For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

Personally i think a Russian airframe with NATO weapons would be baller af, the real culmination of the tree being divided between both sides, then finally getting one plane that unites both.

My only issue is neither of those projects went past the design phase. They never even built the launch rail conversions. The only nato weapon to be integrated onto the 29 irl is HARM in an adhoc conversion with the frequency programmed on the ground beforehand, afaik.

Argentinian vehicles go to Germany, like Canadian and Australian vehicles go to Britain. That doesn’t make Argentina a sub tree, like Canada and Australia are not sub trees of Britain.

Neither did the yak-141 having weapons, that still didnt stop gaijin from adding it, i just think it would be cool, but who knows how they’d even implement it or model those pylons. the actual argument in the end just boils down to: i just want germany to have something that can actually stand a chance in top tier, the f4ice is just completely DoA

Swiss f18 tho…

but they dont lol
Gajin specialy stated this is not the case, while gajin specialy said argentinia goes to germany

it makes it a sub nation, not a whole line but all argentinian stuff is going to germany

just like norwegian, denmark, romania and india are confirmed sub nations as well

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also an option yeah but that isnt already in game, both the f-16 and mig-29(polish) could be added literally this update if they wanted to, not giving germany anything almost seems like an intentional choice by the devs.
Like, if they could add not 1 but 2 whole copy paste f-16s to france (which didnt even need them in the first place) why can’t they just give germany one too?

Yes, but the F16 is not an Argentinian vehicle.

what do u mean it is? or are you saying to remove finish leopard 2a6, indian bishmas etc etc as well

The US mains whined like crazy for the skink though. Just because you don’t want to remember doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

cough av 8b+ cough

Yes, and the same people that are begging for US vehicles they never used told me there’s no reason for us to get the Skink.

Even then, the Skink is developed from and used US built components. Germany and Britain have nothing to do with the F16 or F18.

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the canadian skink is already in the UK tree so it cant be added to US
argentinia has F-16s argentinia is a confirmed sub nation for germany. So it would go to germany.
It can go to the US because argentinian vehicles are at home in germany

Still dont know what u mean with the statement argentinia has no F-16s

Yet you were a part of the group demanding the Leopard 2AV for the US… huh.

The French melted down and got the SK105 removed from the German tree. Gaijin easily could have added it to both the UK and US tree.

SK105 is still in the german tree go take a look at the game before spitting such falacies lol

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tell me again what the JaPz.K A2 is lol, it wasnt removed, they gave france the austrian one and germany the argentinian one

Yes, the Leopard 2AV built for and trialed by the US. Like the T80 and Mi28 in the Swedish tree or the Tiger 1 and M47 in the Japanese tree.

I ask for vehicles built for or developed from US vehicles. Other people are asking for vehicles they have no relation to. I’m not sure why that’s difficult to understand.

besides that what has the sk105 have to do with the F-16 in this case, you are grasping for straws and showing you dont quite know what u are talking about

well its good then we are asking for an argentinian F-16 which is confirmed to be part of our tree then isnt it?