Following the Roadmap: Sons of Attila Roadmap implementations and some Postponements

I appreciate the upfront recognition of the delay and why.

I have a complaint about the reworking of the tech trees. I have been working on the F9F-8 Cougar for a long time now and, with the update, I completed the research on it. I may have lost some research points as my progress was over 120,000 and the new price is 116,000. Whatever. Not overly concerned but a little annoyed. I am MAJORLY DISAPPOINTED that I CAN’T HAVE MY NEWLY RESEARCHED F9F-8 Cougar! Why? Because it is now behind the F9F-5 Panther which I had temporarily bypassed and now it is trapped until I research the F9F-5 Panther. Previously, this kind of issue was resolved with a time-limited exception but, no, my Cougar is stuck behind a Panther I wasn’t planning on researching for quite some time, yet. I worked hard to get my Cougar and now I can’t have it for several months! It’s been a complete and total waste of effort!!!

I think that helicopters before final rank are still too much for RP & SL requirements.
In my opinion 750,000 SL & 290,000 RP would be more reasonable for the middle rank.

Great update, it’s the best I’ve seen, they’ve finally fixed the damage model that had been a disaster for years, ahh no, the damage model is still the same, so as if I hadn’t said anything.


Found the bushwookie.

Realistically, this update is like all the ones they are putting out lately, new maps that are getting smaller and smaller, a few new vehicles, more copy-paste vehicles in other nations, more effects that add almost nothing to the game, no major bug fixes and More new bugs to add to the list of what needs to be fixed, I expect few things from this game, it’s been years since an update has surprised you.

are you on mobile data hotspot or how the heck do you have “data allowance”

Most games-as-a-service type games these days have even larger updates. you’re unreasonably mad for a very niche problem that you’re responsible for yourself?

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The reductions for air came because of air rank 8, and air rank 7 still had the costs of being the top rank (340-390k rp), so they will most likely reduce the costs of ground vehicles when rank 8 comes for them, too. maybe a few patches later similar to air.

for your 3rd point, you had over a month of time to look at the proposed changes and avoid such problems. they made a big graphic where you could see which vehicle gets foldered where. you could’ve just bought the t25 before the update, same with any other cases of this.

For your 4th point, the Buccaaneer S1 has been a ground spawn, no-guns bomber for a long time now, and it still works fine. you just can’t head to the bases in a straight lime if you want to be safe. go wide onto the flanks, climb if the enemy team stays low. if your team bombs the bases first, just stay nearby but at a safe distance and wait for base respawns. please dont be upset that you can’t play like a bot anymore.

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Yeah, I know how they do RP reductions, you reduce a few obvious ones whilst you sneak in a ton of extra grind elsewhere, if rank 8 for vehicles arrives it won’t reduce RP.

It will reduce RP for rank 7, and likely for rank 6 too. Ofc you will overall have a longer grind, because there will be additional rank 8s to research. But it is also more content.

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Yeah, after they moved half a dozen of vehicles to rank 7 to negate all the foldering of vehicles, and now give it enough time for people to grind all those vehicles with 100-150k RP increase before they add rank 8, which probably accompanied by moving around more vehicles under the pretense of decompression where a lot of rank 5 goes to 6, 6, to 7, 7 to 8 which again is massively going to increase the overall RP requirements.

It’s a shame people are so easily swayed by seeing a few vehicles lowered in RP that they don’t see themselves being screwed over left and right by this manipulative game design.

Can someone explain to me how we can not say there is RUSSIAN BIAS , when with recent sound changes T80`s are on silent mode , while all other tanks a very audiable. Please dont tell me this is realistic … can you stop making this game Russian propagadanda , we have enough of this seriously.

Also u stated in patch notes that there 2 separete volumes for allied engines and enemy ones , I cant find it in options.

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I filed a report on this matter and the 1st three words of the response were “Not a mistake.” So it was fully planned to trap players who had worked hard into NOT receiving their achievements! I’m honestly surprised players continue to play with such obviously hostile customer support!

here is my experience about Normandy map: First of all i better preferred old capture points style because it worked as an indicators: Why? Enemy try to capture it? → They too close to spawn points, and most case they camping near church (F6 zone) and in 90% easily to spot them or approachred team from breach side… etc, but i like this concept also. If not mind i recommend to be playable both variant.

My point of view:
With this map the main problem: not cover exist enought between spawn poins and city. That cause to teams can stuck in his spawn by heavy enemy fire or OP vehicles. Advanced team just need oly a bomber to blow up the whole stucked team.
Or just the spawn campers easily kill his every foes from tank by tank. (In 1.x-6.3 not really matter but when fast, wheeled tanks like Centauro 105, M1128 available, they will flank and encircle the whole blue team from G line, andthey will enjoy duck hunting.)

(marked with green)

Negative :
-Much harder to spot spawn campers from E7 zone spawn point.
-B4 Capture point will be abadoned, new favorite is the F4 zone cap point.(If it captured it just need to push back his opposite team and spawn camp.)
-If captured a church in F6 zone both blue spawn are in danger

-Add wrecks as cover for the following points(marked in map)
-Reduce number of bushes, fences on G7 zone
-Be playable with an old capture point concept
-Be playable with a new capture point concept
-Be playable with a five capture point concept

-Without outlines of hills and mountains on mini map cannot be realised easily, terrain actually how looks like
-Not every building placed on new minimap
-In city the wrecked houses provided covers not showed on street
-Look like inside the block of city as also a playable area

@Stona_WT care to comment on the RP and SL modifier reductions? The grind is exactly as before.

For anyone that’s not solely into toptier and hightier, it’s still a big relief. The game isn’t solely about ranks 7-8.
There isn’t that much that went up from rank 5 to 6, the big move from 6 to 7 was mostly bc they moved anything 9.7+ up, when before it was mostly for 10.7+, which is indeed very dumb. Probably because they wanna move everything 11.0+ up to rank 8 when it comes.
Especially for Germany it’s terrible since now 3 of their lines are only 1 vehicle high at rank 6, bc two of the lines jump up from 8.3 straight to 9.7, and the third from 9.3 to 10.3. You can research 3 lines and not be able to get into rank 7 at all. they should’ve made the cut at 10.3+ for rank 7 instead.

Mig-29s consume too much fuel, Mig-29SMT is the worst dogfighter above 11.3, 2S38’s first stage is too low as it should be the entire ammo pool… very “Russian bias” of them to have equipment inaccurate in a negative manner.
And engines are in sound settings.

Rank 7 RP would reduce, while top would remain the same.
Not sure why you seem to portray top vehicles staying 400,000 RP & 1,000,000 SL to get is the end of the world…

The sounds of engines and tracks of enemy and allied ground vehicles are now divided into separate groups. Previously, enemy and allied ground vehicles sounded exactly the same, but now the control of enemy and allied vehicle sounds is independent, giving you the ability to increase the sound of enemy vehicles.

Above you can see part of path notes that indicates you can set enemy engines now separetely .

If you dont see russian bias in this game , you have to be russian thast it .

You can see my location by clicking my profile, and my best performing tank is M1A2, while I have 6 tech trees at the top for ground, and the other 4 making steady progress.