Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

what is the point? He is not crying

How has the vote gone from 70/30 to 50/50 in the course of like 12 hours

This definetly does not feel legitimate


While not everything who is voting no is saying this but there’s a small chunk of people voting no because then they’d have to gasp aim like people who use every other shell type, suspiciously soviet mains who also have APHEBC shells that defy physics when it comes to angle pen, vehicles like the IS-2 are carried by the BS angle pen and APHE damage which is whey they’re overtiered but that won’t get fixed at this point

weirdly enough you don’t see me complaining about the APHE change because I don’t use it as a crutch for my lack of aiming


wait, since when taking the time to aim better is brainless gameplay?

@Stona_WT sorry to bother you.

One of the CIS youtuber didn’t figure out situation. And to his audience, he says that changes seems not good therefore we all should vote “NO”

CIS community DOESN’T READ THE NEWS, and all of them vote “NO”.

Cause they think this change will immediately added into the game, not a test.

Developers need to be aware of these dishonest votes.


This is being manipulated man where did those boxes of votes come from?


This take is simply so ridiculous that i won’t even bother to reply to it with any serious comment.

All i will say is that if you believe that any of these is even remotely comparable to the change in question you should reeducate

They would know it anyway. They have their stats on who and when takes a vote and all stats of their account, like where to they come from for example which would already tell them a lot

And here it is, 50:50 and counting. No tests i guess ¯\(ツ)

Even Gaijin is aware of this and are trying to communicate about it;

But it is too late, so I hope they will take it into account.

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Play russian/german tank:

See enemy tank, point and click at any random spot in its side and you got a kill. Even if you shoot that little protruding piece of armour before the front axle.

Play british tank:

See enemy tank. Have to take your time to get your gun on their turret to disable gunner, then go for driver and finally clean up to get the kill.


“Nerfing APHE is to reduce skill!”


We are so back


Aaaand No is winning!


gg fighters


Wrap it up boys, nuke APHE will stay king


There are still 6 days. Wonder how it will end.
Need to restock on popcorn

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Yeah, and? Just because there are many tanks Gaijin should add nothing??? Bruh…
However we should test it BEFORE make sentences