FV510 Warrior IFV - Technical Data and Discussion

This is also from 2003 apparently

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hey, i got that camo lol.


Yes if you see a front towing pintle then it’s Iraq War, not Gulf.


Yeah, there’s a CIP on the front armour. Those were developed after the Gulf War


from the few images we have of the inside of the warrior, doesn’t it show that the tow placements within the hull are wrong? shouldn’t they be in the same stowage positions of the milan or does the extended length stop this from fitting.

Either way shouldn’t gaijin try and put their “guesstimation” in a spot that makes more sense, like the old missile spots which could have been modified to accommodate the extra size?

MILAN 2 and TOW are similar in length, 1.1m and 1.2m respectively. Daft to give DW an artificially reduced number of reloads for its main anti tank weapon when it will be firing faster than Warrior.

I’m seeing a lot of Warriors carrying missiles on the outside, though…

I’d imagine diameter would be more of an issue, 4.5” MILAN compared to 6” TOW

im more referencing the spot they put them at, as it looks like they would be slap dap right in the middle of the troop compartment with nothing holding them down. at least if they put them in the old spots it would make a tad more sense as rn it shows they know as much as us. so itll be down to “according to our experts” more than a documentation. so unless we get said documentation i doubt well be getting anything changed tbh…sadly.

You can find pictures of entire shipping boxes on the side, I wouldn’t read too much into it. Crews tend to grab anything they think is useful if command doesn’t catch them



Probably more the packaging than anything else.

Still I would say 2+4 is reasonable even without sources.

gaijin doesn’t do reasonable, they do whatever they chose is correct and without documentation they will continue to do whatever they like. im all for getting it changed but after the years of effort put into the challenger im just trying to not get our hopes up.

Since it is unlikely that the TRIGAT MR will be replacing the Milan, the Warriors of the Milan platoons are currently fitted with storage racks on the left side of the interior to hold 12 missiles. Up to now, without the racks, during operations the crew crammed up to 20 missiles into the rear of the vehicle.


By the way, is there any source stating that the Warrior carries only 8 missiles? 12 missiles would be nice, it would be on par with the Bradley.

8 isnt even the most it could carry as of now according to gaijin as in the xray the left side only holds 3 of the 4 that could fit so it really should be 8+1. no idea why they think an extra MILAN to miss with would help that much.

Damn I am really proud of everybody. I feel good to put my 3 cents into this case just by playing the warrior during my job

I would pay money to see gaijin model a pile of Milan’s in the back of the warrior, I would laugh so much and spam milans at everything

Do you guys think they’ll add thermals to the desert warrior?

Yes, I think it’s just a dev server oddity that it currently lacks them. Should hopefully appear with the update.



[Development] Desert Warrior: Horseman of the Apocalypse - News - War Thunder
Additionally, the gunner’s thermal sight is GEN 2, perfect for homing-in on enemies at distances in all types of weather.