FN 4RM/62f ABC

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The FN 4RM was developed by Belgian arms manufacturer FN Herstal after the Belgian Gendarmerie sent out requirements for a fast armored vehicle to deal with civil unrest in the early 1960s.

Now, a law enforcement vehicle in War Thunder?
Indeed, this little car didn’t shoot rubber bullets or tear gas, nor does it use some low-velocity grenade launcher, no, we’re talking about a 90 mm MECAR cannon firing HEAT-FS and shrapnel rounds!

If a 90 mm HEAT shell can’t deal with some protesters, then I don’t know what will!

The FN 4RM was based on the FN 4RM/62 Ardennes truck and 62 of them were built between 1971 and 1972, and the 90 mm MECAR guns were directly taken from the old CATI 90 tank destroyers

This version had a coaxial machine gun and a pintle-mounted machine gun to… take down the protesters’ fighter jets??

Smoke grenade launchers were also fitted to the turret to make sure that protesters are really really incapable of striking back after getting shot at with HEAT rounds and twin machine guns.

They went on to serve with the Gendarmerie until the 1990s when they were retired, but some are still in storage in running order.


Specifications - FN 4RM/62F ABC


  • MECAR 90 mm cannon (Ammo: 40)

    • HEAT-FS: 350 mm at 0°, 640 m/s
    • Shrapnel: 330 m/s
    • Reloading rate: Probably 8.7 → 6.7 s like on the AML-90
    • Vertical guidance: -12 / 27°
  • FN MAG 7.62 mm light machine gun x2 (Ammo: 3800)

    • Vertical guidance: -10 / 55°
  • Smoke launchers (2 x 6)


Slightly more than an AML-90


FN 652 6-cylinder engine (130 hp)
Max. speed: 110 km/h
4-speed transmission
Power to weight ratio: 14.77 hp per ton


3 (Driver, Commander, Gunner)


Mass: 8.8 t
Length: 4.5 m
Width: 2.26 m
Height: 2.37 m

This fun little armored car is strikingly similar to the AML-90, and should most probably be played like one!

As for where it would go, it would be an excellent addition to a Benelux tech tree, and while it could go to France with a Belgian subtree or as an event vehicle, the presence of the AML-90 would make it feel a bit redundant.





That thing is adorable! +1

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yes but i can’t fix the lowercase title ;-;

Ah, it’s ok. It still gets the point across.

Is the Body the same as the U-sh !? heck yeeeaa

it looks like it but it’s actually based on this truck!

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Huh Neat


Who knew that the streets of Western Europe were so rough that the police needed anti-tank weapons?

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Time to go and hunt some deserters and enemy paras.



Obvious +1!

Wish there were more vids of that thing
There’s reaaally not a lot of vids on Belgian stuff in general tho

yeah, most stuff is somewhere in an archive or in people’s personal collections, luckily Brasschaat and other locations of the War Heritage Museum kept a lot of their stock in running. I currently don’t know if the 4RM in Brasschaat can still drive, but as I child I saw one driving on the road. :)

This specific one from the video was in 2005 part of the Brussels collection. I don’t know where it is now.

Some pics:

Brussels Militairy Museum


The other side from your frontpage picture:

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oh yeah, this is yet another thing I’d love to own in the game, already focused on going to FIAT truck with Belgian gun, but a fully domestic design would be directly after that, on my list!
and thanks for linking to suggestion Boo

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