For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

Germany suffer no more

I mean, when Russia gets their 2S38 ahead of schedule, why not Germany our F-35’s as well.

Aight man so in your sense Germany should also get Netherlands cus it’s not an official french allie not even gonna mention it’s almost halfway owned by the bundeswehr or Hungarian army which 90% equipped with German weapons

I am simply telling the easiest strategy to win an engagement versus the F4KWS.
If you’re unexperienced enough as to dogfight the most agile Phantom II in the game, then that’s certainly not a Tornado problem.

No, only Britain and US should get F-35 as Britain and US designed it. Germany can get the EFT you guys like to brag about so much.

Trying to justify the KWS at 12.7 (Hell, bunch up the F.3 Late with it if you feel inclined) versus the 4th gens is insane.

We ordered them, for Japan this excuse and some shipping manifest was enough to get the F-16J.

Again why is that important… Specifically to war thunder?
Other then if you already implemented Argentina into the German tech tree… Add their f16’s that’s it

Yeah but copy paste should always be a last resort, when we get to the point where f35 is being added Germany has the EFT instead

all the other argentine vehicles were produced by Germany so the argument doesn’t work so well for the f-16. Although I can think of one example already of the ADATS in the British tree also involving a subnation rather than subtree

Why wait? Germany has suffered long enough. Let the culling begin.

Then add to US and UK aswell

The more the merrier, fine with me.

I still don’t see why Germany must have F-35 when there is another perfectly capable fighter that can be added instead, the typhoon

Both then.

So remove Finland’s leopards from sweden tech tree then

Well, BeNeLux should have gone to Germany and the Swiss to France… but here we are. Maybe you’ll get a Swiss F-18 soon? 🙏

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Indeed, it is outrageous that our germanic brothers were added to our historic arch enemy.

Same time the US gets their F-18. So, look for that ig.

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The more I look at your replies, the more I feel you just might be slightly biased towards Germany lol

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Try to justify the F3 against those sams aircraft is just as insane. In fact I can barely make a valid argument for the SHar FA2 to above 12.0. not alone 12.3