For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

I think it should also be stated that Germany is the onyl nation that gets ARH at rank 3. Everyone else. Inclduing the SHar and AV-8B+ its a Rank 4 mod. You have a notably easier stock grind than everyone else.

“Oh no! My nation suffered so now everyone must feel my pain”

How about rather than taking down everyone’s game, you help fix it and fight for other people since you know the pain of not having something worthwhile. This seems to be a common British Attitude where you must share your suffering- instead of helping other people avoid it.

Germany deserves to have some fun. The F-16, as I said, is already in pretty much every other tech tree- so you may as well give it to Germany, who could really use it. And before you bring in “Why didn’t GB get one?” Because you guys have the Grippen C, which belongs to a nation that already has a Sub-Tree in your nation.


The entirity of 2023 all I heard was “Britain is a minor nation of course it should suffer” or “go back in time and tell the MoD to buy something better then” or “Oh no, too bad go play another nation”

Quite a few of thsoe people were german mains. So im just dishing it out in return.


that’s called schizophrenia

Ground stuff is irrelevant. Germany isnt being nerfed. They were a full BR ahead of everyone else and now other nations are slowly but surely catching up to Germany and the fight is become more balanced.

Air. In CAS. I agree. You have a weak tree. Buff the Tornado. Simple.
Air. Regarding the F4F-ICE. Should get IRCCM missile. Stupid it doesnt.

Btu adding F-16s “just because everoyne else has them” is a stupid argument. No logical reason for it at all. You’ll probably get F-18 next update from Switzerland and you never know. We might get Typhoon sooner than expected. F-15C MSIP II was the benchmark to be added before Typhoon and thats just been added.

But this idea that Germany is in someway more neglected than other nations is just kinda stupid. Totally untrue. Oh no, Germany has no 13.0 jet for 1 update. Join the club that most other nations have to endure on the regular.

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Germany could count on the support of Switzerland, Austria or Poland. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the Argentine f-16 (which they don’t have yet).

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The Alpine TT and Polish TT could be released as standalone trees. Adding to Germany would actually diminish its potential.


I mean for the last few years Germany has been the last to get “peer equal” vehicles for no good reason (MiG-19, F4, MiG-23, MiG-29) and its always been right before the next best thing is added so no Germany really is at best equally neglected as any other nation.
Sure other nations have had periods where they struggle, but the only one that actually was as bad was Italy and that got fixed with the newer Harriers and the Grippen.

Just because other nations used to struggle doesn’t mean that this fucking stupid trend of keeping Germany an update behind in air should continue.
Hell Germany doesn’t even have anything that can realistically compete with the F-15s, Su-27s and Grippens from Air Superiority.


No it hasnt.

Thats usually Britain, Sweden or Italy.

Yes you had to wait 1 update for things like the Mig-23 and Mig-29. But the average wait time for Britain, Sweden and Italy for equal aircraft is 9+ months, Usually 3 or 4 updates.

heck Britain is only now Getting an IFV equal to the PUMA over 2 years later.


A wise man once said (definitely not Master Oogway)

It is a lot easier to hate than to love. But always: the bigger man will forgive.

Maybe this would be a valuable lesson to learn.

And by not hating, maybe you could get the help you need and/or want in making Britain a fun nation to play. Good food for thought here

wdym not master oogway?, you dont disrespect master oogway!

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I’m trying to be funny while also getting a point across. People are much more likely to read “Master Oogway” then “The hands that leave the bike are often the ones you trust the most”

good way of catching attention


Keywords: “for no good reason”
Britain, Sweden and Japan had to wait multiple updates because there just wasn’t anything to add, iirc for example Britain was getting phantoms on par with the US until the only things left to add were too far ahead for the time, same for Sweden and Japan.
Like i said there was no reason for them to not add the German planes when everyone else got theirs, but they did it anyway.
For most other nations the big waits are because there wasnt anything else that could be added without being insanely OP, with Germany it seems to be just cause they feel like it.

I do think the Desert Warrior is based though, been waiting for a good light vehicle for Britain for a while.

Well then. I guess Germany will just have to wait until they get an aircraft on par with everyone else. Such as the Typhoon


They could also just, idk, throw in an F-16 from a nearby country instead of keeping up this stupid as shit trend.

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Or, they could just deal with the lack of domestic options, like Gaijin does with mid tier US SPAA. I don’t see anyone clamoring to give us foreign options.


two updates for the MiG-23 (5 months), but yes one update for the 29s … each

Oh and before that was the MiG-21bis-SAU, added in update 2.11, Ground Breaking. Until that point Germany had to hold out with the MiG-21MF against the Soviet 21bis, which got added in update … 2.1 New Power.

That is 5 updates, 11 months

While at it, UK got actual SARH missiles (aka not the anemic R-3R) in update 1.101, Raining Fire, the same update they got added. Germanys first SARH carrier was the MLA in update 2.11, thats 13 months after everyone else … wasnt UK even the only nation with PD radar for some time?


Some nations are just not always going to be competitive at top tier air, Germany neglected its airforce (in attempt to have local production only) and the Typhoon program was extremely delayed (in no small part to the German instance on the extremely inefficient production split system). Even their typhoons they cheaped out on and won’t be as good as the British or Italian ones when they come. While I personally have nothing against things like a Polish F16 or Swiss F18 (tho come now wait until anyone gets an F18 before begging for that), Germany just won’t be a top dog in top tier air.