I’m just going crazy with these fox 3 going to limbo
if you shoot your missile at a missile it will track it
fox 3 arent magic to distinguish between planes and missiles
whatever you fire it at, it will track
The problem is that it wasn’t just in one game that this bug happened to me, this damn bug is happening in almost every game I play in, and it’s been lasting all day
The first one hit the ground no? the second one is hard to understand because of just 3s and low resolution.
But WT servers are very low quality for modern pvp standards, desync makes things go weird, also I assume you are brazilian and play with a highish ping which makes that desync even more weird more often
the 2 clips are from the same missile but the missile didn’t even hit the ground and this is happening in practically every top tier match where my missiles simply go to limbo.
and I had to reduce the quality of the video a lot to be able to post it on the forum
Ok got it. Its apparent that from the servers perspective (replay is what the server “sees”), it decided that the missile should cease to be. Anyway you could bug report it but I think its from desync and nothing will be done.
What I usually do is upload an unlisted video on my YT and paste the link here
I think others are missing the point. The missile fully disappears in mid air doesn’t it?
no, it’s simply a bug that makes the missiles disappear
isnt that what I said?
oh yes, I misunderstood sorry