОТДЕЛЬНЫЕ единицы техники Индии.
Почему русские против раздачи своей техники? Шведам передали Т-80 и Ми-28 на испытания для закупки, но Швеция отказалась от техники России. При этом в игре они у шведов есть. Итальянские Centauro и Freccia проходили испытания в России, но их нет даже как наград за марафон. Я молчу уже о трофейной современной технике. Вот когда в ветку СССР будет добавлена техника других стран, тогда и себе просите
Су-30МКИ это совместная разработка для Индии. Например БРЭО разрабатывался совместно Россией, Францией, Израилем и Индией, РЛС-полностью российский. И всё это на базе РОССИЙСКОГО Су-27УБ. Как он может быть не российским и причём тут вообще Британия? Колонизировали половину мира, теперь и чужую технику колонизировать пытаетесь?
Personally in this particular case if it comes it does if it doesn’t it doesn’t, not much any of us can do about it
Since most of the Indian vehicles they could possibly add are already in the game, im speculating they’re holding off on adding them so they can dedicate an entire update to them, like they did with Hungary.
I’d personally love indian vehicles since britain toptier is pretty stale with the only competitive fighter(s) being the eurofighter (and the gripen) and it’ll be nice to have some other options that arent 1 trick ponies (sh fa2, F3 late and the gr7)
Mitsubishi F-15J/DJ Eagle are Mitsubishi and not McDonnell Douglas, but they’re still licenced production F-15C/D, for example
The Su-30MKI, MiG-29K, Indian M2K and Indian Rafale should never come to the game. The British tree simply has no need for them. It would either be useless copy paste or take away from tree uniqueness.
Самолёт построен на базе российского, двигатели-российские, РЛС-тоже российского производства. Единственный мульти национальный модуль-это БРЭО, созданное для возможности установки ракет разных стран. При этом модернизация проводилась Индией и Россией. При чём тут Британия? Индия уже давно не колония королевства. По такой логике F-14A IRIAF должен был получить СССР, тк там есть возможность установки Р-24р? Плюс в игру вводят переработанный Россией самолёт, а не модификацию Индии. И да, Индия производит mki по ЛИЦЕНЗИИ от России. Если Россия отзовёт лицензию-Индия не сможет собирать у себя этот борт. Что явно указывает принадлежность модификации su 30 mki России, а не Индии.
India is an official subtree of britain in war thunder, so thats where they would go if they were to come to the game as all the other indian vehicles
why the hate?
They would add more incentive to grind out the British tree and add more capable aircraft which will vary the gameplay of toptier britain cause right now, if i want to play something that can fight the only options are the fgr4 and the gripen, the others are just mid.
I feel like these planes are the only things that can change that, at least until the more eft variants, the gr9 or more modern missiles
Why grind the Russian tree if you get a Su-30 and MiG-29 in Britain? Why grind the French tree if you get a M2K and Rafale in Britain? No point in grinding Sweden, Italy, and Germany currently if you want a Eurofighter or Gripen. Adding those planes to Britain makes it so you only have to grind out the US, Britain and China if you want to play practically every unique top tier jet.
If you need more options for top tier gameplay that bad (hint: you don’t) than you can get it through means that don’t subtract uniqueness from other trees. The Atlas Cheetah is right there.
Having the same aircraft on opposing nations just makes IFF even worse.
Radar/IFF jets it’s probably as bad.
However, 8.7-10.3 is a mess of “Everyone gets a sabre, good luck IFFing them until you’re 300 meters away.”
(theoretically blue nametag shows up at 0.7 km but due to speeds, you’ll likely overshoot if coming in at high aspect or get head-on bursted because your plane looks inconic and recognizable and they know you’re the enemy from 1 km out).
If you’re flying with/against a nation, you should be able to reliably know which planes they fly and IFF using blackened out silhouettes.
It’s extra bad with britain.
At least Italy &China,can be either blue or red. Their warsaw pact/soviet/russian entries and NATO entries could be limited one day if the suggestion ever passes to only be spawnable if bluefor/redfor as appropriate.
Britain is always blue with america.
good thing the planes op are requesting have a top of the board radar that can scan hundreds of degrees horizontally in literally a second, so all you have to do to iff a target is to turn your radar on for a couple seconds.
I know iff is bad at lower tiers, but its NOT an issue at toptier unless the player indues himself in it
I dont believe adding a couple jets will remove the *uniqueness of an entire tree. A techtree is not just rank 8. Will you argue that the addition of the Swiss F18 will make the german tree not unique anymore? or did the addition of the thai gripen makes the japan tree not unique? It Filled a hole in the toptier of japan and allows them to shift from the usual F15 gameplay.
And that is what subtrees do. They arent just a way to add the best plane to a lacking techtree to boost premium vehicle sales, they offer a new playstyle and a different pov to the game while adding an incentive for people who have completed a tt to continue playing it.
Sure, the copy paste needs to be tuned down, but the reality of it is that many multiple nations use the same vehicles, whether heavily or slightly modified, and there are only a handful of completely unique airframes gaijin can add.
If the only reason to not add any potential variants of a plane to other trees is to *preserve their uniqueness then im against it.
Italy toptier has 3 tornados (soon to be 4), a eurofighter, an F16, a Mig29, an Av8B and a gripen and sure, they didnt need some of them, but they are great additions to the tt which give its toptier a bunch of diverse options
Britain just got the Eurofighter Typhoon last update and can live for an update without another top tier addition.
On a personal note, I don’t think Britain should get the Su-30MKI (or the MiG-29K, MiG-23BN/MF, etc for that matter). The Tejas would be a very welcome top tier addition and the Marut and Ajeet would both be nice to see.
Britain has 0 need for any of those fighters, the only thing they would do is diminish uniqueness of other trees. If there’s some massive gap and they actually need those fighters there would be reason to add them. As of now there is no reason other than greed. Keep in mind just because they exist doesn’t mean they will be added.
Did you even read any of the arguments i made in my reply?
the only thing they would do is diminish uniqueness of other trees
“I dont believe adding a couple jets will remove the *uniqueness of an entire tree. A techtree is not just rank 8. Will you argue that the addition of the Swiss F18 will make the german tree not unique anymore? or did the addition of the thai gripen makes the japan tree not unique?”
If there’s some massive gap and they actually need those fighters there would be reason to add them. As of now there is no reason other than greed.
“Subtrees arent just a way to add the best plane to a lacking techtree to boost premium vehicle sales, they offer a new playstyle and a different pov to the game while adding an incentive for people who have completed a tt to continue playing it. That is what subtrees do…”
Britain has 0 need for any of those fighters
“Italy toptier has 3 tornados (soon to be 4), a eurofighter, an F16, a Mig29, an Av8B and a gripen and sure, they didnt need some of them, but they are great additions to the tt which give its toptier a bunch of diverse options”
Тогда где дополнения в советскую/американскую ветки? У американцев жуткая проблема с ПВО, которую разработчики никак решить не могут, у союза-проблемы со штурмовкой на 9.0-10.0. Там только 1 Су-25, который не актуален на данный момент. Плюс проблема с подвижными танками. Единственный подвижный танк из всех ОБТ-это Т-80БВМ. так же проблемы с техникой у Китая и Японии. Так может пусть сначала эти проблемы решат, а уже потом будем думать: добавлять ли Британии самолёт, только получившей Eurofighter, который и вводится как противовес их новому самолёту. У Британии и так ветки хорошо заполнены техникой, включая эксклюзивные для игры модели. Хватит клянчить технику других наций.