For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

and the only one we really want is Canada. We dont want soviet stuff in our tree and SA could have been really good. But it ended up just replacing a hole load of native options that would have been better and we’ve still not gotten.

SA is technically our full sub-TT but we desperately want India replaced with some more appropriate


U guys know what.
I think sometimes they do things like the Swiss Hunter to divide the Community so we are easier to control.

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The Tornado does not easily lose against the KWS-LV in WVR unless the pilot is severely inexperienced or outright throwing the game. Just fly away. The Phantom’s not catching you. Launch your AIM-9Ls, AIM-9Ms, or SuperTEMPs, and hope something lands. If not, fly away and spam countermeasures.

It’s not hard to win against a Phantom II, and it won’t be any different with the KWS-LV.

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Flat line speed might be our only saving grace. Providing BOL is enough to defeat a Aim-9L or Aim-120 (rarely is in my experience) but the F3 is slower than the Su-27/F-15 and mig-29 by quite a large margin. Not too mention the F3 has terrible acceleration.

If AIm-120 misses. you are probably dead. At least that is what always happened in the F3 when Skyflash missed and you were fighting a mig-29. If you managed to survive the R-27ER, you would die soon after to missile or cannon and there was nothing you could do about it.

The november/december update seems like the most likely one for an F-18C addition to be honest.

My timeline is F-18 Sep/Oct. Typhoon Dec.

I dont seriously think they can put off Typhoon for all that much longer. Especially as a LOAD of people said that the F-15C MSIP II would probably come in the same update. Well… its here

(maybe also a “late” tornado IDS update Sep/Oct as well. would be beneficial to a lot of nations including Germany to upgrade CAS)

I just don’t think they’ll skip the 18A, just like they didn’t skip the 14A, 16A and 15A. And I think the US mains will kick up enough fuss that they won’t give other nations the 18C while they “only” get the 18A.

Also there has usually been at least 1 update between new US 4th gen additions.

An inferior plane is inferior. That checks out.
And in fact, so is the KWS-LV. You get to fly the Gripen instead, though. We don’t.
That’s why it is important for us to have a proper, competitive platform as to not get steamrolled like hell.

Maybe, though maybe they’ll just add both in 1 update. Wouldnt be the first time. They essentially “skipped” the Gripen A.

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Just becaues we have the Gripen, Doesnt mean our native aircraft that some of us might actually want to play. should be over-BRed.

F4F-ICE BR = Torando F3 late BR (assuming ICE gets IRCCM missiles)

No exceptions. Just because ICE is Germanys only top tier aircraft with ARH at the moment, shouldnt mean it gets special treatment and a notably lower BR.

Argentina uses f16
Which is a german subtree if we gonna add some common sense into it…




sub nation, we have to be correct with the terms

Are you arguing that F4 has worse performance to a Tornado F3

Holy cope man

The F4 ICE should get 9Ms or 9L(i) and stay at 12.7 with the Tornado F3 Late

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They need to nerf the Belgian f16s, aim9m at 12.0 is OP and unfair to the US and other countries with early F-16 at 12.0. also Germany shouldn’t get any more American made or designed jets.

Aight champ whateves

Using GEN2 fighters with inferior equipment and weapons against GEN4 fighters is a big joke.

Especially when the other TT even has 1-3 different Gen4 fighter options, the German treatment is especially superior - ridiculous.

And regardless of air combat or CAS, Germany has always performed poorly, either fighter had been 3~12 months late ,powerless fighters, or with both shortcomings.

and next major update, we will see it all happen again.

if the solution to fill the gap between 29G and EF2k is F4F KWS, and if that’s the answer, I don’t think anyone would agree.

it the one thing which brings confusion and why many argentinan germany enemies argue against us, so yeah important

They could give the Tornados the Iris Would be a pretty nice Patch

Yeah, that one will definitely go up in second dev server.