Flaps Blocked At High Speed

I stopped playing Air RB years ago and one of the main reasons was that back then, if you deployed or tried to deploy your flaps at too high of a speed, they just flew off and you were without flaps altogether. I think this is a much better way for the “game mechanic” to work(especially in what is supposed to be “realistic”) as it makes total sense that irl, a flap cannot deploy, much less fall/fly off when the plane is going too fast. Are all the planes in the game working at the exact right speeds for such a thing currently?? . . . I have no idea. But I for one, am glad to see a more realistic way of doing things than how it was before. Not sure this single thing will get me to ty Air RB again, but it was a leading factor as to why I stopped before . . . hope it gets sorted out as this seems like a good & proper way for things to work.


I agree that limitation is a good mechanic. I do not however believe that the limit should mean you must be going at landing approach speed to engage your combat flaps.

Well that report was over quick… lol’d

I’ll repost it without “Historical accuracy” being in the question…

Won’t make a difference, you need the source material to back up your issue.

I’d like to see THEIR sources that say it’s realistic that they’re automatic.

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Wildcat also has hydraulic flaps - its why IRL it can’t rip its flaps off because they’ll be forcefully retracted by the air resistance long before their rip speed. And AFAIK it doesn’t stop you from deploying them in flight.

Not even a reply! That’s a new one lol.

It’s actually not a new one! The other typhoon bug reports are similar in the lack of reply from Vladuxa

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Screenshot 2024-05-20 131830


It can be assumed that “Down” means fully extended.

Yes as the plane did not have combat flap settings, they were only used when landing and taking off. There is a lot of planes that never had combat flaps.

Given that it has combat flaps in war thunder i think we should be allowed to use them.

OH NO!! Not another sekrit doc!!!


That not how it works in wt. there are plenty of other nations that dont get combat flaps. The game is set in realistic settings so if they didnt have the ability to use them, they will not get them.

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I can extend combat flaps, just not over 140kt.

Because the book says no flaps above155 mph. which means no combat flaps as they are flaps. If you want to find documentation saying they were able to deploy some flaps after 155 mph then use it to get it changed, but if there is no documentation that they could it wont get changed.

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Nah, there was a reply… Seemingly a form based one, but nonetheless a reply.

Brit engineering vs US engineering ;)

155mph is ~134kts by my unskilled googling.

So they’re being generous in letting me extend at a whopping 140 knots.