Flaring/Dodging a Missile Should Carry RP/SL Rewards

Whenever a missile explodes that was locked onto you originally that doesn’t hit you (or a teammate I guess), you should receive a small amount of RP/SL.

This would:

  1. Reward you for playing defensive/baiting like the old days when we had passive RP for this if you were near the enemy flying.

  2. Keep you from getting 0RP/0SL games (I find this happens WAY TOO often in my experience unfortunately as it stands) by raising activity throughout a match if you are actively participating.

  3. Reward you for doing something skillful

  4. Reward you for doing something USEFUL (depleting enemy missile reserves+baiting for teammates)

If you PLAY air regularly, I KNOW you have had games where you, to no fault of your own, get 0 RP or SL simply because you didn’t have the CHANCE even to get a kill on an enemy, and thats ALL gaijin cares about, KILLS. (And bases bombed).

This change would allow you to raise your activity timer to at least allow you to earn some RP/SL if you had to fly defensive all game.

My idea is that the code would simply see that, if a missile locks onto somebody and DOESN’T end up killing anybody after launching, the original person it was locked onto would receive the reward. Meaning, if you dodge/flare/etc it gives the reward.



Nice idea, I like it!


I like this idea. Sounds a little arcady, but still like it nonetheless :)

I’m glad somebody did because despite this community wanting better rewards; and in my opinion my change is pretty good and well thought out (because it fixes the old issue of not being rewarded for good flying, only kills), the community on reddit all told me “shit idea” and here I get barely any traction. Makes you not want to offer any suggestions at all because this community is so quick to shoot anything down despite crying and bitching about wanting rewards.

+1 for this idea

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I disagree.

I would prefer to see maneuver kills granted before you get chip rewards from playing defensively. That being said I will note that in ground you are giving chip rewards for deflecting shots with your armor. So there is logic behind the same being given in Air.

Say why.

tldr I think Air already has high enough rewards especially compared to other game modes

I didn’t think about how tank gives chip damage rewards though and thinking about that it would be interesting to see rewards for actual defensive play not simply dodging missiles that hit mountains.

I still think higher priority should be given towards modeling maneuver kills.

I retract my “no” to a “indifferent but wouldn’t be averse”. I think modeling maneuver kills would provide much better rewards and reward tactical play more.

Tell me you didn’t read point #2 without telling me.

Also, tell me exactly how you, not Anton, not Smin, not Gaijin, is concerned with players earning TOO MUCH RP?

I do not find this happening commonly.

So you DON’T get games where the entire enemy team dies in 3 minutes in missile tiers?

I disagree. For one, it’d be difficult to program accurately. What does dodging a missile really mean? It’s simple for humans but difficult to describe to a computer.
Second, surviving is already a pretty damn good reward…

So I forgot to put this in OP, I will edit it in, but my idea is that the code would simply see that, if a missile locks onto somebody and DOESN’T end up killing anybody after launching, the original person it was locked onto would receive the reward. Meaning, if you dodge/flare/etc it gives the reward.

I do, I strafe pillboxes.

You would have to have already started doing that before there were a few enemies left because again, games last a whopping fatty 3 minutes.

0RP/0SL at the end of the game is a good reward to you? Tell me more!

Yes knowledge of positioning is beneficial.

You’re gonna have to go ahead and explain how positioning factors here

If there are two enemies left and you can’t intercept them going for ground targets will get you more rewards than trying to intercept.

Knowing their position + yours + your team’s

Can you intercept before your team

Will there be time to intercept

The point is games last 3 minutes. By the time you realize you aren’t doing anything there isn’t time to do this.