For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

It’s a reason to keep BeNeLux together.

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Does it have to be a F-16? Or did GER literally have no other options outside from foreign ‘support’? (and please no Typhoon)

And your only striker is a tornado, which just needs precision munition. Is that available?

Only outside option.
Its either argentinian f-16 or swiss f/a 18

Just something that isn’t a truck with engines…

The real issue in my opinion is that Germany after it gets split only really gets 1 or 2 competent aircraft, almost everything sucks and is simply worse versions of things on other TTs, everyone has viable options at top tier currently except for germany, the german mig-29 was pretty good but now with fox-3’s coming it is simply worse than the smt, it has a worse weapons loadout and worse eletronics, and only slightly edges it in flight model (which the mig-29 already has a very bad one), i dont think its so much to ask to give them a polish f-16 or honestly a dutch one could 100% have gone to germany, just anything to hold over and make the nation playable until the eurofighter comes.

Honestly im hoping for a swiss f18. Though i dont think the f4f ice will be that bad if it gets an irccm missile and the devs don’t screw it over.

Dont realy care just gotta be either
Only thing maybe in point for the argentinian f16 is that we could proof a2g armament easier

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It doenst have to be an f-16, but it would be the easiest to implement by far since many versions are already in game, and the one that has more nations compatible, both poland and the netherlands operate the f-16 and they are both closely related to germany (german tree already has some polish vehicles), switzerland is also a viable option if they plan to add the f-18 soon.

Give it aim 9l(i) and mavs D and i will be happy and all i wanted from it

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Buddy argentinia has f16s now, we dont have to open the csn for poland

Dont forget the mav g. :P

That ones ginna be harder

Poland is quite literally already avaiable on the ground tree, it wouldnt be such a leap, another reasonable option for poland would be their mig-29s, they got them from germany and even planned to fit them with amraams, they never actually did but the yak-141 never mounted real weapons either and it’s still there

no, they had minimal to no actual input or contribution to the project at all, all they did was basically preorder it lol. it was all lockheed BAE and northrop

Also the Argentinian F-16 looks like it could be added much sooner I think.

I mean we quite litterally have the same plane in game already now. Just reskin and boom.


u are aware the UK tree literaly has more polish vehicles then germany.
When there is decal events as well it says for you to play the UK
We dont need poland when the only thing we got is a leo 2 pl

They almost integrated aim9x as a replacement for r73 since they couldn’t get any more as well but it was shot down for cost reasons.

i was talking more about his previous replies to me about adding the f35 to germany early lol.

and the only polish crew voices are in UK. (outside of 2PL)

ORP Piorun goes hard in naval, ngl

Because 12.3 and 2x Aim-9M + 2x Aim-120, but i have also a Version without the Harrier

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