Further additions of the Z-10

I have followed the convo that’s why I know it was brought up as potential, not a request.

I wouldn’t mind a buff at all, the fire rate of the gun is wrong, the rockets pods are wrong and anti-air-heli-lol is a really terrible niche when your on the same team as Pantsirs or facing off Ka-52/Mi-28/AH.1/UHTs.


From 2018, Z10 could carry at least 6 types of missiles, not only cm502kg, but I am not sure what are they. The only reason Gaijin will choose CM502KG is the document limit.

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Current z10 is still underperforming as is. The cannon rof is about half of what it should be to start


Those heli radar are mostly trash anyways, they only 8km out with really slow refresh rate. The ka52 and mi28 are the only ones with decent radar

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Cant even count the amount of times ive died because the 23mm cannon is shooting WAY TO FUC*ING SLOW. I flank a ka52 and open fiire for a good 8 seconds and he turns around one onetaps me with his 30mm. Just disgraceful


That is largely untrue.
Phoenix has NOTHING on AMRAAM C3 & PL-12.

Anyone here have any info on the 23mm mounted on the z10? Its very suspect that a relatively small caliber would shoot so slow. Its hvap has good initial velocity but the rate of fire is too slow to deal with air targets. All the 23mm’s I can think of fire at least twice as fast. All the soviet cannons do which I’m sure this is derived from.


There’s a video online of the 23mm cannon firing in real life and it’s incredibly fast compared to the warthunder Z-10, this is the link for the video, it’s one YouTube https://youtu.be/_hExyADDbFE


Looks like a different cannon though? It appears there are 2 different cannons used on the z10
Or maybe the same with a slightly different housing; it does seem to share the same muzzle

They look incredibly similar and I can’t see any difference between them compared to the ingame one

I can’t tell what that version is in the video due to it being pitch black. A few versions I’ve found of the cannon firing don’t show that a high RoF (still entirely possible the 23mm has different fire modes)



Unrelated: 19 70mm Rocket Pods + Domestic TY-90 designation


The fire rate might be different depending on the Z-10 design, as the engine upgrade was essential for it and might’ve made space for a better gun or more ammo equaling a higher fire rate, or the video I sent was sped up. Yours seem way more accurate, but hopefully my claim is correct and with the addition of the Z-10M we see more ammo and a higher fire rate

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oh man! it looks like much quick than 2A42 ,23-L in this video even looks like MG3

I really hope to see a more modern Z-10 in the future, as the current one is very underwhelming in air to ground capabilities, and dosnt even have a good countermeasures system built in like other modern helicopters.
Also I’m pretty sure the Z-10ME could fire more advanced munitions like the CM-502, after all these weapons are also advertised for export…


Is the Z-10 RWR accurate ingame? I find it a bit hard to believe that a helicopter from 2003 can’t even differentiate between SPAA and aircraft radar…

I’m also getting radar pinged from friendly radar sources as well, it doesn’t seem to have IFF either


We should have multiple Z-10 variants ontop of an expansion of the armaments for the existing Z-10 ingame

Speaking of which someone just submitted an issue regarding this recently, let me find it quick…

Suggestion for detail RWR system for Z-10 // Gaijin.net // Issues

Here it is, some solid evidences. Hopefully we can get the rwr on Z-10 in near future.


Glad I wasn’t the only one who thought the RWR was modeled so strangely, thank you!

I also looked into the community report pages and it seems like we’re still missing several features on the Z-10 such as:

  • HMD for the TY-90 (this also applies to the Z-19 apparently)
  • x16 ATGM loadout

Both of those have been reported nearly a year ago and passed as suggestions to the devs, it would be nice to see those changes brought about


The lack of a proper rwr in chinese heli is a huge disadvantage. Its a lifesaver in nato and russia heli and allows you to have extreme situational awareness passively without the need for a search radar


just give faster agm 345m/s its a joke

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