Fox is still overpowered

Just like the Warrior, and its engine limiting breaking (who knows, knows)

Where in the hell did I say Russian tanks fly right? Because I said All ATGM machines drop like 10 feet after launch in game.

That’s a whole lot of assumption going on right there.
I play to have fun, I like a fight I struggle in, not an easy win, and not an easy defeat.

To say that blanket nerf was only to the NATO tanks is hilarious, because everyone got that nerf.

The only ones that are really good are the Shturm and the Krisentema.

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The difference is, you don’t see me making a thread and crying endlessly and ignoring everything everyone says that disagrees with my belief.


Nope I don’t, because you lie a lot.




It’s really funny, because my fox crew is a level 38 basic, my BTR crew is a level 150 expert, and my xm crew is a lever 72 basic.

I used the Xm as the control. And the videos clearly show the BTR gun bouncing far worse even with a much higher level crew.

sure buddy. I never compared the BTR stability to the Fox, nor do I care about the BTR stability. But go off I guess, arguing with yourself.

  • You simply want the Fox unrealistically nerfed, because poor little Russia doesn’t have an equal vehicle.
  • People provide you with evidence and documents that RARDEN is under-performing, you willfully ignore it because it doesn’t suit your narrative.
  • When this thread activity dies down, you come back acting like “You Won” just to farm thread activity in hopes of bringing more attention

How much sleep do you loose thinking about the Fox every night? Genuine question. At this point its far beyond a rage boner.

  1. Of course you didn’t, because you showed it vs a Xm, which aren’t going to be equal to one another. (which is a biased result)
  2. The BTR is the closest cannon to the Fox, and is only .4 br lower for being far worse. It’s a great vehicle to compare against.
  3. The Rarden seems to be preforming as it should, according to your documents, which begs the question why is the 2a72 underpreforming? (They’re extremely similar cannons).
  4. I’m sorry, I can’t sleep and have a life? I’m supposed to be attached to this forum 24/7 now eh? Ah yes, another accusation I’m “farming” the thread, how astute.
  5. Am I supposed to lose sleep? Because I haven’t been doing that, as the general consensus is that it’s a over-preforming vehicle, and should go up in br to 8.0 (to make it balanced)

You clearly stating that the gun on the Fox not that stable (with a lot of sarcasm).
Which I proved to be rather untrue.
And you even continued to say the BTR (closest vehicle to the fox) has less speed as well, further begging the question of why the fox isn’t 8.0

The Fox is faster, those stability tests I did earlier were also measuring speed ;)

Another anti Russian post. Why all those vehicles are higher it’s survivability. Honestly if the BMP-2M became a 10.3 I’d be fine with it, because it’d have better rewards.

The Adats is pretty much an atgm launcher acting like an AA. 11.7 for something that can kill every MBT with ease isn’t really that surprising.

I think what really happened is you’ve fought Russian tanks and hated them, so now they all need nerfs.
Like I dislike fighting French tanks and USA tanks, but I don’t think they ALL need needs or buffs.
Things that really need needs are all those 6.7-7.0 usa heavy tanks, they’re incredibly OP.
And pretty much universally everyone (that I know) agrees the T26E5, and T34 are way too good for 6.7, and the T29 & M551(76) should become 7.3, especially since those two can see 6.0

A small pebble
It’s very unstable due to its centre of gravity causing it to wobble and roll a lot

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Yeah it’s turret was a tad too heavy causing the centre of gravity to be higher than it safely should be meaning it’s prone to tipping when enough force is exerted in any direction
I.e moving

Can you do a more realistic test bc most maps aren’t fully paved and roads make up a small portion (yes there’s maps like Sweden where it’s mostly paved but not entirely flat, even on roads)

Did you see the other videos shooting at the tanks? I was driving off road in those.

I’m actually getting more sleep when I think about some game mechanic that I absolutely hate, for example, CAS spam. When I think about having to deal with such BS then I just don’t bother launch the game and went to bed instead lol

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Nice Job trying to push me as anti Russia when I have no problem with Russia. But believe what you want. Please find a direct quote saying I hate russia, I’ll wait.

There’s nothing “Anti-Russian” about pointing out disparity between vehicles. BMP-2M is a lower BR then vehicles with worse capabilities then it. BMP-2M could go up or those vehicles go down, weird to assume thats anti-russia. Given that there are significantly more TOW missile carrying vehicles then Russian ATGM carrying vehicles, its natural when ATGMs flight performance is gutted, theres naturally going to be more TOW carrying vehicles affected. I don’t remember seeing kornet missiles dropping 10ft when fired where as every variant of TOWs are effected.

Only the cannon is similar, completely different vehicle classes. IFV/APC vs RCV.

Velocity fall off at range says otherwise. try again.

I also proved that its unstable . Anyone can post a video and say they “proved something”. Try again.

Trying to shoehorn in the speed argument as an afterthought I see.

Unless Gaijin and their secret ground resistance stats for XM800 are higher then the Fox’s. Engine power and power to weight says the XM should be faster (Acceleration Rise), even if barely. And when you pull up the stat card for these vehicles, please enlighten me to when you managed to get the Fox or the XM800 to their top speed, I’ll wait. Even more so when you factor in what terrain/map your on. Having to cross snow,river,mud and sand will hamper any wheeled vehicle. So just by virtue of what map you get will innately effect the mobility of Fox/BTR and XM.

Edit: Transmission Gearing is also impactful on actual speed and acceleration but my knowledge in that department is zero so perphaps the Fox’s gearing is better or vice versa.


I usually just play something else and or repress the memory and forget it happened. It usually only comes down to having my shots volumentric’d or unexpected spalling not killing what it should.

The Fox is also a lot more prone to flipping, rolling, bouncing, and spinning out. Plus if you so much as think about caressing the side of a map object it dumps it’s momentum. It takes more skill to drive the Fox at it’s top speed.

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I have troubles with spinning out, trying to take a turn at excessive speeds just sends me flying. If I as much stray from a straight line, i’m gone.

Sometimes I’ll be rushing across a seemingly open field and hit some kind of imperceptible bump that breaks a wheel. Oh and one time my driver died when I hit a dead tank.

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Can’t say I’ve had my driver die but I’ve lost wheel once or twice.