Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

then we should have the chance to test it and provide feedback, no? see how the new fragmentation performs in general and if the side fragmentation should be more forward-orientated?

Are people actually against a test or do they just not read what they are voting on?


At this point idk

They don’t read

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no clue why “no” players act so doomer-ish over the proposed changes.

Because they might actually need to aim their shots against some targets rather than just shoot anywhere they can pen and get a free kill, and apparently that’s a skill only FR/UK players possess at the moment.

Side note, large calibre APHE are probably still gonna overpressure tanks, so if anything this is a buff to tanks like IS-2 by making them harder to kill whilst they retain their OHK potential with the long reload to offset it


Well it seems, disappointingly but unsurprisingly, that this community can’t be trusted to read, or to vote in good faith. Nor are the devs apparently capable of basic voting security, like not allowing banned (including bot farmer) accounts, or accounts created specifically to vote, to vote.

The idea of community votes had good intentions, but we’ve seen time and time again that this community isn’t capable of handling that responsibility. The devs need to stop all polls and go back to simply making decisions themselves.


I think from the experience from previous 2 year update players are afraid from the result not want to get a similar result like happend in map redesign case… That is one factor which influence they decision. or simply not want game mechanic change… who know it ;)

Other players maybe stand on same stand point which i am: ( I wroted earlier in this topic long here is the short form: )


'This new mechanism very rudimentary, thoughtless and inaccurate. Too many factors are not taken into account during implementation.

What not implemented which make it accurate:
-inner explosition caused wave/pressure: which able to stun crews or wounded them

-explosion caused heat: also harmfull for crew members… heat air able melt lungs or cause crew inner fire damage and if it not kill them able to stun/knock out them OR set fire electric or non metal inner part, or crew members clothes…machine gun ammo paper charges and HE shells.

-Toxis gas from explosition like Co, Co2…etc also harmful for crew explosion is a chemical process with end product(s).

-fragments got ricochet innerside after explosion’


Some probably didn’t read, while i am just against wasting ny development tank on something so counterproductive

I don’t know why people are against testing stuff

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War Thunder playerbase when a potential change isn’t just a new vehicle (joking)

Don’t underestimate the power of Russian CCs.

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Because it wastes a lot of development time and risks outcome in which gajin pushes something through regardless of how broken it is, just because they’ve already invested into it

If i can see something turning out terrible even before it is tested, why would i bother?

in what way?

it is better than introducing the next tanks that just got sold to another country and modified a bit.
Mechanics have a much bigger impact, hence have the right to eat much more ressources, than adding a new Leopard 2 variant

Blame Gaijin for not saying that in the forum post. Yes people are dumb for not reading, but so is Gaijin for not giving the options of the poll in the actual post.

Don’t look at me dude, I voted Yes.

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In creating balancing mess. Nerfing weakspot shots will strenghten some vehicles to stupid levels while making some other much weaker.

It will take months or even years for gajin to sort it out later

Because they may want that gaijin spends Time on solving other bug or creating other things than doing this. That’s also what gaijin wants to know: should they spend a lot of time on doing a test that Can be useless, or they ask before to player if they want it

This is one of my main concerns. I don’t have enough faith that Gaijin will balance the game well enough if the changes go through.

Tiger E already has the cupola weakspot removed and sits at 6.0. most things being hit by APHE will also be firing APHE back, in relative terms the performance of their rounds won’t really change. What other vehicles would be significantly buffed by the change?