FV510 Warrior IFV - Technical Data and Discussion

Updated the front Chobham bug report with some more sources, it’s quite clearly made of two L-shaped plates of the same type as the side composite rather than being an array. Hopefully will be corrected.

Edit; bug report was Acknowledged.




would this be more of a nerf than a buff? even if it is the correct way of modelling it. as gaijin like to give composite screens 0.12 ke modifiers.

I’m a little concerned that it will be a minor nerf, I don’t know about you but I don’t survive much from that armour anyway.

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i dont bother with it as even at an angle 30mm aphe rounds still go right through it so i dont see a point. same as the TES side armour it basically just there to look good. which on the TES it does superbly but on the warrior it just ruins the already good looks.

I take it for the side armour, I keep getting MGed when I don’t. And it’s not like the warrior is that mobile as is anyway.

i play it as a long ranged scout so i dont tend to run into mgs, and when i do its only frontally so it can take the hits. the only time i do take it is when i know ill be side scrapping against targets with heat, which isnt very often at its br.

you get long ranged maps?
I mostly get city maps for some reason, so :shrug: I’d rather be ready for the inevitable city map than the rare chance of not getting one

oh, oh no. i get cqb maps 9 out of 10 times. the only difference is i have more than one nation. gives me the unique advantage of simply being able to leave and go play another nation while i wait for my crew timer to run out. i simply dont play bad maps, which sadly is most of what you see. its why im tending towards sim at this point as its not much of a difference when it comes to ground combat and im able to fly cas well enough to not die in seconds.

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Eh, while I’ve got other nations to play, somedays I just wanna play some warrior matches, (or type-16 or Italian shoe box etc etc etc).

So… Desert Warrior is confirmed for the next update

From the Seek & Destroy Update Trailer


Congratulations @OddPhenomena!


Thank you! I really hope everyone enjoys it as much as I know I will.

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Report: Warrior IFV Should Have Gen 2 Thermals 🧐

whoop, looks like we might. M919, and TOW-2 (regular, -2A and -2B) to boot. Looks like a lot of fun. Can’t wait

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  1. Through the ESPIRE programme, the Scimitar Formation Recce vehicle has been upgraded with the Thales third generation Catherine MegaPixel (MP) Thermal Imager into the vehicle gunner’s sight. The design includes the integration of the Battlegroup Thermal Imager (BGTI) displays and fire control computer that enables the upgraded gunner’s sight to resemble a BGTI configuration benefiting from the BGTI support infrastructure. The reliability and high resolution imagery of the Catherine MP has received plaudits and is making a significant contribution to surveillance operations, providing longer range target identification and aiding the identification of IEDs.


That was used to give it Gen 3, im looking for the report

Could someone tell me how many missiles the Desert Warrior has in total? Also, does the vehicle have spall liners?

4 missile and no spall liner


That’s regarding the Scimitar though rather than Warrior. Post 2008-ish UOR fits inside the turret for Scim 235 (then later on the Mk2) were using BGTI displays and gunner interface to replace the obsolete ESPIRE+TNTLS systems from the baseline Formation Recce Scimitar. But the sight heads, imaging core and other fittings weren’t lifted from BGTI.

He’s correct that the STAG sights for BGTI on Warrior and Scimitar Close Recce were not Catherine MP. They were roughly equal to Catherine FC in terms of technology.

Engine is still the same model :(