Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes

i still get no answer who will benefit from these changes.

spoiler - only germans will benefit.


AP has way worse post pen
He is only good from big cannons, the shell explodes by the slightests contact and the vehicle have either a long reload, no armor or both.
Heat has way worse post pen and explodes on contact.
Hesh is just worse.
Apds has way worse post pen.
Apdsfs isn’t relevant at the BRs where she is mostly used.
AP he has good pen and very good post pen. AP he with a big filler a nearly all advantages of high caliber he but the round doesn’t explode from a bush.

I suppose. A great addition. It probably won’t affect me but it is cool to see

He said, is this the way it’s supposed to be, complicated as all hell, with 1 billion extra steps. That how realistic engagements work?
I’ll answer it instead of you. NO.
Quit acting dumb. You call yourself a top tier main, stay on top tier topics.


These same type of changes have been implemented for naval and air HE rounds for years, and we can see how much those shells’ effectiveness was reduced by (though they’ve been buffed a bit in the past year). If you guys are expecting more engaging gameplay because of an APHE change… I’ve got news for you, that didn’t happen, TWICE.

If you still want the change, monkey’s paw I guess. Better start enjoying spending multiple rounds to kill a tank.




tanks with soild shots not efficient? maybe demand that solid shots must be repaired?
lol, ofc not, better to brake everything else.

wonderful community for a wonderful game.


Calling AP he everything shows how dominant it is.

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Voted yes until I realized its not worth the dev time. Post pen of aphe sometimes randomly does pittiful damage as is. I dont want to have time spent make it worse intentionally.

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AP has worse post pen? uh yeah? The issue is the inconsistent spalling
HE is fine
HEAT is fine
HESH buff when
APCR is comically bad, and so is APDS for a large and part of it. So idk, buff them??

Still yet to present an actual arguement, you are just reiterating the same way to say APHE is the best performing shell tier for tier, which everyone already agrees with😭.

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But without taking into account the ricochet of the fragments from internal surface of the armour, this new model might actually underestimate the damage inflicted. (like it currently does, because unlike Post Scriptum, WT doesn’t model this)


exactly. This change will only make the gameplay more frustrating

So you would rather buff four shell than to buff one.

Also why would the nerf be bad?

uh yeah, id rather more shells be usable than less :)

To expand on this. Tanks that rely on APHE to be good will become not very good. Everything Russian, German, American, and Japanese will be nerfed. This also doesn’t solve the issue with solid ap/apds being awful in many cases. This makes it worse for everyone. French/British tanks won’t be get better, everything else will get worse. Solid AP will still be as bad as it is.

I also don’t believe gaijin will do BR changes well, which will leave certain tanks being overtiered/too good for their BR.


It’s better to make everything good by buffing a few things than to make everything bad by nerfing the one good thing. An enjoyable game is a better game.

Sure, in both scenarios everything is technically at the same level. But in scenario 1 the mechanics are far more reliable. RNG is inherently unfun for these cases.


Because it’s not about what people mock as “skill shots” that would be removed, it would kill punishing mistakes and side shots into hell.
Now imagine shooting a panther with ur 76mm t34 in the side and doing nothing. That would become a constant occurrence. Just an example
