Gaijin, atleast implement kill credit for players ejecting when they are acquired by your missile seeker

Welp, A game master just confirmed that denying kills like that is not punishable.

Their words “I don’t think denying kills is technically punishable; poor gameplay for sure, but not really punishable by any means”.

When these AAMs are guided into this target at all would be better

As I said, escalate it.

It’s a bad playership matter.

They are avoiding the creditting of a kill, to make your effort and reward nulled for aboslutely nothing but spite, and that is impacting your game because that was a dead to rights kill.

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Being killed is 135 points, which they are losing.

If Gaijin actually educated players in game about the scores they would realise that they’re throwing away at least some of their reward for spite.

135 points is nearly 0 points compared to the reward for killing a plane.

Throw away a little of my rewards to deny a lot of yours. :)

If you die a second before you get your Useful action those 135 points are worth 40% of your max reward.

40% can pay for your respawn and get you some RP.

It’s not ‘a little’ at all.

I would say give you the kill but this does happen sometimes irl lmao

Or crash when you are just out of gun range.

A kill would be fine but even an assist would be better than nothing…

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