Flakpanzer Gepard 1A2: Rounds Down Range

Ok, but why “researching” DM23, when it’s already available by default?
Besides, DM23 is immensely more useful anti choppers, since it has no tracers, IIRC, and travels much faster.

it isnt, the default round is DM13, and it has tracers as well it is API-T, the DM23 you are talking about is APDS , they arent quite the same rounds

DM23 never was used in full belts thats the thing thats why its only put into the second storage container for anti tank purposes. Besides that balancing issue because DM23 deletes enemy tanks.

The round you are looking for and want is the FAPDS round, those are the specialised high velocity anti air rounds. Sadly gajin for whatever reason is not adding those, citing balancing reasons because they would make the gepard to much of a tank destroyer.

But even then short range denial, for around 3km ±, the purposes u want is roland territory. Cannon rounds do not reach the necesary distance for atgm helicopters like ka 50 and co. They only work against CAS helis with dumb rockets and the current rounds do a perfect job against those


Yes it is.
1A2 has DM23 in the secondary belt, before one researches DM23 in the mods.

I really don’t care, but if GJ already put every Z19E in every single game vs Gepard 1A2, then GJ should also give means to fight it, or ze Germans are still used for Russian players to shit on?

it isnt u got sth wrong there or remember wrong

it literaly cant happen Z19E is 11.3, if you consistently meet that u are playing at least 10.3 matches, in which case i am going back to saying use the damn flarakpz 1 against helis. Its literaly the inability on your part in not handling it right

u have it its called flarakpz1 and roland missles … wait a minute are you a damn AB player? only then u can meet Z19E in gepards, but still it continues with the fact thats not a threat u are supposed to handle, its the job of missle spaas easy as that

funnily enough in grb germany shits on russia most of the time at the 10.3 br range so i dont see what your point is

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No, it’s 10.3 and I got, at least, one today in 29 outta 30 games I’ve played.

No, I didn’t.
Ground DM23 because I hoped I’d get a full belt of those not just 40 rounds, but nothing.
Maybe it’s a bug, which this shitty game is full of anyway…

Reading helps so you are a an AB
Rcade battle player. Point stands u are using the wrong spaa easy as that

You used the Dm13 then and not Dm23 and had it confused easy as that or u prove it with a replay of yours if it is sth u unlocked recently. Either way u are completly in the wrong here right. Becaue your problem is you are using the gepard against an enemy it isnt supposed to fight in the first place

Actually no, I’m talking about SB.
So, I’m not using “wrong” SPAA, I’m using SPAA that GJ gave me in a fixed BR brackets, that were on schedule yesterday.

again still doesnt change it is your own fault, sim br of the flarakpanzer 1 is 10.3 same as the Z19E, you are using the wrongs spaas for the wrong mission. It is a skill issue on your part.
Dont try to force the gepard into a role it isnt supposed to handle

Good God, are you stupid or what?
I CAN’T play Gepard 1A2 in other SB games then the ones that have Z19E in them!
SBGF has a fixed list of vehicles on certain days, that has nothing to do with BR, except for the fact that GJ, somehow, stuffed Z19E with Gepard 1A2 into the same day, because it got 10.3 BR in SB, I guess. This is why Gepard needs a full DM23 belt.
As it is, the only difference between the regular Gepard at 8.3 and 1A2 at 9.7 are 4 Stingers, who have less of a range against choppers then even a 35mm gun with shitty ammo.

no clearly u are

again, you arent supposed to fight Z19E u literaly cant fight them, thats the job of other players or u switch to another vehicle the gepard cant do anything against them

  1. Gepard never used DM23 full belts, how many times do you need to hear that, thats why it isnt getting them
  2. DM23 will not let you reach the Z19E. The Blue Arrow 9 missle has a reach of 6km, even with DM23 you do not reach that distance. You literaly cant fight them with DM23 or even FAPDS in the future for that matter. Its not their job. You are just to stupid to understand the job of the Gepard1a2

Yes the stingers are good for other purposes for plane hunting for further distances but not for helis because they are out of range. You just arent smart enough to understand the job of the Gepard 1a2 or gepard overall for that matter. ATGM Heli carriers are from a distance of 5km only counterable by SAM carriers not by cannon spaas jesus. Get that in your head.

I understand u want to play the Gepard in SIM. But you are complaining about an enemy you arent even supposed to fight, either another teammate has to deal with it. or u need to switch your vehicle easy as that. but the gepard 1a2 wont do anything in that situation even with DM23

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…and I’ve been wondering who’s playing this game these days…no wonder the WR on GER teams.

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jokes on you, i didnt play since a week because i am encrossed in helldivers and only played air china for quite a while. Didnt play germany since december genius. But everyone is able to tell you the basics, even more so since nothing changed at all at the gepard1a2.

Honestly it is a joke how you are performing apparently so poorly with 17k games and arent even able to understand the very basics of the game that autocannon spaas arent able to destroy targets beyond 3-4 km. Excluding high caliber ones maybe with proxy rounds.

Even more so you had to start insulting me earlier while i was explaining the stuff to you calmly because you arent apparently able to cope with your inability to understand the very basics

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  • It never used full DM23 belts and its unclear if it even COULD do that
  • FAPDS-T is literally a better version of DM23, which it COULD use in the main belt along with the HEI-T
  • bring a plane with decent guns like F-86K to shoot the helis down. Swiss squadron Hunter even has two AGM-65Bs that enable you to shoot them down before they can really do anything about you

Gepard is simply the wrong weapon for that scenario.


@Yontzee i assume you already have this?

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Yeah, well, that’s kinda point of my posts.
So, GJ should reduce its BR, or buff its belts/missiles.

its br is fine for its supposed purpose of close air denial, the belts and missles cant be buffed further either. And will not be able to reach a Z-19 either way. You just have to use a Roland for that job.
The problem lies with u, not the gepard

So this would be the current Gepard 1A2 minus the Stingers (so at a lower BR)?

And if they had added the proper ammo for it (full FAPDS-T belts)