Following the Roadmap: Sons of Attila Roadmap implementations and some Postponements

Hey everyone! In today’s major update “Sons of Attila”, we introduced a number of Roadmap features that were previously promised. Since there’s a vast amount, we thought it would be a good idea to compile and round-up each change from the changelog into one article, so that you can clearly see what has been added. We’ve also added tables of summarized and detailed information about parameter changes and in addition to this, some postponements that we need to make. So, let’s dive into the details!

Implemented in Sons of Attila

Changes to Progression and Research Points

We’ve made several changes to the research and purchase cost of aircraft and modifications at all ranks, and have condensed and reworked a large portion of research trees in the form of rearrangements and groupings of vehicles! Because there are a lot, we’ve created several tables that contain a summary and specifics of each vehicle in the game. One addition that we did not originally mention in the Roadmap is helicopter research and purchase cost, which have also seen some revisions.

We’d like to thank you for testing these changes on our open dev servers and leaving a vast amount of feedback on our forums.

  • The cost of researching and purchasing aircraft, especially in ranks V-VII has been reduced. The following parameters are being reduced specifically: the RP cost of aircraft, the total RP cost of modifications, the SL cost of aircraft, the SL cost of crewing the aircraft, the price of purchasing an expert crew, and the total SL cost of purchasing modifications.
  • The research trees for vehicles have been condensed and reworked. A large number of vehicles have been grouped together; the RP required for researching vehicles in groups has been halved (except for the first one), some trees have been significantly reworked regarding vehicle placement. These changes have also affected some of the economic parameters of vehicles that’ve changed.
  • The progression for Bluewater ships has been revised: Rank VI has been added to research trees, and the positions of a large number of naval vessels at ranks I-V have been changed. At the same time, the progression parameters for naval vessels of ranks II-V of both Bluewater and Coastal fleets have been revised: the vessel RP cost, modification RP cost, the SL cost of the vessel, the SL cost of crewing the vessel, the price of purchasing an expert crew, and the total SL cost of purchasing modifications.
  • The economic parameters of helicopters have been revised: firstly, the purchase price of helicopters and the purchase price of modifications has been revised, with the latter being significantly reduced for most helicopters. In addition to this, other economic parameters have also been revised to ensure similar helicopter progression across all nations in the game.

Changes to Silver Lion mechanics

Dynamic repair costs have been added — what does this mean? In short, the shorter the lifetime of a vehicle, the lower the repair cost. Let’s say your vehicle was destroyed within the first minute of a match — your repair cost will not be the maximum amount for the vehicle that you were using, but will instead be a fraction of the max repair cost, calculated per minute. The details of Repair cost depending on lifetime can be found on each vehicle’s stat card.

  • Dynamic repair costs have been enabled for low lifetime in matches: the shorter the lifetime of the vehicle, the lower the repair cost. The repair cost cannot exceed the maximum repair cost displayed on a vehicle’s stat card, which is a fixed repair cost that the vehicle had before the dynamic repair cost mechanic was introduced. If you exit a vehicle by yourself in a match, then the maximum repair cost for that vehicle will be applied, regardless of the time spent in battle with that vehicle.
  • Information about the repair cost of a vehicle depending on its lifespan has been added to the vehicle’s stat card.


The ability to destroy 3D decorations that are placed on enemy vehicles has been added! This also means that you’ll be able to shoot off bushes that are on enemy vehicles, which we know has been a long-requested feature. The "Favored Killer" mechanic has also been added, which will help significantly reduce the chance of ghost shells with a high ping, as well as the ability to accept an apology in return after a team kill incident occurs.

  • 3D decorations on vehicles can now be hit and destroyed by enemy fire. Fire from allies can only damage decorators in modes with team damage enabled.
  • The “Favored Killer” mechanic has been added: in the case of a small difference in time within the player's ping, between receiving damage blocking their shot on the server and the player's own shot, it will consider that the player managed to shoot.
  • The ability to accept apologies in return after a team kill incident occurs when the responsible player offered apologies has been added. Accepting apologies can be done easily, and when accepting an apology, all allies are notified in the in-game chat. The player will not be kicked from the match for the forgiven team kill.

Locations and missions

With this update, we’ve improved a bunch of maps as previously mentioned here. These changes were based on your feedback — thank you very much for leaving it. In addition, the asset collision of ground force maps has also seen a massive rework, which overall will make maps feel better to play on.

  • Map corrections have been made based on your feedback during the Roadmap for the following maps: Poland, Karelia, American Desert, 38th Parallel, Normandy, Jungle, Middle East.
  • The collision of assets on maps has been improved.

Postponing some features

We’d also like to let you know about some postponements to some features that we mentioned in our initial Roadmap. All 4 of these Roadmap features have been postponed to the Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023). Thank you for your patience while you wait for these changes.

  • Night battles can be selected by the player for matchmaking.
  • Skill bonuses in RP.
  • Improved target hit alert in aircraft battles — we’d like to talk about some of the details regarding this point. We have some plans for this mechanic that are radically different from our original announcement and we would like to get your feedback on it — soon we’ll release an article on it.
  • Keeping progress of the daily login reward in the PC version by collecting daily rewards in WT mobile.

That’s all for now

Once again, thank you for the feedback that you left during our open dev servers related to the economy changes as well as your patience waiting for these Roadmap changes. We fully appreciate the time you took to test and leave these comments on our forum. Please continue to leave your feedback and comments: be it either on our official forums, social media, on Steam, Reddit, as well as other platforms that we read.


Some people are going to get angry at this but you have done a very good job so far with implementing everything, I don’t mind waiting for the next update if you guys need extra time.


I was most looking forward to the “skill bonus”, I look at the older roadmap and see that it was supposed to appear in this update.
And now it turns out that it will be at the end of the year. It was actually the only thing I was waiting for. I’m not interested in spraying smoke or falling bushes. One big disappointment


Postponing some features

We’d also like to let you know about some postponements to some features that we mentioned in our initial Roadmap. All 4 of these Roadmap features have been postponed to the Fourth update of the year (October-November 2023). Thank you for your patience while you wait for these changes.

  • Night battles can be selected by the player for matchmaking.
  • Skill bonuses in RP.
  • Improved target hit alert in aircraft battles — we’d like to talk about some of the details regarding this point. We have some plans for this mechanic that are radically different from our original announcement and we would like to get your feedback on it — soon we’ll release an article on it.
  • Keeping progress of the daily login reward in the PC version by collecting daily rewards in WT mobile.

Less than 15% overall reduction for Ranks 4 and above (a couple of games worth), a whopping 1.8% reduction for US Air Rank VII and less than 10% for rank VI. Between 20 and 40% increases in some vehicles (Hello F-105D). Where changes were needed most you failed to deliver.


Unsurprisingly, the changes made to Poland and Fields of Poland are in the same vein as the changes made to European Province. The map is now yet another cluttered short range hell that is boring to play in any off-meta vehicle. The addition of Test Site-2271 also further stacks the ratio of urban clutter hell maps to 51-3 against semi-decent mid range maps. Still not taking variations into account, but that would only further bloat the CQB style anyway. I’d like to entertain the thought that a 51-3 ratio would be bad enough for it to be considered an issue without needing to bloat it to something like a 250-19.

At the risk of repeating previously given feedback, it would be really nice if people that don’t enjoy CQB third person corner peeking had an alternative solution to just biting twenty crew lock in a row.


Maybe because after announcing it they couldn’t figure out how to add on an additional kill streak award without making the game even more kill-stealy and toxic than it already is.

My advice would be to just double the award for Professional (or put nukes in other modes) and walk away. There’s probably no way what had been originally proposed here wouldn’t make the game tangibly worse.

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Kill stealing is the only way to progress in this game :P

There is no benefit whatsoever to play as a team, since individual performance is the only thing that matters, and I highly doubt that they will manage to change that before implementing skill based RP gain, because it’s the core fault of the gamemodes


I agree, seems like this “change” would do far more harm than good to the game and game play. There is far too much animosity in the game already and this would only make things worse . . . prolly much worse. I would seem far more beneficial to add rewards/bonuses to the game that promote teamwork, communication(of whatever means they could add in) and other things that are more “objective” based, rather than this “top of the leaderboard” repetitive addition that keeps getting pushed into the game. Rewarding those that are already doing well just broadens the gap between top and bottom, which is already there and a natural occurrence anyway, just seems counter-productive to the overall game . . at least to me . . . . all I can see are bad things coming from this . . . . no pros if you will.

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Except literally nothing got changed despite our complaints and feedback…


There is no room for teamplay here, you can cooperate in SQB battles or tournaments. This should be completely eliminated from random games. Each player has a goal and skill. One creates an account and buys a top-tier squadron/premium vehicle without even doing tutorials, another does daily tasks, another does other nonsense. Where is there room for some teamplay? With whom? I simply change all the tasks that involve cooperation with other “people” because there is not enough time to do them with random people. No additional rewards for random people because I win their game by doing more than these 15 bots, 0. Everyone should get as much as they did in the game and no combined bonuses. Eliminate prizes for winning, eliminate all forms of “cooperation”, leave only for people who form teams themselves and reward their cooperation, not some random people who press “w”, breathe and leave.

If we eliminated rewards for “game time” and rewarded only results, we would immediately eliminate the problem with bots, because most of them are as crap as the average player, so the rewards were reduced to a minimum for entering a point and dying.
Yes, I know that what I write is unpopular and it outrages everyone. However, when the game rewarded results and not the mere fact of entering the game, there was no problem with bots and the increasingly demanding attitude of new players. Today, everyone wants everything right away, without any input or effort. Just for entering the game.


Sad to acknowledge that you totally ignored all feedback about ill-formed vehicle folders, great job!

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Hold up, you made helicopters COST EVEN MORE RP? You remove a measly 90k RP and then add another 160k on top? Excuse me? How do you come up with this? Especially funny since you made the RP grind a bit easier by dropping the grind on the ground forces but then increase the RP you cannot grind, wow.


Still waiting for RP reductions for ground forces, great you reduce air when it’s already the easiest to grind in the game, but as usual ground gets the short end.

Here is my experience:
-new designed mini maps are awful: contains less detail … (wait a minute, contains only ‘forest’+ roads+ buildings, contains ZERO details …) than the older ones(especially the new Poland and fields of Poland styled mini maps), not up to date like the map actual look like. Just some example:
-Somewhere according to minimap already placed forest but it in realy only contains small number of trees which provide zero cover.
-Without outlines of hills and mountains on mini map cannot be realised easily, which part is actually changed.
-Not every building placed on new minimap.

Lets analyse the maps changes:
-Jungle: already still as destroyed since first big improvement. Not matter how it try to fix it the concept is the main problem. Fix suggestion: restore the old one. It have worst design than Italy/Campania…

-Fields of Poland still as a time and money waster map. Still as too opened which means 90% of map are ‘No Mans Land’(like in Red desert/Middle east/Sands of Sinai case) that was why i hate it. Stand on a cover and wait for impatient player to get a kill or try to sneak closer the capture points and and hope nobody spot you in a middle of field. Or be as a good PILOTS bring a small BR tank, get 200-250 point and bring a juicy plane and blow up the whole enemy team…
100% worth it…

Middle east:
Still as a no mans land style map. Get the a closest camping point fast in early, near spawn and shot the opposite team in his campers point near his spawn. Unplayable. Broken by concept.

American desert: THE ONLY MAP WHICH NOT NEEDED CHANGE. Of course update it and got a total different map. Instead of make a same designed map, redesigned an Old But Gold map. What a pity…
(I would like a link(s), on the basis of which suggestions it was changed (Pls send it to me i really interested about in.)).
Because the top side team(red team) spawn become more opened and blue team spawn campers easily to sneak and find cover behind the rocks and hold back the whole team. Train station too opened from red team side just find a good spot and kill the blue players which try to capture it … they have zero chance to find cover. Of course remove the only cover from blue team and add the other part of station. This make this point more harder to capture it and a bit unplayable the map.

-Not needed a change, old form much better. the only which needed to allow armors br from 1.0- 3.7. It was a full cool potato tier map…

Easter Europe and Europen Province

  • suffer from awful designed mini map.

You completely ignored 330 points of feedback on this., listed here:

The changes implemented at the moment make no sense.

There isn’t a single rank 3 bomber in the US tech tree with which it would be able to do BP challenges that is under BR 4.7.

So if you are applying the br to match the rank rule why is it random? How is the p-51c with a merlin engine lower br than the p-51 with the allison engine.

How is the c205 in the italian tech tree then rank 2 at 3.7 and the re 2001 CN rank 3 at 3.3 br?

How come the spitfires mark 5 are now rank 2 at br 3.7 and at br 4? yet the mosquitos are rank 3 at br 3?

How is the b-25 in the chinese tt rank 3 and in the russian tt rank also rank 3 but in the american rank 2? I mean it is an american plane in the first place.

How is the french sb2c helldiver rank 3 at 3.7 and in the american tt the same plane lowered to rank 2 at 3.7?

How is the israeli sakeen at br 3.3 rank 4? and the spitfire mk 5b rank 2 at br 4?! this makes no sense!

What is the logic of any of these rank 3 to rank 2 changes?

There is no consistency in these changes and they feel completely arbitrary. And it is detrimental to the gameplay when it comes to challenges.

It makes a vast number of excellent planes useless for tasks. It will alienate the player base who enjoy playing ww2 props and now can’t use any of their favorite planes for any of the challenges.

The changes need to be either reverted or you need lower the daily BP challenges requirements to BR rather than rank.

These changes will make less people want to buy the BP and grind the events, given they can’t do any of it anymore with the planes than moved to rank 2. Vast amount of American planes for that matter.


Ok, new patch, lot of good work done but if I may, I’d like to add one or two little points of feedback.

First of all, I like the new tree effects except in conditions that I assume are supposed to be stormy as the trees all seem to have a mind of their own, flailing around like a group of Dads at a wedding reception an hour before the bar closes and the DJ’s just started playing an absolute banger.

Secondly, the new “xp progress” blue bars in the modification screen add nothing but clutter. It’s meaningless as far as planning the next piece to grind, it’s confusing and unnecessary.

Thirdly, I’d researched but not bought the US T25. Now it’s foldered with the M4/T26 and I have to research the M4 before I can purchase the T25. The same nonsense has been implemented on the French Char 25t, which is still at BR 7.3 but is now foldered behind the Lorraine 40t, which is BR 7.7. How does that make sense? Surely I’m supposed to grind out the lower BRs before moving up, this is a backward step for the sake of someone’s idea of neatness.

Finally, why on God’s green earth has the Vautour been forced into a ground spawn? I’m currently grinding the Vautour IIB, it’s a bomber with zero guns (I counted them twice) and now I’m required to dodge enemy strike aircraft to have a hope of dropping bombs before I get a missile up the exhaust. It’s as though you want to encourage one-drop-and-done gameplay for these planes.


The new patch is pretty cool so far. The one thing I have against it is the entirety of the tree organization, which ironically is a big part of the patch. The basis on AB when most people were asking for basing on RB, removing and refoldering vehicles together that make no sense, such as the Marder and BMP-1, and general organization. The trees somehow look a lot worse, planes and tanks that have nothing to do with each other are foldered, the entirety of rank 1 can be skipped and doesn’t need to be researched, assuming you research enough of it, and various other things. It makes it feel like a lot of the feedback that was given was just cast into the void, and not even listened to.

In the past, this game used to folder vehicles based on their similarities, not their BR. I really would like to see this return because some of these groupings make no sense at all.


FYI @Stona_WT as i know you work on spawn campers problem: Here is a map improvement idea: remove this spawn campers cover from Stalingrad map. Just an example: Go here with a M4 sheman, this point provide an excellent camo and cover, hardly to spot you by your foe. From this ‘duck hunting’ starts in especially when fight against lower BR tanks.


  • 3D decorations on vehicles can now be hit and destroyed by enemy fire. Fire from allies can only damage decorators in modes with team damage enabled.

I don’t think grass and branches that were fix on tanks can be shot down by machine guns easily in real life, for there are so many new pictures show that abandoned tanks which were badly hurted by missiles still have so many branches fix on them, even these grass and branches on tanks have just suffer a great explosion from missiles.

Maybe we can change something that the branches and grass on tanks can be shot down only by a direct hit of ≥20mm calibur HE/HEAT/HESH shells, but not can be easily shot down by machine guns.