For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

Somewhere in the Can 2A4M thread, is a screenshot of Smin confirming that it is an official German sub tree

Found it!


but it is, just like smin confirmed india is an official sub nation for UK

the SK105 has no relations to germany at all

we have like over 5 screenshots of smin saying its the case, some people just dont wanna believe it

Doesnt explicitly say that “Argentina is the Sub-TT of Germany” it just says “What few Argentine vehicles we intend to add to the game, will go to Germany and we dont intend to add a South America/Argentine TT anytime soon”



Until that’s added however (which it won’t be), I see no reason why Germany can’t get an Argentina F-16. Every other nation already has the F-16, I see no reason why Germany could not receive it.

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That’s the same screenshot.

Doesnt say anywhere that Germany is an offiical sub-TT of Germany like Hungary is for Italy, South Africa is for Britain, Finland is for Sweden or Benelux is for France.

If you can link the dev-post saying that Argentina has been added to Germany, then great


yes just so he could read it closely “germany is currently home of the argentine vehicles we have ingame”

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Britain doesnt. We had to slog through an entire year of F3 vs Mig-29 despite New Zealand F-16s being right there. I dont see why Germany should get speacial treatment just because they are going to have a slightly weaker aircraft than everyone else.


Exactly. its the “current home” not the permanent and future home. and its just stating that the what? 3 Argentine vehicles added are in the German Tree

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Cause it’s a little more than “slightly weaker”. I’m not saying its terrible- but it has no chance in top tier fighting against things with better FMs and Ordnance and Radars etc.

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Still doesnt say Germany will get access to any and all Argentine vehicles.

It does for now, until there is another place they can go that’s better. Which we don’t have.

There you go

“It’s NOT a full Sub-Tree like South Africa, Finland or Hungary”


Neither did the Tornado F3 on arrival.

F4F-ICE should get Aim-9LI or Aim-9M. But beyond that, Germany is just going to have to cope until Typhoon or maybe Swiss F-18, even then, Swizterland is not a sub-TT either. I guess Germany may have to wait a full year for Typhoon like Britain had to wait a full year for the Gripen

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“however it is the home for [Argentina] vehicles for the time being.”

Aka it is a subtree Gaijin just doesn’t want to fill on sell it as one to keep people happy.

actualy 4, like i said the JaPz.K A2 is argentinian just has the wrong flag for whatever reason like normal.
And i would like you to explain why we got that one since it has no relation to germany at all.
You might remember that gajin prepared a pucura model as well to be added into the germany tree but because of problems with the artist it had to be scratched

its not a full subtree meaning its not a subtree as it is, just a few vehicles from argentina, it dosent mean argentinian vehicles are not going to germany at the moment just to fill some lineups