For the love of god give Germany a competitive top tier jet

some people just can’t see other countries get something better than them

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We got SA, we didnt want it or ask for it . We got India, But didnt want it or ask for it.

We ONLY asked for Canada and some stuff from Australia.

Germany is asking for about a dzoen countries actively


But the Brits already got the JAS-39… which is arguably better than the F-16

No, the F4F-ICE can easily get onto the tail of the F3 and just use guns. F3 will never get into a good position to use guns against the ICE

Also you do know they nerfed BOL into oblivion. They barely work anymore.

Germany doesn’t have a real country to fill gaps from either. Argentinia may be some sort of subtree but it doesn’t seem like gaijin tries to add more argentinian vehicles.

It’s not that these countries should go to germany but that one of these should come to germany

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I mean Germany never asked for the Hunter that got the Brits malding, I’m fairly sure most of the people here would rather have gotten the Swiss F-5.

i would like to question and expert for that
@Gunjob does a phantom (f-4f) out turn the tornado f3 and get on its tail?

and the option for that should be in Switzerland in my opinion. But Germany is still going to have to patient for a change and live with what htye have for a few months till maybe F-18s get added. Then after that wait for Typhoon like everyone else will have to

Precisely, I dont want all of them (while it would be nice) But FFS just have one of them to fill the gaping maw of a gap

Pot calling kettle black, hello? I’ve seen Brit players asking for SA & India, I had also seen them ask for Egyptian M1A1s back on the old forum due to the region being under the British control like 80 years ago.

Most of “Germany is asking for a dozen of countries already” proposals were meme ones. Poland? Meme. Denmark? Meme.

The only serious ones were Netherlands (denied) and Switzerland, we never really asked for Argentina because it’s already a part of the German TT anyways so… can you count? Last I checked 2 isn’t equal to 12.


Yes, that did make us mad. Though more because its the best hunter in game and 2/3 of our hunters are barely playable currently. 1 has such buggy weapons they are almost not worth even equipping

They could just fix our hunters and maybe add another export hunter in its place

Germany asked for singular vehicles not whole subtres from most of these.

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It doesnt help Gaijin is as open to their playerbase as the KGB was to the USSR’s populace, If we got a guarantee that a swiss subtree was being worked on, you would likely see a lot of this discontentment die down


That argument didnt work for Britian when we were asking for singular vehicles from a few nations. Mostly German mains shot that down by accusing us of asking for dozens of nations

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Yep, it probably would

A swiss F-18 would obviously just get added with the F-18s from all other countries. So we would need to wait. The problem is that it isn’t save that germany will get the swiss f-18 and thus it isn’t sure either if this gap will be filled

I don’t really have a problem with the ICE for now but the uncertainty is worse.
A statement for the future (be it just: "we have something planned to fill that gap) would have been nice.


To be fair, Britian has 3(?) different nations as Psuedo subtrees, with the SA, Indian, and some Canadian vehciles

Again, Gaijin is a cagey ass company, and they cause most of this themselves

Trust me, thats almost worse. Sweden and Britain got that last june. and were even more pissed when absolutely nothing was added in the next 2 major updates.

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and the only one we really want is Canada. We dont want soviet stuff in our tree and SA could have been really good. But it ended up just replacing a hole load of native options that would have been better and we’ve still not gotten.

SA is technically our full sub-TT but we desperately want India replaced with some more appropriate