Fox is still overpowered

Hmm lived a 105mm

Hmm lived a 90mm and .50 cal too.

I just played a match and lived a ton of 20 mm, 30 mm etc. the armor seems to over preform honesty

So submit a bug report

Not possible for them to fix the Foxes Volumetric.

I mean. Unless you want most Russian vehicles (and a couple USA) to be ruined if they fix the Fox. Since they would need to overhaul the whole Volumetric system…

I will take an overhaul though. ;)

you’re blowing this way out of proportion its as if you’re claiming people are front penning american heavies

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As would I. It would fix tons of usa and German tanks

Just because Volumetric has made its armor scheme a bit more survivable than it would be without it doesn’t mean it has “great armor”

Yes. It would validate all your coping and seething about it in this thread which would be cringe and thus should not happen.

  • I don’t think volumetric is really the problem as much… I mean honestly some vehicles are just straight up broken.

  • ah so no you don’t have a valid point, thus you think it’s cringe.

Countless valid points have been made throughout the 700+ posts in this thread. You just ignore them, so instead of throwing more at you I’m just going to tell you to keep coping and seething.


Ignore them or they aren’t valid hmm they’re not valid there pal


Barely faster than xm800 on even terrain. Has to be exposed for significantly more time than an xm800 to get a kill. Oh and on rough terrain the difference begins to favour xm800. Oh and it lacks neutral steering for better positioning.

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And much louder.


This, Is a fact, and thus I can agree with it. But if you recall, they cranked the Foxs engine volume because it was too potent.

It’s not coping if I own the fox? And know how broken it is… it’s called reading the facts as they are. Not injecting opinion.

I mean, no, no, and no?
I was playing with a buddy who spaded his xm-800, I left him in the dust everytime.

What really made for an unstoppable combo was him in the xm totally disabling something i couldn’t kill with ease (mainly was an IS-4) and then I’d finish it off.
The xm may be initially slightly quicker on sand, but in every other scenario I was the faster vehicle.

The only real advantages in the Xm vs the fox is stabilized & faster fire rate… but honestly I’d prefer something that pens, stability wasn’t much of an issue unless I was hitting a jump at 60 mph

It is coping. You didn’t own the Fox when you started this thread, and you’ve let confirmation bias get the better of you.


Confirmation bias? Now you’re just making things up.
Why did I get the fox?

To prove you all wrong, it’s an extremely potent vehicle, even more so when the enemy team is oblivious.

Thus my stance hasn’t changed, I knew it was OP, proved it was OP, yet your still screaming and kicking like a kid.


Si est in puncto.

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“prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be [unfair]”

In fact, I am not being biased here, but thanks again for your opinion.

I looked at the statistics, they showed me exactly what I already knew

When people find out you don’t even play it, your opinions will get thrown out of the window, because you’ve seen some players do well in them doesn’t necessarily mean everyone will do well, I myself are dogshit at it lol only 1.7 KDR while my BMP-3 has 2.5 and the Rooikat 105 has 3.7, you cannot just jump in a vehicle and think you can do well just because you’ve seen others do well, my Eland is 0.6 KDR and XM-800T is 0.8, for my playstyle they are not an easy vehicle to master, thus its not OP for me.

Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one’s prior beliefs or values.

You started this thread believing the Fox was overpowered, and now having experienced it first hand, you are favoring things that support your position and ignoring any evidence to the contrary.

This is a textbook example of confirmation bias and you are too blinded by your own ego to see it.

People keep bringing up KDR, for all the fun clips I post and love I have for the Fox my KDR for it isn’t even positive right now because I take a high risk high reward approach with it. I rush for extremely ambitious early game ambush spots and I don’t always make it to them. Sometimes when I do make it to them I’m greeted shortly by some flavor of Russian heavy tank at an angle I can’t do shit against.