Following the Roadmap: Additions in the Second Major Update of 2024

When are vehicles added in 2022 getting finished?

Dont have high hopes it will be same useless mechanic as scoops for tanks. Unless game mode changes or new game mode is implemented it will be DOA mechanic you will see used once in a blue moon.


ywp, but maybe by that, if autoloader is disabled and ivans load manually it’s faster :D

Can’t wait for the aphe change (hopefully voted in), tired of it being blatantly overpowered with its 360 degree damage radius, meanwhile nations with apds, ap, and heat, all suffer with a lack of damage. Cant wait for it to be historical!


My one hope is that Gaijin doesn’t nerf it to oblivion. A cone-shaped damage sphere would be the best, because that still causes a ton of damage, but wouldn’t cause too much.

I also hope they buff APDS/HEAT/solid shot, instead of just nerfing APHE.

Improved roadmap just dropped.

Don’t know how many of these things are actually asked for, especially the UI changes are just bad and unnecessary.

Also a lot of MBTs got those new modules so not sure only light tanks are mentioned or why SPAA is priority when light tanks were the reason for implementation, seems like a bait and switch.

Healing crew member affect assists?

Visual weaponry does the same thing weapon selection already did for years, this is an even worse looking way to do it with the most ridiculous keybind as default.

New air arcade missions yet BR 13 is not allowed to play and rewards are broken.


Nope, China does 7.1 sec reload vs 6.5 sec reload. Ik Russia also has some 7.1 reload rate but China doesnt have any better while Russia does.

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Is the BeNeLux line in France going to be updated to follow the 2023 Roadmap update that removed research requirements between Rank 1 and Rank 2?

Except you didn’t remove the economy update they’ve been delaying for a year.

Obviously they will just wait until everyone forgets and never add it, because god forbid we get a tad easier grind.

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You can change that yourself, all I have is the vehicle type and distance showing. I play AB, but the clutter from all that unnecessary info would literally congest the screen so much it was intolerable. It also helps deflect the “revenge” need . . no name, no need to worry about it(I mean you still can if you really want to, but it takes more time and is not worth it in the long run). It changed how I play and helps me focus on what is more important . . I find my fee fees get hurt a LOT less often now and that is . . . priceless
ツ ඞ

if i’m not mistaken that’s in the game in a way.
The ability to remove squadron names from the kill feed

I missed that one, I was only thinking vs NATO.


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I would finally be able to use Panthers and Tiger H1 without getting my entire crew in the turret completely obliterated bc i got my copula penned

I have no idea how this will play out, ATGM carriers will most definitely benefit from this feature but vehicles like SPAAs and SPGs will probably not get much out of it. I have the feeling, as you, it will be a DOA feature that will only make the Khrizantema and IT-1 extremely powerful. A trench will not save a SPAA from a bomb or an AGM.

Buff to those, and come radius nerf to aphe would be fair. Iirc, in a test I read about, aphe only had a slightly larger cone of damage in comparison to a solid shot round, so it should still be better than that, while also dealing more damage.

Of corse, none of that matters for this funny rounds with so much explosive filler they overpressure the crew lmaooo

It is funny because the healing mechanic feels more like a soft stun mechanic instead, where if crew member gets hit, he gets temporary debuff which clears after few seconds.

So kudos to implementing stun mechanic that playerbase seems to like!:)

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shame fixing the Abrams and challenger 2 isn’t on there. This ain’t no mil-sim, it’s a fantasy game


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