Fox is still overpowered

Huh, actual, actionable statline of the round. Any source on where this is from? I have seen the claims made over and over about the round existing and effectively being a modification of a RM 30mm APFSDS round, but if we got full sourcing, could push it as a round for later RARDEN users at least, even if not the Fox.

Though IIRC other tanks do have ammunition they never would get irl due to timeframes for balance… lol.

Britain for many years had tried or atleasr attempted to get a apfsda round for the RARDEN…not the first and not the 2nd all seem to be recased german ones … most called L21A1

Most specificly it was RWM or Oerlikon under Rheinmetall who seem to have recased l21a1


Good lord this has been a fun chat to look through lmao, i never thought i would see someone trying to say the FGR2 stomps lol


How many Fox variants are out there? if there is more than one that perhaps leave this one at 7.7 then add another one with APFSDS but place it higher br.

there are a couple that could be neat like the FOX MILAN or the FOX 25


The FOX 25 had the same turret as the normal fox but with only one crewmember and a 25mm M242 gun

then again a fox with the same gun as a bradly might make op lose his mind lol


That’s neat, it and the Swedish cheese might be the only two to adopt the last man-standing rule lol

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ye its a cool little prototype

that isn’t at all confusing whatsoever


I missed this bit

The gun is called the L21a1, not the rounds afaik? So I assume they use the name because its a prototype munition and putting the guns name to it helps keep documents/admin settled.

Or did they just decide to confuse everyone by using the same name as the gun for the munitions?

Also, again, source your stuff chaps, if you think you have something, source where you get it from, others might build off your work to find us the legendary prototype munitions for WT.

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They sure did.

in 15 years when Scimitar and Scorpion are added, I will be eagerly waiting for “X is still overpowered” threads.


For some reason, in WT, these small racing cars are a plague. At least when they put up a certain amount of penetration power and are of tiny size. I was really hoping Gajin might finally tackle this issue with the Fox. But its still like this: Heavy and medium tanks of that BR bracket are still unplayable. They take all caps in no time and then swarm the map to shot slow moving real tanks from all directions with 110mm pen autocannons. Its toxic. When you take one out, they always spawn a strike jet for a revenge bombing.

These vehicles just have too many pro’s over tanks.

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Not just in WT, theres a reason armoured cars were heavily used during WW2 and in multiple post war campaigns to the point the French dont even consider tracks as a necessity to being a tank (like Sweden thinking a turret is optional).

Armoured cars are extremely lethal operational vehicles, give them terrain they can move over and they will dominate like a tank will.

The “issue” with the fox wasnt settled because its coming in a larger autocannon patch. “unplayable” is a strong word lol.

Been playing a lot with my 7.7/8.3 Brits recently, rarely seeing foxes around, maybe 1 or 2 a game, “swarm” for me is a strong word here too lol.

Those 2 comments make it seem like 50% of the enemy are in foxes at all times or something. Given you seem to stick to German armour, you will face the UK a lot, most the time as the UK I face Germany allied with the US and USSR.

“real tanks”, I mean, armoured cars are real vehicles too lol, RARDEN was specifically designed for use by aggressive recon units to engage enemy armour including medium vehicles from the flank or rear.

Strike jet, what BR are you talking about here? You were saying in your 6.7 tiger II before, being swarmed, now jets? The only “strike jet” that really fits in here would be the Strikemaster which again, has seen a drop off in use now its a year old. Other jets in the UK lineup around this point are not really strike, more fighter-bomber with very light loadouts.

Are you meaning higher BRs where the UK gets actual ground attack?

And yeah, recon cars always had major advantages over tanks, its why the UK during WW2 put a heavy emphisis on producing heavy armoured cars, the single reason they didnt go forward a lot was the projects getting stuck in production issues while other systems went ahead (though the AEC went ahead at least and would provide the heavy support to recon elements). Post war 1 of the very first moves the UK did was to put money and expertise into producing new heavy armoured cars, and constantly arming them with the most advanced systems they could. Same for France too (with strong influence from the UK), IIRC the US was a bit tepid in this though did work on it for export markets.

Literally look at the meme video above for just a small sample of the crazy things the UK did with cars in the late 40s into the 70s around the Ferret chassis. Theres far more then that lol.

Inb4 “but why do nations use mbts then?” well, MBTs can go places cars cant/will have issues, MBTs can pack enough armour to protect from infantry attack for the most part, MBTs also look more scary on paper. MBTs are(?)/at least were cheaper to field at brigade strength then infantry formations were for most the cold war, at least for the UK.

edit: I mean we even went full crazy and mated armoured cars with that other thing the UK loved, HESH… and put it on a missile.

Peeps will go completely life support if that ever shows up.


The next one will be either Brimstones or Typhoon

Scorpion 25mm with FVT925 turret that has a stabilizer and thermals

FOX with FMC one-man turret with a Hughes 25mm Chain Gun and a 7.62mm co-ax and a stabilizer


Ferret 80 with FVT900 turet that has a 20mm autocannon

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Careful chaps dont want to go too off topic here now :)

We can link them via… What BR can these be if the Fox is 7.7 but folks want it 8.7.

These would be what. 11.7? 12.7?

This is why Fox balancing has to be careful. Because how else are we meant to get our more “OP” vehicles in game?