Following the Roadmap: Separate Battle Ratings for Different Modes + More Information

It’s not. Even in soviet teams it barely viable. It falls down after a single scratch, it’s hitboxes for elerons made shit that goes black after a few machinegun shots

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A-10 Late for 10.7 but AMX for 11.0? And Q-5L without countermeasures at 10.7. FnF at lower BR—— The Most Ridiculous Moment of Wart Hunder.


a32a still 9.0?

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It is really quite silly that they are moving up a ton of planes because they are okay in ground RB instead of moving them down in air RB because they are flaming garbage bins in that mode.


Yeah sure… F-4J at ground RB 10,7 meanwhile J-8B and J-7D stays at 11,0… lol


Q-5L should stay or add 4xGB250 and chaff.
just a Mig-19’s airframe performance.


The Mig 29G should be lowered in GRB as well, it basicaly has no CAS capability compared to all other 12.7 fighters which get acces to stand off missles or Gbus


If AMX A-11 at 11.0 BR for ground RB, I hope Litening III targeting pod replacement Litening II for next major update because it might thermal gen 2 (sight) & gen 3 (pod), and gaijin add JDAM (GBU-31(V)1/B & GBU-32(V)1/B) this year


I’m honestly disappointed regarding the different BR changes by game mode. All you did was effect the top tier vehicles. You just completely screwed up the 7.3-9.7 air RB match making when you recently changed many vehicles in the big nations at the expense of the minor nations. As someone whose been grinding the air TTs it’s become absolutely silly.

For instance the very good Mig-15 & Mig-15bis are going up against the following:
R2Y2 Kai series & Kikka for Japan
SK60B for Sweden
Me262’s & other assorted German domestic jets

The list goes on. I was dealing with is because this change was coming. Finding out it’s now limited to just the top tier is absolutely bonkers and disappointing. What you need to do is get your balance team on the air RB BRs surrounding the recent changes to see each vehicles statistics and begin changing them asap.


Woah, calm down gaijin. We wanted CAS aircraft to have a reasonable br for air and ground. Not for them to be absolutely useless in both. AMX, A-10, A-6E and Q-5L to name a few, can now face the pantsir. This is just not reasonable. Spawning one of these planes will basically be as useless as spawning a drone now. Lower the br in air rb for more strike aircraft, and raise them a bit for ground, but not 1 whole br. That’s taking it too far. Also, move the Su-25 to at least match the A-10.


Why is the MiG21 bis family unilaterally going down in BR for ground RB but the J7D isnt? Its a worse MiG21 bis in pretty much every way. And you cant say its because its a premium because the german premium MiG21 bis is going down too. It should be lowered to the same as the Bis in ground RB and down to 10.7 in air RB too.


Amazing gaijin really found a way to compress the BRs once again… bs changes


Not to mention that Gaijin is willingly down tiering S-24 slingers and the SU-25s are untouched while being a scourge.

And no the SM3 going to 12.7 flat out changes nothing, it was already at the top BR bracket in GRB it’s accessible bracket is the exact same as it is.

These BR changes are a joke.


What the player thinks:Attack aircraft with very poor air combat capabilities should receive a lower BR in the AIR RB

Gaijin thought:Raise the BR of the Ground RB of all attack aircraft that gaijin does not like


I was expecting ground attack based planes to go down in air. Well, that would be too good to be true, instead they go up in ground, so now they will be preforming bad in both or lineups are gone, making them useless. And top tier.
F-16? Netz and MLU have Mavs while A adds GBU-8 to them, yest they go down?
F-20 4 Mavs.
Just why?


I welcome this change but i am confused as to one why the super etendard without the asl30 increase to 10.7 br in ground battle, two i remind you that France for now has no lineup at 10.7, it ends at 9.7-10.0 br if generous.
And three why would it be 10.7 br even for the jaguar,
it performs good but nothing more, in worst case in ground br it would stay 10.3 in ground, but in air it would reach 10.0 since it has the exact same missile as the super etendard.
I would understand a 10.7 br for air if the jaguar got his magic 2 but 10.3 in ground would still be preferable.


I have the premium A-10 in my TT line up while I advance my air TT to catch up. I’ve already been facing the Pantsir and it’s utterly broken how I die usually within seconds of spawning. Notably because most Pantsir players know where the air spawn is and the missile is faster then my own aircraft.

It’d be nice if the A-10 got new spawn arrangements like not spawning 10K feet up but maybe 2.5K feet where it can dodge into low cover from SPAA. Or in air RB give it an attacker air spawn because at that BR rating airstrip spawn fighters are going to get airborne and pass the A-10 before it reaches the battle anyway. Most of the Air RB battles I’ve played in it result in me getting to the fight when it’s just about over or a high tier mig-21 etc end up flanking my team at 20K+ feet then diving on the A-10s in the back for easy kills.

It’s absolutely insane how they are balancing it.


Q5L 9.7>10.0

This aircraft has no interference or AAM. It has no advantage in facing air superiority fighters above 9.7 and CAS aircraft with AAM, and can only be beaten. Moving it to 10.7 is absolutely wrong

Saab 105 8.3>9.0.

8.3 CCIP is definitely a crime! Almost no machine gun SPAA can kill it while flying high


All A-4s are

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It looks like the BR changes for GRB are mostly computer-generated.

“If it has guided weapons: go up, otherwise go down or don’t move. Fighters are more likely to go down and strike aircrafts and bombers are more likely to go up regardless of ordinances”.

It’s also hard to understand how the “early” SU-25 remains untouched despite its massive load of high-TNT-equivalent rockets + CCIP combo, meanwhile the A-10 goes up probably only because of Mavericks even though with its speed and their FoV you are more likely to get kills using regular bombs.

And again I’ll repeat myself, why is the F-16A with 6x Mavericks and a bunch of 9L’s going down in BR while planes like the Mig-29 with no CAS capabilities keep their higher BR? It makes no sense no matter which parameter you are looking at for this decision. It’s one of the best top-tier fighters in the game AND doubles as a perfectly usable CAS, yet it’s buffed, but it’s strictly-CAP counterpart is not ? Why is the Mig-29SMT staying at 12.7 despite having worse ground ordinances as the Mig-27K or F-16A ?

Basically: what parameters are taken into account to justify these BR changes that would explain why we can now see the A-4E meet the F-4J or the F-16A being a whole BR lower than the Mig-29SMT ?

If air-to-air balance was taken into account at all, the former should not happen. If only air-to-ground is taken into account, the later should not happen either. So what is going on ?