Gaijin and modern NATO armor

I’ve one-shot T-44’s with a 7.92mm coaxial machine gun, that doesn’t mean it’s the norm.
Bugs happen, but that also doesn’t mean DM53 being able to penetrate a M1A2’s cheeks frontally is the norm, nor that the M1’s UFP is vulnerable to APFSDS.

You’ve made both these claims and both are false.

-Edit- And now you’ve added a third false claim with the AH-1Z having a RADAR.
Seriously, start double-checking things before you say something.


and then double downs on that

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It’s based on the angle of your shot, it happened many times now, if you’re gonna disagree go ahead but many people happened to them also.

so what about the radar

Average American cas spawn shoot 6 Mavericks drop 2 gbus get 8 kills cope harder

first time i know about ah1z is not equipped with one, also when i’m playing with it, it detects every ground spaa, every jet flying, and drones also

keep crying kid, i see your replies all over the forum whinning so hard even the mods are upset from your crying

That’s a RWR (radar warning receiver)

you’re the one mentioning the f16C armaments for the 89th time today.

This silly argument is getting pretty off topic, and ruining an otherwise good thread. Stop your bickering, you’re giving gaijin a reason to close this thread.

nobody locked on me or laserd me somehow idk if that another kind of radar that’s not considered one but i’m getting the same detection when i’m playing with ah64d.

That’s RWR, search radar does not tell you specific information about the target.

su25 has no radat so that won’t warn you and the missles it fired are TV guided so that wouldn’t show on RWR either

RWR will only detect radar signals

good to know, thanks for the infos

this thread is gold, keep it going lmao

first its about nato armor now its about abrams getting turret cheek? penetrated which can happen because of angle bla bla
And suddenly about ah1z
great :D

Leclerc id good itself but it’s also carried by ger and swe

Go play France and come back to me when you’ll lost your sanity

Of course it cannot work, the SM3 doesn’t have any radar.
The AH-1Z can be equiped with a radar on the left-right pylon, however it is an additional equipment that is not in the game.

Nah i’d win


Most part of this kill happened before December update, and after December update i fought together with USA most of the time, real issue here are the players, not the nation they get paired or anything. as @FurinaBestArchon pointed out biggest issue is the amout of premium M1A1 Click-Bait and M1A1 AIM, paired with the fact that the people that grinded the Tech Three and have a lineup usualy speedrun to spawn in an F-16C and get killed by a Pantsir 5 seconds after they spawn.

us player mentality
starts at 4.7 ??? spawns hellcat gets in cap pressing W
gets killed spawn planes

same players buy clickbait and try to do the same

And it was pointed out more then once that the team that get’s USA will usually lose because of the amount of clickbait and aims 1dl

No. In January when situation was worse (because 11.3 1dl could play with 12.3) US had better “spawn per player” than Germany. So 1dl is a myth. They exist but it’s not so bad.