Fox is a horrible opponent around its BR. So insanely powerful…
As usual… speed + high pen autocannon got a far too low BR cause … dunno.
Fox is a horrible opponent around its BR. So insanely powerful…
As usual… speed + high pen autocannon got a far too low BR cause … dunno.
German skill issue is see
High pen? The btr is 0.3 above it and you don’t see people complaining about that do you…. It is not hard to deal with a fox, rush head first and either shoot it or ram it. It will die with one shot. If your getting shot on the flanks the. Maybe alert your team or deal with them yourself instead of silently pushing them without telling your team. The little things….
well the btr pen much less than the fox so ofc they are not going to complain about that.
to be fair the APDS on the Rarden is same pen the APDS-FS on the BMP-2M at 10.0 for pen lol.
At a much lower fire rate
Yes but i am of the opinion its too much for 7.0, it’d be much more reasonable at 7.3 or 7.7
83mm vs 110mm is enough but not nearly enough to say a lot of pen. Plus the fire rate alone compensates for that as it allows you to spray cannons and tracks much quicker than an 80rpm fire rate could.
7.3 at most, 7.7 would then start to allow it to fucking see the t55am (which should be 9.0 but I already fucking know that’s never gonna happen to gaijins 4th favourite cash cow). 7.3 would be fine if not anoying as now I’ll have to wait for the Saladin to fill my 7.0 light tank lineup.
i personally imagine it will go to 7.7, and yeah im still waiting for a challenger 2 remodel but instead we got some joke.
What a pathetic take, even overruling another mod just to make it.
My 7.7 tank with NVD would like to have a word
Eactly. Same for the Wiesel. Effective AC vehicles need around 100 mm pen. Otherwise they’re anemic and might just kill light stuff. Fox is above that and easily kills everything from the side or rear. Combined with its speed easy to pull off.
you know the fox has a very low fire rate ans no stab compared to the wisel which is a SPAA
Are you saying 83mm of pen isn’t a lot? A fast fire rate plus that is more than enough. It’s not the pen but the speed. 7.7 is fucking stupid for a tank that has no stab, shitty fire rate and a round that doesn’t do great damage. The pens enough but you have to aim for ammo otherwise the tank can just turn and aim at you.
Wiesel isn’t great as an SPAA to be honest. It’s limited by it’s gun elevation and it’s turret traverse angles. The 20 mm is also not super effective vs aircraft, especially when coming from the Wirbelwind and Ostwind.
Tbh the only reason the Wiesel is that high is due to the thermals and lrf which paring with a friends jag tiger is a god send. The btr is a better fit for comparison and can be said to be better due to the higher fire rate. However the fox is faster with more pen so they seem somewhat equal. However the btr will always have the quicker reaction time and the fire rate to compensate for bad initial aiming so is better overall in most situations. The fox just compliments ratty playstyle a which we are good at using.
it makes a lot of difference with 110mm you can pen almost all tanks in game from the side, with 82 you cant or you have to get really close or perfectly on its side, tanks with 80mm or over on the sides is really common at those br and thats where those 30mm actually matters, not to mention that it is much smaller faster more maneuverable, better armored, better gun handling, better depression and better optics, the extra fire rate doesnt really compensate all of those factors
The btr is perfectly fine as it has a different playstyle. It’s far from more armoured, it’s just that everyone just sprays their 50cal at you so it hits your frontal hill instead of the turret which is just a paper bag. Fire rate means a lot, if someone comes round the corner and you have a split second to take out a barrel the fox will most likely miss half its shots due to the cannons inaccuracy which means death. The btr can most likely take it out. 7.7 is far too high. 7.3 I’ll agree with but it is no where near as good as the pt 76 57. Let’s try and move that up and then we can reconsider the fox. As it would be fucking stupid to have it 0.3 away from a stabilised, lrf, 57mm autocannon with aphe that has more pen than your apds….