Fox is still overpowered

This has to be bait, right?


RARDEN underperforms at longer ranges because it has realistic drop-off modelled. Other autocannons are basically laser beams.


It’s very slow compared to nearly every other autocannon.

It doesn’t have very much pen at all.

You are delusional if you want it any higher than 8.3, since there are better tanks at that BR.

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M139 - 1050 rpm
M242 - 201 rpm
Rh202 - 800 rpm
2A72 - 330 rpm
2A42 - 550 rpm
KBA B02 - 560 rpm
KAD - 996 rpm
GIAT M693 - 750 rpm

L21A1 RARDEN - 80 rpm

80 rpm is fast now.


Trust me, it’s annoying for everyone - cause if you know one exists you have to spend a couple of seconds IDing it when you couldv’e shot, hit and killed it otherwise.

Well then you need to state that in your examples. off the top of my head the Pen of the RARDEN is lower than the 2A72’s APDS, but that’s because (as Rulan said) the dropoff on the pen is hugely different. How Gaijin got pen on a round to drop off that quickly using a formula I don’t know…

As was stated earlier, by means of comparing, at anything between point blank and 1000m you stand a reasonable chance of sidepenning an M48A1, both the BTR and Fox can pen. The BTR actually has more pen from around 800m as previously stated.

I genuinely don’t understand what you want us to do. That’s on the level of “I think the Tiger II has too much armour, I’m going to reduce it” when you have absolutely no data to back it up. It’s historically correct, and mobility isn’t one of the stats that Gaijin uses for soft balancing.

(Relatively speaking, as also mentioned earlier, and as Rulan stated below, RARDEN is actually probably underperforming. The only reason it isn’t better is because of the magical formula they use, which… somehow gets a round with 110mm of pen at point blank to do about 70mm in 1000m… whereas there are other tanks, namely thr BTR, which have comparatively little dropoff in performance, starting at 82mm going down to also just around 70mm at 1000m. The difference in pen at point blank can be attributed to the RARDEN firing APDS at velocities 200 m/s than a 2A72 APDS shot, but that doesn’t explain the dropoff from the RARDEN.)

Also, “fast firing”
God help you when you find out about the M61 Vulcan.

Also, it’s quite possible the RARDEN is underperforming. There has been some suggestion that the ROF might be 90, but there’s not enough concrete evidence to support it, hence why it isn’t in game. Not that I’m arguing for an ahistorical buff/nerf (we’re not about that around here) but there’s an amount of video footage that (on balance probably isn’t edited) that also shows a higher rate of fire than 80RPM.


M22 should definitely go to UK


So let’s summarise, the Fox has to get a nerf because players were badly damaged and had to watch their tank being destroyed. The solution: the sufferers play UK themselves until they can no longer see the Fox.


I mean, if we think autocannon light tanks are annoying, yeah let’s nerf them! Right then, so the BTR gets nerfed Pen too, the XM800 could lose even more pen so all it can do is track people, the Wiesel should be limited to HEI only since its actually an Anti Air, the USH…

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I wholeheartedly agree.


T18 and T14 also should really have gone to the UK or been present in the UK.

Considering both were made specifically for the UK and in the case of the T18 the UK was its only user.

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Wasnt there some info found a while ago where RARDEN was supposed to be 90 rpm or something? Or was that just the warrior?

I remember something about the rpm being 90 and how it wouldn’t be possible with how reloads are done in WT.

Faster than a 7.5 sec main gun.

Also, I appreciate you reporting my original post because I have brought logic to the conversation.
The fox will be perfectly fine at 8.0, it’ll do ALL the same things it could before, EXCEPT, now enemy teams are more likely to have the ability to fight back.

It also boosts its rewards, which you probably didn’t think of.


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I don’t report post, i’m not that petty even if I disagree with you. But thanks for assuming I did it.


BMP-2. Should be at a BR where everything has good enough ERA to protect against the ATGM. Maybe 11.3? Will still be able to do everything it can now, but it wont one shot everyone cross map


Again another dense point of view, can you not avoid its attacks?

-it’s slow,
-has to be fully stopped to fire it’s ATGMs

So what would you do then? There’s clearly only two options.
A: fox goes to 8.0, no other vehicles get buffs.
B: fox stays at 7.7, BTR-80As (Russian and Italian get buffed to 94 pen with APDS, and that stupid bar behind the turret remove.), xm800T gets buffed to 72 pen same with RCV, etc.

That is the only logical solution.
Because keep in mind:
2a72: 82 pen: 30x165
Rarden: 110 pen: 30x170

How is it a vastly worse vehicle, is only one br beneath a vehicle that does everything far better?
The fox can destroy heavy tanks, medium, TD, etc with ease.

C: leave it where it is, no artificial buffs or nerfs. Get over the Fox and move on.


Okay. Bring the BTR pen up. Unless you have documentation to support:

The 2a72 pen being so bad compared to the Rarden.

and the fox has

  • No Stabiliser
  • No TVD
  • No ATGMs
  • No LRF
  • No Drone
  • Wheeled not tracked
  • Lowest fire rate of any autocanon

and you are proposing it must be placed at a BR where it will face only things with all of the above. Heck the Warrior has the same gun, but with MILAN 2s, TVD, LRF and a Drone at 8.3

But god-forbid your 3km ATGMs be nerfed at 8.7 where my Chieftain Mk3 gets insta one shotted by them and there is no defence against them. I wouldnt want Soviets to struggle