Fox is still overpowered

It’s a good support vehicle to scout for enemies, the only thing I didn’t like is the binocular view height has the same height as the gunner sight, when peek over the hill with the binocular will expose your turret dome, unlike the XM-800T the binocular seems to have a 10 foot pole attached to it, or the commander has a giraffe neck, you will be completely behind a hill but still can see everything.


Lmao okay so that’s why people were screaming in game chat because it clearly isn’t annoying.
Your ideology of it being confirmation bias is your own.
If you can’t make decisions off of statistics then what do you go by hm?
But hey thanks for taking the ego jab lol only makes you look more guilty.
You forgot when I mentioned I wasn’t even playing in:

-a truly awake / aware state
-playing in an intelligent manner (pretty much just held the gas the whole time.
-I’ve never had a 1.0 kd in any stock tank

Your just trying to dismiss fact as if it is something else, and it is not.

Statistics can be manipulated both in their nature and in how they are presented. In an instance like this I put more value in consensus and the consensus of the War Thunder player base, as seen in this thread, says you’re wrong. The Fox is just fine at 7.7, having already been uptiered from its starting point.

“I don’t have an ego problem, but only I can decide what is or is not a valid point and what anyone else thinks doesn’t matter.”

Denies having ego problem, proceeds immediately with “I wasn’t even trying, bro” nonsense.



Uh huh. Is that all yah got?
Sorry those are facts and they upset you pal.

I didn’t know saying I want trying is an ego problem XD you’re very sad.

But hey everyone we can no longer go off of stats, we better bring the Leo 2a7V to 11.0 since that’s clearly fair. Maybe the Swede starts should be facing T-62s because that’s historically accurate XD

Great example was when the PUMA was 8.3 because it only has an autocannon.

But now that you’ve eliminated sensible metrics mr. Overlord, what do we use as a metric? Can’t be player opinion, you said that yourself.

Player consensus, as I stated.

And for all your smarmy bullshit you’re not beating the allegations that your activity throughout this entire thread can be summed up thusly:



Hmm kinda we’re because many players that aren’t in the forums hate the fox. All my friends but 1 whom have encountered the fox hate it, the one that doesn’t, he likes to abuse OP vehicles so it makes sense.

But you ruled out opinion, if you rule mine out, then all must be ruled out. That’s the only way to not be biased no? Unless of course you are.

But I think stats are far more accurate and are what I (original poster) brings up, sake metric gaijin goes by 99% of the time.

Individual opinion and consensus are two different things. Pretending otherwise is either sheer ignorance or intentional intellectual dishonesty. So are you a liar or a fool?


Now your just going off on tangents,

But if we can ignore individual opinion, I must ask, are you a liar or a fool?
Because it seems your both. You’re also a UK main, so you’ll Clearly have any bias against making things balanced, or you know, making you have to try.

Would you like me to kiss your foot king of Britain? And tell you everything is alright? The queen is fine? Next you’ll tell me the Conq Mk.2 is a bad tank… sheesh

I bring up consensus as an alternative to statistics, you conflate consensus with individual opinion (specifically yours), I clarify what consensus means, and you call that a tangent?

Furthermore, I never said we can ignore individual opinion. If we ignored individual opinion this entire thread wouldn’t exist because we all would have just ignored your opinion. Instead what has happened is your opinion has been considered, analyzed, discussed, dissected, debated, and ultimately discarded as it goes against the consensus.

Are you actually this dense or is this some sort of elaborate trolling effort that you’re really committed to?


Gaslighting award of the year goes to: dramtic pause Pale_Horse_Rider!

It seems 90% if not more of your posts are all in relation to how the Uk suffers, I still admit you have some skill in game, but when you literally are being hypocritical, and saying that USSR / Germany are your biggest offenders to your perfect Uk it’s kinda odd no? You have a lot of posts going on and on about the USSR vehicles.

If I was biased like that, I wouldn’t have made a thread solely about the fox, nor would I have made clearly many other examples to the fox. I would’ve made a 1:1

I could also bring up gepard, za-35, and the itpsv, etc. but I’ll let my boy Spookston do that.

And yes, to remove one vote, or the many people who agree with me, is a biased consensus. Since you are going on a warpath about it now, I must’ve hurt your ego.

I could say, “I think” X vehicle is OP, but that’s opinion. And is even more irrational, than a statistic.
Honestly your rivaling the one Brit in WT that tried to say the UK won WW2 for everyone XD just as an example.

Not a good look ngl

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When choosing between a tank I have made no secret of liking and a helicopter I’ve never played then yes I am going to be biased towards the tank.

That specific scenario has no worth here.

When you have to dig through post history to grasp at straws it really shows how little you actually have left. Clearly I’ve upset you, probably by pointing out the objective fact that you are doing a lot of coping and seething about the Fox.


buddy you have barely played and also you have a negative kd so how are you talking about an skill issue when you are one?

I really wish people would grasp KD is a terrible metric to claim lacking skill. If you’re still trying in this game, I can only say woe upon you for there’s no fun in that direction.

This is of course ignoring the number of confounding variables that make that metric even less useful.

What trying to die?

There are KD effective strategies that take no skill at all, and there are skilled strategies that can be detrimental to KD due to their high risk high reward nature.

C’est la vie.


Oh 100%. If I wanted to pad my KD back to positive, I’d be there in bugger all time.

But it’s boring, far more fun to see how silly I can play before someone works out what to do about it.

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I too enjoy shenanigans with no regard for personal safety.


It’s not grasping at straws in the slightest.

You make it out like the fox is absolutely well balanced.

Meanwhile: in another stock Brit tank