Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

That would be nice, but I fear the server impact makes it infeasible to implement to the game, and doesn’t fix the fact that APHE does too much damage behind where the shell enters a tank

Right, but this has the side lobes going forward while in the Gaijin diagram the side lobes are going backward.

link? Did they simulate other rounds too?

behold, the power of scrolling up

Yeah, they’ll retain their “sphere of death”, but meanwhile being able to damage even more things that come up in their trajectory instead of just fully blow up when their fuse explodes. Mid tier balance keepers my a r $ e.

And that’s why there should be a test, so we can try to convince Gaijin to make it so the side lobes project forwards instead of just being flat out the side

People are voting on whether or not to change which directions the spall goes, the change of the AP’s head still going through a tank is a change that’s coming either way, APHE’s forward part of the shell will act like solid AP with a 360 degrees circle of where the shrapnel goes instead of before with the whole shell disappearing when it explodes, it would be a buff to APHE with the changes, all the benefits of solid AP and the unrealistic nuke effect APHE currently does.

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How do you justify backwards fragmentation with solid shot. Does physics no longer matter in War Thunder? Should we just delete sim and RB and make everything arcade so balance can be done based on feelings rather than actual facts?

Yes. Let me name some few:

  1. Ground is not objected to the same decompression as air
  2. There are AIM-9L slingers fighting against flareless aircraft
  3. Even the now-larger air RB maps returned into the same dump AIM-54 - return to base - rearm meta
  4. Top frigates cost a fortune to spade but does not offer more than a reserve destroyer.

If the “no” vote pases Gaijin will have set the president for shell performance in War Thunder to essentially to be complete fantasy and unrealistic, focussing on balance

If that is the case, worse performing shells such as AP/HESH/APCR should be buffed (even if its not realisitc) in order to remain balanced against APHE which is getting buffed even more

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Currently this is because APHE does no damage from the actual penetration, only from the explosion effect.
I don’t think server impact would be that bad, but I’m not a programmer.

No because physics are realistic and therefore bad for gameplay.

AP shells must have a vacuum effect capable of sucking the entire crew out of the vehicle for balance purposes, the less ttk the better
Can we vote “Yes” so we at least get to TEST the change? We’re voting for a TEST rn, not implementing the mechanic.


As soon as a player starts to talk about TTK in war thunder, my guy can f off to call of duty. The base principal of this game is to create an arcady tank sim with mechanics as realistic as possible. If people don’t even allow a test server to see how it actually looks like in-game I don’t know what


yeah because the ‘‘bigger problems’’ are the aim-9L, the AIM-54 and the frigates cost. The APHE that dominates until the apfsds tiers is absolutly a lower problem… bruh

No because half of the people voting apparently can’t even read

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Also shows the lobes moving axially forward…but in their heat map below that showing how it will work, the side lobes are greater than perpendicular backward

aphe will still continue to dominate till apds / heatfs.

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people forget that one shots are still often with solid shot and sub caliber shells, and aphe would still have the upper hand over inert shells… no clue why “no” players act so doomer-ish over the proposed changes.