Following the Roadmap: Additions in the Second Major Update of 2024

Sad that there’s no mention of Israeli tank crews getting their unique uniforms

Wait does this mean that SAMs will be able to dig their own trenches or deploy their own ammunition replenishment zones?

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All of these are so great!

First thing I did when the update arrived was to re-arrange all the slots on my lineups in order of quality/spawn, hahah.

Also loving the new modules and the increased detail levels on the remastered ones! This took War Thunder’s simulation fidelity to a next level. Only issue I’ve found in this regard is the Abrams’ hydraulic pump being flammable; it’s filled with a no -flammable liquid in reality!

Also loving the crew healing and, of course, the huge win of separate flares and chaff.

I will be looking forward to more such changes and additions in the future!


Can we get wallpaper with out the huge logo for the update in it?

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But no one vote for continuous butchering of the maps…


I like these types of posts!
Its easy to miss new features in such big updates.

with that said i would love for there to be more actual gameplay features, As it stands MANY of the top tier vehicles are missing functions simply because those functions are not yet implemented into the game.
It feels weird to add newer vehicles whose real life counterparts got updates in forms that wont currently matter to the game as all those updates gave them functions that aren’t implemented in the game.

Take the JAS39C for example. basically NONE of the updates it received IRL are in the game. the only thing would be HMD but that was decided to also be given to the JAS39A as a balance thing. so currently the JAS39C is quite literally just a more historically accurate JAS39A (save for the HMD).
This is incredibly sad for people whose favourite vehicles get implemented in this way no matter the nation or type of vehicle. I sincerely hope that you are planing LOTS of new functions an features for top tier before a new wave of more modern vehicles are added.
(and i have not even started on the flight models that wont be close to accurate going forward)


plz enable sound mods back


We’re better off without sound mods. Too many cheaters abuse them.


While I overall like this change, I think the reload speed for a destroyed autoloader should be changed to that of a dead battery reload. It would still make it incredibly punishing to have it destroyed, but the crew can still reload it given enough time as long as the breech or cannon isn’t destroyed.


How about placing one little switch on options.
Visual weapon selector [ X ] Off [ ] On.
And disable that view blocking horrible square from bottom of screen.


and this is how soviet mbt’s have better reloading on top tier compared on autoloader :D

Soviet MBTs have worse reloads than all of their competitors though?

Please also add an option to hide Squadron tags of all players, possibly a separate toggle for in hud, stats tab and killfeed. It makes nicknames longer and obstructs my view unnesseraly, I’d wish not to see them.

Yeh spaa’s totally needed their empty space being filled with modules first… definitely wasn’t helicopters or certain planes surviving multiple missiles.


Still waiting for Sweden’s Gripen to get NATO standard mavericks, and a TGP for the SU27SM…

When are vehicles added in 2022 getting finished?

Dont have high hopes it will be same useless mechanic as scoops for tanks. Unless game mode changes or new game mode is implemented it will be DOA mechanic you will see used once in a blue moon.


ywp, but maybe by that, if autoloader is disabled and ivans load manually it’s faster :D

Can’t wait for the aphe change (hopefully voted in), tired of it being blatantly overpowered with its 360 degree damage radius, meanwhile nations with apds, ap, and heat, all suffer with a lack of damage. Cant wait for it to be historical!


My one hope is that Gaijin doesn’t nerf it to oblivion. A cone-shaped damage sphere would be the best, because that still causes a ton of damage, but wouldn’t cause too much.

I also hope they buff APDS/HEAT/solid shot, instead of just nerfing APHE.