Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

That is literally his arguement dawg

And you’ve only presented the omega “ride” on a person’s reply to a “top tier main” which was quite good, notice the ratio.


Well, except for those who want the game to be handheld to them (funny since that’s what they accuse others of wanting) by having every penetration of theirs to be a guaranteed one-hit kill.

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in game atgm can do zero damage, while in reality it obliterates tank. don’t wanna imrpove atgm?


who everyone? be more specific.

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Are we gonna have a test server for this?

It’s a terrible idea to change something major without any way to test it.

I will probably be voting no, because of the balance implications and because there’s no test server.


is this a realism or not yet?

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…what? That user tried to point out some “gotcha” moment suggesting that I didn’t want to improve ATGMs or something even though I literally made a topic about that recently.

What are you on about now?

They said in the voting page yes

This change is absolutely terrible and i can’t even imagine how much it will ruin balance at lower tiers.

Weakspots are the very base of balancing in this game. By making shooting them inefficient you essentially make some vehicles stupidly strong and others totally worthless.

Just take a look at a Tiger Porsche, it’s only weakness is commander’s cupola, you can’t destroy it otherwise. It will be an absolute menace at 5.7 after these changes. Only way to balance it out will be to oincrease it’s BR to vehicles that can pen it frontally around 6.3 or so, which on the other hand will make it absolutely terrible.

And what about thing slike Jumbo? that can work only by shooting weakspots. You can’t bring it down too much, as it will bully things just like it used to, but it will be totally worthless against things like IS-1, Tiger H1 or Panthers.

All this change does is ruins the balance of lower tier vehicles, which will take months for gajin to bring to any reasonable level afterwards, and creates a whole bunch of vehicles that will be close to impossible to balance, like aforementioned jumbo or tiger porsche. It’s either they are busted, or terrible


i still get no answer who will benefit from these changes.

spoiler - only germans will benefit.


AP has way worse post pen
He is only good from big cannons, the shell explodes by the slightests contact and the vehicle have either a long reload, no armor or both.
Heat has way worse post pen and explodes on contact.
Hesh is just worse.
Apds has way worse post pen.
Apdsfs isn’t relevant at the BRs where she is mostly used.
AP he has good pen and very good post pen. AP he with a big filler a nearly all advantages of high caliber he but the round doesn’t explode from a bush.

I suppose. A great addition. It probably won’t affect me but it is cool to see

He said, is this the way it’s supposed to be, complicated as all hell, with 1 billion extra steps. That how realistic engagements work?
I’ll answer it instead of you. NO.
Quit acting dumb. You call yourself a top tier main, stay on top tier topics.


These same type of changes have been implemented for naval and air HE rounds for years, and we can see how much those shells’ effectiveness was reduced by (though they’ve been buffed a bit in the past year). If you guys are expecting more engaging gameplay because of an APHE change… I’ve got news for you, that didn’t happen, TWICE.

If you still want the change, monkey’s paw I guess. Better start enjoying spending multiple rounds to kill a tank.




tanks with soild shots not efficient? maybe demand that solid shots must be repaired?
lol, ofc not, better to brake everything else.

wonderful community for a wonderful game.


Calling AP he everything shows how dominant it is.

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