Marketplace, its a legit camo not a user skin.
So to re-iterate does anyone have a valid point why the fox shouldn’t go up in br?
Because it’s stats alone blow every other tank out of the water.
Many people have already given you several reasons for saying no, but you keep asking until the result suits you.
So long as you ignore the fact it has;
- No Stabiliser
- No LRF
- No TVD
- Lowest fire rate of any auto-cannon
- No Armour (50 cal can kill it)
Then yeah, sure, if you solely look at its shell pen, its better than any other tank in game (though until you start looking at better IFVs with better guns with better shell pen)
TLDR, its a bit better in some respect that equivalent IFVs like the XM800, but barely.
Please provide a single reason it should move up other than “it can kill me when it shoots me in the back when im not looking” like every other tank in the game can.
•no stab
• (nobody has thermals at 7.7 so that’s a irrelevant point)
• slow rounds per min. (Really not a flaw, learn to aim better, I actually found it to be rather stable while driving, and continuously firing.
•faster than everything at its own br while being stock
•very high turret traverse
•very high pen for an auto cannon
•great armor, apparently can live 105s according to my videos, in addition to .50 cal’s.
That is a skill issue. You can kill a Fox with a 50 cal if you aim for the weakspots, but to claim a Fox can withstand a 105mm shell… Is just BS
Lower than the XM800
its slightly faster than XM-800 and AML-90 but barely.
Again, no smaller than a XM800 or AML-90 and bigger than a Wiesel.
If anything, it’ll be 8.0 at most. 7.7 is fine, it (and similar tanks) just make playing any non autocannon lightly armoured vehicle miserable (AMLs, most french things, BMPs, and anything else without armour). This is mostly due to autocannons being flat out better in any 1v1 situation with another light tank.
It definitely can, especially with HEAT. I’ve shot 90mm HEAT-FS and 105MM HEAT at it, and that didn’t kill it. It being as resistant as it is to .50s is highly annoying.
If I had it my way, it and its counterparts wouldn’t have been added to WT in the first place. They can’t be balanced well since they’re better than any other light tank in a 1v1 situation, but they are awful against anything that they can’t pen.
It will definetly pen.
As for it not doing any post-pen damage. [Insert ANY light tank here]
My god, the number of times i’ve had light tanks like the wolfpack or BMP survive direct hits from 120mm shells is crazy. But that is not a reason for the fox alone to be nerfed.
Heck. Challenger DS vs Puma and BMP:
The Fox? or IFVs in general?
Autocannon only IFVs (not SPAAs), stuff like the BTR 80, Fox, XM800T, Wiesel, R3, etc. I don’t think they can be implemented in a way where they would be balanced or fun for everyone.
That’s fair. and yeah… They probably cant be. But that ship has sailed a long time ago. Im just glad other nations are slowly but surely catching up with additions like the Fox and Desert Warrior.
Volumetric is the issue with the Fox. However. People better be aware what they wish for if they want Volumetric fixed…
The fact that more rounds means more chances to get around Volumetric bullshit, means that faster firing autocannons will always be strong.
I want APHE, APDS and volumetric fixed. But, hey the community doesn’t, thus light vehicles are going to be stronger disproportionately compared to larger ones.
Side note: Aussie Cent (5/1) is the best light tank killer at 7.7 and above due to the fact APDS shatters on it because “spaced” armour.
Hmm lived a 105mm
Hmm lived a 90mm and .50 cal too.
I just played a match and lived a ton of 20 mm, 30 mm etc. the armor seems to over preform honesty
So submit a bug report
Not possible for them to fix the Foxes Volumetric.
I mean. Unless you want most Russian vehicles (and a couple USA) to be ruined if they fix the Fox. Since they would need to overhaul the whole Volumetric system…
I will take an overhaul though. ;)
you’re blowing this way out of proportion its as if you’re claiming people are front penning american heavies
As would I. It would fix tons of usa and German tanks
Just because Volumetric has made its armor scheme a bit more survivable than it would be without it doesn’t mean it has “great armor”
Yes. It would validate all your coping and seething about it in this thread which would be cringe and thus should not happen.
I don’t think volumetric is really the problem as much… I mean honestly some vehicles are just straight up broken.
ah so no you don’t have a valid point, thus you think it’s cringe.
Countless valid points have been made throughout the 700+ posts in this thread. You just ignore them, so instead of throwing more at you I’m just going to tell you to keep coping and seething.