Fox is still overpowered

Oddly enough, the Fox runs better with missing wheels than broken wheels. A broken wheel drags.

Oh and for spinning out sometimes the best recovery method is to embrace going in reverse.

More so because the Swingfire is a IRL meme of a system because the UK just cant be normal when it comes to missile technology. Gaijin had it have a lot of its IRL meme power for a long time. People got genuinely upset at it too until you got footage/image showing the missile doing exactly what it was doing ingame IRL.

Though FR FR the FV438 swingfire is 100% gutted, it doesnt even give you the ability to SWING your swingfire like you should be able to (you can do it still on the striker though…). Currently you have to aim forward, then quickly move your mouse to targets on your flank to move the missile that way, even though your damn aiming sight is literally looking left or right, you cant fire it like you should be able to.

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No fun for anyone but yanks and ruskis.

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XM800T going to 8.0, Fox staying at 7.7 with unspecified APDS recalculation.



I wouldn’t say victory yet till br changes are implemented. They are subject to change before implementation.

Well they do need to change a few things anyway. For one anything they’re doing to the Fox’s APDS round needs to be done to the Warrior too.

Do we know what they’re doing to the APDS shells though?

I wonder if this APDS recalculation is going to alleviate the penetration fall off or if Gaijin is pulling out secret documents and just hard nerfing penetration.

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I asked for a practical terms explanation in the BR changes thread, no reply yet.

One can hope it’s this, but I’m more concerned they are going to lower pen for no good reason and the fact that the Warrior isn’t listed for the same changes is why.

The Warrior uses the same gun with the same rounds. So not including it is either pure oversight or something fucky.

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This is either very good, or very very bad.

Leaning towards the bad unless they clarify. Probably an ahistoric nerf to keep morons happy. Same shit keeps happening to Gripen. Wouldn’t be surprised if it happens to another thing that yanks and ruskis cry over.


Yeah. Not holding my breath. Play France and Britain, pretty used to the devs fucking over things with absolutely 0 reason other than it upset the yanks and ruskis. Got to keep the cattle content.


Is RARDEN on the Lanz formula?

If its a nerf without being applied to the other tanks using that round, especially the Warrior, I will start a whole thread in protest of it.

Let’s be completely real, it probably is.

Should not be, as it is not a long rod. No idea what they use for it.
If they are using De Marre…

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I will at least give them a reasonable amount of time to provide us with an explanation. Stona is reliable and on the case.

I envy your hope.

In the mean time, I’m inclined to put coin on it killing the pen.

Gaijin also seemingly forgot the Warrior exists because its so shit.

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Even still, I cannot in good faith just make a protest thread without a concrete idea of what I’m protesting. That’s a recipe for looking like a jackass.