Gaijin (almost) lied about implementing smaller team sizes

I played in total 67 games of top tier over the last couple of days, with the option for smaller team sizes enabled. Here’s what I found.

2 games - 12v12
1 game - 8v8
64 games - 16v16 (nothing changed)

I think this is absolutely absurd. I’d much rather wait 3-4 minutes in the queue to get a 12v12 match, than to get a clusterfuck match that is 16v16. If someone enabled this option they have no interest in playing 16v16.


there is literally no downside to smaller matches because it means more players in the queue and more matches with smaller players. with any luck if implemented correctly this would REDUCE match making times even more


there is literally no downside to smaller matches

there is

smaller matches are way more enjoyable and gaijin’s business model is running solely on frustrating the player into buying premiums

thats the tradeoff for the game being free to play, unfortunately


yeah for gaijin there is also the issue of matches taking longer and less of the furball that kills players and forces them to spend more and more quicker and quicker

And yet isn’t the frustration with the solution being sold a lie? Buying that premium whatever doesn’t even come close to fixing the problem.

That is why I let my premium time expire, and used up my remaining GE. That is why I stopped buying new vehicles other than main tree ones.

Buying premium time/vehicles doesn’t address long-term issues of BR compression, CAS implementation, total lack of purpose in Air RB (the game’s oldest mode) for dedicated attackers and bombers, map design in all modes, too many ammo types on tanks having lackluster postpen leading to eternal balance headaches, I could go on and on and on.

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What this tells us is, once again, the very vocal parts of the internet are very much a vocal minority.


What this tells us is, once again, the very vocal parts of the internet are very much a vocal minority.

yep, i feel like the “it is what it is” mentality is slowly taking me over as well, seeing as the only viable call for change is to review bomb this game into the ground for them to actually listen to ppl

And yet isn’t the frustration with the solution being sold a lie?

of course it is, if you’re not counting DCS/IL2/other games that classify stricte as a flight sims you have no choice but to play War Thunder if you want a competetive game about air combat, so they don’t have to give a f about it

what are you gonna do, play something else? there’s nothing else, gaijin has complete monopoly over this market and lack of competition is why we can’t have nice things

The downside is I stop being a cog in the machine and I have less rewards potential than I do with smaller faster matches.

Gaijin’s business model is for people to enjoy the game.

If you’re frustrated at War Thunder, you’ve never played any live service game ever before.
War Thunder’s one of the easiest progression systems.
I think Battlefield is the only one that’s notably easier.

War Thunder isn’t a “competitive” game anymore than Battlefield is.
Gaijin does not have a complete monopoly on the market. Them having the best product out of 7+ products doesn’t make someone a monopoly.

Air arcade is the oldest game mode. All other game modes are less than 8 years old.
Ground arcade? Current iteration is from after 2016.
Air RB? ~2017.
Sim EC? <2019.
Sim ground? Current iteration is prior to 2020.
Ground RB? ~2017.

Attackers and bombers have had things for air battles in general for a decade. An AI overhaul is required for any further ground units.
Map design is currently vastly improved since 2015, despite current flaws.
Postpen is a skill matter.
BR compression is literally being worked on as we speak. 1.3BR of decompression has occurred thus far and more is likely to occur.
What’s wrong with CAS being balanced until 11.3?

Air RB is the game’s oldest mode, predating even Air AB and SB. Not sure if you remember when SB was still called “Full Realistic Battles.”

None of the modern iterations are close to a “rebirth” of any mode, hence why I say they’re all older than the years you state.

No, they really don’t. All ground units are clustered in the map center, right where all the fighters are. Nearly every game ends by team deathmatch, which attackers and bombers are not built to partake in. The actual objectives for both have been shafted so much into the ground that such planes are functionally dead weight to their teams unless they are some sort of airspawn abusing Ersatz Fighter like the SB2Cs.

Uhhhh you might want to rethink that. Some old maps were stupid, I’ll agree. Noscope midmap AAA will never be missed. But making most maps functionally the same is quite terrible.

I am at a loss for words. I can hardly read this with a straight face.

And it only took a forest fire erupting to just begin to get a fraction of what’s needed.


Half-baked game mechanics encourage its use as a sleazy revenge weapon. Its intended counters require far too much time investment for too little reward, and too many drawbacks, if they work at all. There is a total lack of objective diversity for both aircraft and tanks, forcing planes into purely an antitank role that puts diehard flyboys at the throats of diehard treadheads, always deteriorating into a screaming match. And finally the game sets up new arrivals to join the screaming match with misleading mode names and lack of Naval’s default aviation added to everyone’s decks. Modern weaponry only makes every one of these aspects several times worse.

That is a very brief summary. To go into greater detail would require a while.


LOL! Air RB did not exist when I made my account. Flat out was not a feature.
It was air arcade exclusively, with an unbalanced historical game mode, and maybe something above that.
Historical and the game mode above were flat-out removed from the game later on.
It’s obvious you’re new to the game since you’re trying to argue against someone that was there.

Not anymore. And on top of that, that’s an AI limitation, which is partially why an AI overhaul is required.

Ground units give the most RP per hour of all actions in War Thunder.
Bases give the 2nd most RP per hour of all actions in War Thunder.
PVP gives the least.

Check my T26E5 stats. Exclusively used APCR, the lowest post-pen in the game 2nd to none. British APDS post-pens more.
Learning how to use good penning ammo makes post-pen a bonus rather than a necessity.

What? BR decompression started in 2022. There’s never been actions done by Gaijin in response to anything other than forum feedback and feedback form they open up after roadmaps.

CAS is easy to frag in War Thunder 10.3 and below.

HB(Historical Battle) is just the old name of RB(Realistic Battle). It was just renamed to prevent name confusion. Same goes with FRB(Full Real Battle) that is renamed to SB(Simulator Battle).

IIRC, We had random SB games but, at some point it was replaced by SBEC because nobody played it.

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No, it wasn’t “renamed”.
Historical battles were vehicle-rosters. It may have done something between then and when it was scrapped for air RB, but air RB was exclusively BRs and no more vehicle restrictions.
I know this because the heavy restrictions were why I avoided the mode.
And I only played realistic battles when the BR system both existed and was used for the new modes.

CAS is imbalanced well below 11.3. It is incredibly imbalanced around 5.0-7.3, because the planes are so powerful, and the SPAA is weak/lacking.

True, but the BRs are already horriffically compressed at some BRs. I get it doesn’t come quickly, but it feels like it rarely happens.

I guess you are confused to event mode that actually has vehicle-rosters.

Rank V (now VIII) was 20 tier and that was almost identical to current ARB gameplay, except for the 4 player cap for bombers and somethings that was implemented within the past few years. Also, as far as I know, 20 tier system was almost same as BR system but, more compressed. Only different thing was research system.

You can filter old videos from 2013 by searching for “Any words here before:2014” on YT.

BTW, It would be a hype if they could play older versions of War Thunder like WoT did a few years ago at an event.

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Yeah, it tells me the WT playerbase are a bunch of mouthbreathers who want 16v16 tbh. (OR it tells me that gaijin implemented the new 12v12 system in a way that makes it hidden and helps “prove” that “nobody” wants it.)

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Trash ass opinions with no substance or backing. True for everything you post though

While some tech trees still lack SPAA capable of dealing with 6.7 aircraft… France, Germany, Soviets, Italy, Britain, and China all have capable SPAA to deal with the <1km CAS present.
After all, until ~8.3, all CAS in War Thunder is <1.3km depending on bomb size.

Or that people just press play and don’t go out of their way to enable something, I don’t even know where to go to enable it, same with night battles, no idea where that setting is.

People constantly try to play the vocal minority card even though snail got hit with one of the biggest ‘‘review bombs’’ in gaming history.


The downside is more matches going on at the same time, I assume they prefer fewer matches with lower server costs that are also unplayable for people so they spend more money.

Woah, that’s a neat filter, thanks!