Following the Roadmap: Separate Battle Ratings for Different Modes + More Information

Q-5L 9.7>10.7 in ground BR?????
Without any AAM and Interference measures????
Are you kidding???


These changes only make sense if you are planning a 10+ decompress, with Britain having its 10.3 line-up moved to 10.7. Otherwise you might as well leave all the Phantoms at 11.3 and im interested in what new CAS youll add for Britain at 10.3. As we now have none.


The A4 series should be going down in air RB. It is absolutely horrendous to omay them in air battles! Attackers with all aspect missles should be going up too so they never face aircraft with no flares and basic AIM 9B or equivalent missles only. This was the Devs chamce to expand the top tier Air BR ceiling to decompress early cold war aircraft without messing up the ground line ups. Not just make fighters more effective in ground battles.


So you have just compressed all the top tier CAS


israeli A4s are good in air RB tho

Can someone please, olease explain to me why most of these BR changes are fighter aircraft and not strike aircraft that still get clubbed in air RB?


Have you tried playing them recently? They get clubbed by sabers and MiG15s every game now.

@Smin1080p sorry to bother but since you seem to be a bit in touch with the issue. Is it being considered in any way now we are getting AS-30Ls for Super Etendard? since line ups don’t matter for SE anyway now its 10.7 right and obviously addition of AS-30Ls wont change air rb performance.
At this point its as close to Leclerc Line up as its close to 9.7 line up and theres nothing in between so logically adding AS-30Ls is a better option since it makes it 11.0 maybe and moves it closer to a line up.
I except it to be ignored but would be nice to know.


Why does the F-16 go down in BR while the Harrier goes up ? The F-16 gets a bunch of Mavericks and is still an incredible supersonic fighter at the same time, the harrier gets barely-better Mavericks but that’s all it has really…

The A-4E is going up too much imho, yes it has powerful ground ordinances but it’s slow, rips its wings easily, and here it goes in the same bracket as the Mig-23 and Phantom which makes no sense…

Similarly, why are some CAS getting a lower BR ? Sure they don’t have the most reliable guided weapons but a supersonic aircraft with dumb bombs and CCIP will be just as problematic as a subsonic plane with mavericks, stuff like the SU-22M3 for example.

The BR split finally happening is good, don’t get me wrong, it’s nice that some planes are finally balanced while taking into account their CAS capabilities, but the matchmaking of other aircrafts should not be competely ignored either. And at the end of the day the core problem with CAS still remains: it’s too easy to spawn it, too unrewarding to counter with SPAA, and 99% of the time they will just drop their bombs and die immediately, likely leaving the match after the fact.

We should not be seeing any BR buffs in GRB here, only nerfs to the most effective CAS like the SU-25SM3. The F-16 does not need to go to a lower BR, neither does the Mig-23 or SU-22.


Q5L need buff


F-16aj that have only non-lethal mavericks same grb br as other F-16 that have really good anti-ground guided munitions? How that should make sense?
Probably just seen it on a list of other F-16 and gave the same br because they comletely forgot jp exist according to 0 br changes to japanese phantoms with 0 guided munitions

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Yeah I meant more than just one BR step. Their flight performance is horrendous

A10A late in G-BR 10.7? really?
As if mavericks are good😅😅


A-10 is non-existent at it current BR unlike su-25 and I haven’t seen it getting more then 1 kill in any match I remember and yet it goes UP?


while this is welcome on the big scale, those change are for some perplexing: for exemple, the lack of up br of the su25 who are the biggest abstents of this list. Same goes for the 10.7 of the Q5L and the super étendard, who are besides their guided ammunitions not waranted of those change, i think they would be better off at 10.3 where their subpar flight performances would allows them to get their niche.


A10s in 10.7/10.3 while SU25s they at 10.0 is truly insane, i don’t play the a10 anymore even at 10.3 because of how bad it is in ground RB compare to the SU25. (without mentioning that there are nearly 0 differences between the late and the premium.)


The reason for this is that russian SPAA is actually good while other nations are lacking

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Q5L went from 9.7 to 10.7 with no self-defense and only two GB500/250s, which is very unreasonable


Surprised the 8.3 Saab-105s aren’t going up in this initial wave, at that BR with computer calculated sights for bombs, rockets and guns they handily outrange every SPAA at that BR in the hands of any competent pilot.


Why doesn’t this include any piston engined aircraft?

For example something like Ki-61-I Tei. In Air Realistic it is kept competitive with airspawn, but what does it have in Grond Realistic?

Other thing would be captured or sold fighters which have powerful bombs and rockets in their original tree, but much weaker options or none at all in another. As fighters it’s usually better to go without external ordnance in Air Realistic, while in Ground Realistic it’s almost always better to take those without you, since there is no need to climb up several kilometres to be an effective fighter.