Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

It would increase naba so light tank

If gaijin had changed this years back this voting would never have happened, of course players will vote no when confronted with actually having to aim for once

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Not ALL polls, I’d say. Previous polls on purely economic issues, like how big win bonuses should be, were positive. If it’s just a question of “will you play this more or less if we make this economic change”, a survey makes good sense.

Where they’ve lost their way this year is compromising their 11-year old creators’ game vision of maximizing realism within the confines of a game to a player vote, in April and again now. Given a choice, players are going to tend toward voting realism down. Because that’s Gaijin’s vision, not theirs.


bc spending that time to introduce another version of tanks etc already in game is worth it?

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Everything that you need to rely on weakspot sniping to pen with lower pen guns or has a lot of empty space inside of it. Things like Tiger Porsche, T26E5, Jumbos, all early KV-1s, PTs, early BMPs, M109s, even IS tanks to some extent

the game absolutely needs another Leopard variant

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Slightly unrelated, but it’s crazy Russian CC(s) were saying these changed would turn the game into WoT, but have they ever even played WoT, lol cupola sniping is literally a big part of hitting weakspots in that game, these changes would remove that


This i dont know anyone who likes it, especially when it shatters on leopards which have so little armour a 20mm can pen them frontally in game

When the object is moving, after the explosion all the fragments of this object will also move to the same direction, due to inertia. This object won’t stop suddenly, there will still be inertia pushing all the fragments forward. This is basic physics.

You can watch the video how the fragments behave in reality:

Unless they implement such mechanics in the game, you can’t talk about realism in this:

This doesn’t make sense, because the exploding shell is not static! It’s moving forward whole the time. All fragments that went to the side would be pushed into those 2 humans. There are no “green zones” in these areas in reality. All fragments should be pushed forward by inertia.

What they proposed is basically an explosion of a stationary shell. So what you think is realistic would happen if the shell basically stopped in the air and then exploded, which doesn’t make sense. This is not realistic, because shells don’t suddenly stop after penetrating the tank. They still move forward, and so should the fragments.


Oh… did you already test it? how?

Shocking, lower pen guns aren’t supposed to pen heavily armored parts

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True, non-binding polls for feedback are okay (though still need far better voting security; banned accounts and created-this-week accounts absolutely should not get a vote), but the playerbase should never be voting directly on game design.

Sherman or T-34 players know that if they get hit by a Panther or Tiger and it penetrates, they’re pretty much dead anyway. So their survivability is not getting buffed if the effect remains the same or changes.

Tiger H and Panther players will now not have to worry about their cupola weakness which the sherman and T-34 players can hit, so they will be much more effective hull down and when angled correctly.

So it is a rather one-sided buff to armor if the effect is changed. I would be fine with the change if they also reasonably changed the BRs, but as someone who remembers the volumetric armor changes, I do not have much faith in their ability to promptly address big changes to mechanics or vehicle buffs.

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BR changes are irrelevant to the vote. If vehicles are meaningfully affected in performance, they will inevitably go up/down.

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Proof by obviousness. Something exploding in the tank would be more effective than something not exploding in the tank.

LOL, they have barely touched strike aircraft since they introduced separate BRs. What are you smoking?

Shocking, you know nothing about WW2 heavy tank gameplay, so no one cares about whatever you say.

Having higher pen and not having to aim for tricky to hit and pen weakspots is already huge advantage all by itself. Being totally imune to your enemies is just breaking the balance

We haven’t had a BR rebalance since they introduced separate BRs though, have we?

Again, irrelevant to the vote regardless.

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This is coming from the person advocating for total fantasy shells, lol

Yes. Those green zones need to be dark-orange.

The shrapnel zone converges into a full sphere while the velocity of the shell on the direction of penetration goes to 0